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Asunto: »7170 managers in Sokker!
I obviously don't know all that is involved, but I'd love to at least help out by getting things like FAQ histories up to date, and cleaning up some of these excess divisions. Things that'd don't involve changing the basic concept of the game, but that should make the game appear a lot less outdated and from a time when it was thriving.
I definitely agree with you nomaicracer (this is coming from a player who has played since 2005 but had to start a new team after leaving for a few real world years), but baby steps
I definitely agree with you nomaicracer (this is coming from a player who has played since 2005 but had to start a new team after leaving for a few real world years), but baby steps
With more new managers lower competitions will also become competitive and fun to be in, that's something all managers can help with by promoting the game, and helping new managers by being their mentor.
In Czech Republic there are 5 divisions. Yet all new users get team in 4th division. So 5th division is completely unnecessary. But the main problem is that those leagues in 4th division are full of bots and new users who are inactive since beginning. If you are beginner who is really active, it is tremendously hard to get out of the 4th division. Leagues in 3rd division are full of really old teams who are like dinosaurs. They are not really active, they are not really skilled, but they have gotten huge advantage of being in the game for so many years. And this is all this game is about. About the time. It takes so long to create a good team.
There should be a new division structure, and greg said that if enough managers agreed he would look into it as a new structure was also already his idea. Unfortunately, like so many other (good) ideas, it died a quick death in the hands of the DEVs.
And botteams in higher divisions should also become completely bot, with crappy players and all, at the start of a new season so these teams will fall down to the lowest division very quickly, in 2 or 3 seasons, so other teams can promote. Not like it is currently, this system keeps everyone locked in the division they are in. Indeed almost impossible to promote from bottom up.
And botteams in higher divisions should also become completely bot, with crappy players and all, at the start of a new season so these teams will fall down to the lowest division very quickly, in 2 or 3 seasons, so other teams can promote. Not like it is currently, this system keeps everyone locked in the division they are in. Indeed almost impossible to promote from bottom up.
New division structure would be great. Would have been good at sokkers peak, and good at its current low too.
Hopefully some staff member is willing to find a way to communicate with the DEVs again. Probably impossible, but who knows.
Hopefully some staff member is willing to find a way to communicate with the DEVs again. Probably impossible, but who knows.
I've checked bugs/ideas forum and searched for 2nd team thread - ther's one form 2011 o.O (sic!). How come sokker DEVs couldn't find a way for active, long lasting managers to manage two teams at the same time?
Is it an engine problem or anything else? I've idea how could it look like (yes I know this is not a ideas forum, but there's a thread with no solution):
A possibility of having two teams may not be only for those who pay PLUS, but for all of the managers who stayed with the game for 3 seasons without any rules violation. And then we would get a possibility - new button - "Send a order for another team" - on the main page after logging in.
This posibility would only deal with teams from countries under 50 active managers - for example Polish managers will get permition to rule a team from Kenya - manager would be able to choose a country.
You'll ask me what about Kenyan managers (if there would be some) - they will get te same restriction, because my idea sticks to a situation of biulding up countries with low amount of managers. And first of all I do not see a situation when we rule 2 teams in our highest lvl league - a big risk of rules violation. But this would give a big chance to build up revive ou dying game.
Ok then we will have another account?
- No! if there's a posiibility to get this like we rule NT teams - we will get attatched to a BOT team and we could easily switch to another team just by clicking a certain button - just as we work with NT - but the possibility of adminstring this team would be the same as in our main team - we would also be seen as logged-in in two teams (as a NT managers in 3).
This would easily prevent from making transfer deals with the other possessed team.
What about NT?
- Polish manager who has a team in for example Kenya - wouldn't be able to be it's NT coach - only Polish NT - as it is right now. Why? - I wouldn't like to be accused of giving more chances to my Kenyan players in their NT, nomather skills they would have. My success would be to put a player into a NT on a fair-play rules.
There's also a slight difference between countries that have 400 active managers and those with 3-4. More eyes to watch out, more players with good skills and so long.
And also Polish manager will not have an option to vote for a manager in Keyna - only in Poland, beacuse this would also be a road to violate the rules. "I'll give you my vote and you'll play most only with my youths :)".
Other sokker rule will be the same - If you'll have finantial problems you may loose the second team. But you will be only able to get another team if you'll have a for example 4 million euros "plus" on your main teams account. If you'll go down - you'll have the same time to get over the minimum lvl. more important is to maintain with our main team right?:)
What about that? I know that tere are things that I might forget about the IDEA, but it seems to me as a better option then letting people to get 2 accounts.
Please don't kill me just say a word if that's a good idea or not:)?
Is it an engine problem or anything else? I've idea how could it look like (yes I know this is not a ideas forum, but there's a thread with no solution):
A possibility of having two teams may not be only for those who pay PLUS, but for all of the managers who stayed with the game for 3 seasons without any rules violation. And then we would get a possibility - new button - "Send a order for another team" - on the main page after logging in.
This posibility would only deal with teams from countries under 50 active managers - for example Polish managers will get permition to rule a team from Kenya - manager would be able to choose a country.
You'll ask me what about Kenyan managers (if there would be some) - they will get te same restriction, because my idea sticks to a situation of biulding up countries with low amount of managers. And first of all I do not see a situation when we rule 2 teams in our highest lvl league - a big risk of rules violation. But this would give a big chance to build up revive ou dying game.
