NSW International Organizers
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NSW International Organizers
For those who are involved in sokker.org and want to organize NSW in any country and to share their experience.

2010-11-29 22:34
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Nation Sokker War 2011-03-02
update started at: 2010-11-29 / 19-45-00 sokker time
__ NSW Lists Coordinator: lists, possible rival, agreed confrontations and organizers.
Hello, please report here or by sk-mail NSW news (week 15, 2011-03-02).
This thread is to publish information given by NSW Organizers.
First post shall be edited instead of making a new post every time.
For other NSW conversations can use traditional topic:NSW
Thanks to all those are colaborating in this NSW Lists Coordinator,
you (plus users) are invited to entry in NSW International Organizers
Association to better do this task. More organizers are needed.
Click above!. ;D
Here you can find:
2010-11-10 All NSW lists organizers:
Nations looking for a rival this NSW::
Provisionally Confirmed confrontations- Lists in progres::
2011-03-02 Nation Sokker War: all wars
_______________Feel free to post there your NSW fixtures when your matches has been generated.
Make sure all teams are free in week 15 :)
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Animated Flags from: http://www.flags-and-anthems.com/index.html
Nation Sokker War basic rules proposal:
In order to make NSW rules clear and easy to accept and understand (to avoid discussions and other issues that makes NSW complicated) here are basic rules I do propose:
You name yourself NSW organizer and only if you have success in organizing you really are NSW organizer.
1- One Nation (or coalition, or alliance) plays versus One Nation (or coalition, or alliance) with their voluntarily applied clubs in friendly matches to get 1 point for 1 victory and win confrontation by getting more points than the other Nation (or coalition, or alliance).
2-NSW matches date is on Wednesday, 15th week of current sokker season. Make sure all teams are free from friendly leagues. If you want to play NSW earlier just come to an agreement with another nation.
3- Friendly invitations must be sent and accepted in cup rules to avoid draws. Ask users to be patient because some others can't connect as often as they would like. Send sk-mail to refresh memory 1 week before date, at least.
4- NSW confrontation starts with initial score: 0-0. So no WO is counted. If you (organizers) want to count WO as 1 point (win by default: not accepted invitation in time limit) you must say it clear when you are applying teams and both orgnizers must have came to an agreement about in wich way WO are counted (setting time limit, and other conditions needed) and publish it in forums.
5-Organizers (both sides) starts lists to apply teams to play NSW and have the last word in possible rules changes.
6-Organizers keep inscriptions chronologically sorted. Who first applies first get a rival.
7- When is time to generate matches cut lists on equal amount of teams and open reserve list with the rest keeping sort.
8- Set rules of how works reserve list. If matches have been generated and a team fails in accepting (because he already have another friendly match accepted) can be replaced by the first on reserve list if he agrees (if not try the second and so the rest of the list). If a new team applies in shortest reserve list after matches are generated can play versus the first on rival reserve list i he agrees (if not try the second and so the rest of the list).
9-Matches are generated by sorting lists by season rate average mark. The best versus the best and so the rest of the list. If you want to sort by ranking points just come to an agreement with rival nation organizer.
10-Matches must be generated before Thuesday, 14th week when friendlies are again available to set.
11-Once a user is registered in a NSW list he does accept the rules. So make clear rules and publish it.
[NSW] Nation Sokker War 2011-03-02
2010-11-29 22:34
NSW 2010-11-10
2010-11-15 15:35
NSW Flags
2010-11-04 17:23