Ok then we will have another account?
- No! if there's a posiibility to get this like we rule NT teams - we will get attatched to a BOT team and we could easily switch to another team just by clicking a certain button - just as we work with NT - but the possibility of adminstring this team would be the same as in our main team - we would also be seen as logged-in in two teams (as a NT managers in 3).
This would easily prevent from making transfer deals with the other possessed team.
What about NT?
- Polish manager who has a team in for example Kenya - wouldn't be able to be it's NT coach - only Polish NT - as it is right now. Why? - I wouldn't like to be accused of giving more chances to my Kenyan players in their NT, nomather skills they would have. My success would be to put a player into a NT on a fair-play rules.
There's also a slight difference between countries that have 400 active managers and those with 3-4. More eyes to watch out, more players with good skills and so long.
And also Polish manager will not have an option to vote for a manager in Keyna - only in Poland, beacuse this would also be a road to violate the rules. "I'll give you my vote and you'll play most only with my youths :)".
Other sokker rule will be the same - If you'll have finantial problems you may loose the second team. But you will be only able to get another team if you'll have a for example 4 million euros "plus" on your main teams account. If you'll go down - you'll have the same time to get over the minimum lvl. more important is to maintain with our main team right?:)
What about that? I know that tere are things that I might forget about the IDEA, but it seems to me as a better option then letting people to get 2 accounts.
Please don't kill me just say a word if that's a good idea or not:)?
I can't imagine managers from other countries being happy their country is flooded by Polish managers. I won't!
that was just an example, and I believe - this is not my fault that Poland has 3,7k managers amongst 12k in a polish game...
also I made only bases for the IDEA, we should think it out how can this look like, it doesn't has to be like that that 1k Polish managers go to the rest of the sokker teams and countries ;]
there was a time when Romania got a second place next to Brasil, Turkey, Italy and they all had aprox 1k managers, right now only Poland has more then 1k users...
those restrictions may work differnetly according to Poland if your so affraid of us ;]
also I made only bases for the IDEA, we should think it out how can this look like, it doesn't has to be like that that 1k Polish managers go to the rest of the sokker teams and countries ;]
there was a time when Romania got a second place next to Brasil, Turkey, Italy and they all had aprox 1k managers, right now only Poland has more then 1k users...
those restrictions may work differnetly according to Poland if your so affraid of us ;]
Most ideas are already suggested to DEVs. Here you can search, your idea of more then 1 team has been suggested a number of times. Never implemented. And don't expect new implementations, DEVs keep the game running, but that's it.
Here is the idea forum:
Here is the idea forum:
Hi everyone..
I'm coming back after 4~5 years away from Sokker.
I don't remember that well but I guess I played between 2006-2013, same user name. I was really addicted to that game, specially back then in 2006-2009. I was even brazilian NT coach and forum moderator.
My opinion coming back now is that Sokker has stopped at the time. From all same style games, it's by far the best one when it comes to match engine. However.. :
- The game layout is horrible, really. It's not easy to find anything and it's not user friendly. I don't know if you have the stats, but I guess lots of new users give up the game in the first 2-3 days. I used to play sokker 14 years ago, it hasn't changed a lot since then and in my opinion it got even hard to find every game functions. It took me more than 20 hours to find the bottom menu and the forum itself (that may explain why brazilian forum is so inactive, and it used to be really attractive back then).
- We don't have many options for the ''new generation''. I might be wrong, but I guess we cannot watch matches in our smartphones and many other functions also don't work. Why don't we invest some money in software developing for iOS/Android app and make it available for plus users?
- I was at plus trial for new users and it has now expired. I really didn't see that much of difference, and I guess it's not the best timing for new users to have that plus trial, since they are still learning the hard game layout/playability.
- It was once said here but we have too many leagues levels and some of them are unnecessary since we mostly don't have active users.
I'm coming back after 4~5 years away from Sokker.
I don't remember that well but I guess I played between 2006-2013, same user name. I was really addicted to that game, specially back then in 2006-2009. I was even brazilian NT coach and forum moderator.
My opinion coming back now is that Sokker has stopped at the time. From all same style games, it's by far the best one when it comes to match engine. However.. :
- The game layout is horrible, really. It's not easy to find anything and it's not user friendly. I don't know if you have the stats, but I guess lots of new users give up the game in the first 2-3 days. I used to play sokker 14 years ago, it hasn't changed a lot since then and in my opinion it got even hard to find every game functions. It took me more than 20 hours to find the bottom menu and the forum itself (that may explain why brazilian forum is so inactive, and it used to be really attractive back then).
- We don't have many options for the ''new generation''. I might be wrong, but I guess we cannot watch matches in our smartphones and many other functions also don't work. Why don't we invest some money in software developing for iOS/Android app and make it available for plus users?
- I was at plus trial for new users and it has now expired. I really didn't see that much of difference, and I guess it's not the best timing for new users to have that plus trial, since they are still learning the hard game layout/playability.
- It was once said here but we have too many leagues levels and some of them are unnecessary since we mostly don't have active users.
current owners doesn't give a sh... about this game any more. any possible solution is to find dedicated person which want changes of course with money who would like to buy this project from them. any other complaints are just pointless
There are dedicated persons who are willing to take over...
But the owners must be willing to sell...
But the owners must be willing to sell...
maybe this persons should ask owners. did someone try???
There were many buyers in the past, zero answer from the owner.