Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
Asunto: »7170 managers in Sokker!
I agree with you on the part that everyone has different preference and play-style, so if someone likes this style of play, it certainly should be a viable way how to play the game. Nothing against that. On the other hand, as you stated a lot of those things you talk about, need extra software, plugin, some kind of assistance and extra steps. That player needs to reach the forums, needs to read up on it, then choose what will be the most benefiting for him and then learn how to work with it. Thats a lot of extra steps just so you can be a bit more efficient in your strategy. Why all this hustle for newcomers? Why in almost 20 years, isn't tracking of players talent feature within the game? Why do guys like BlueZero, who made website for CZ/SK community, have to code their own tools just so they can be better at the game? Or have better overview over their squad? I get it, if you want, and know what to do, you can definitely do it and be okay with it. But this also means, that out of 100, maybe 97 will quit, before they even discover those things. Not even taking into account the patience needed, to see, if it works properly or you bought good players.
Current system for me means that I will now get some trainers, will spam transfer market for days, get a bunch of young lads hoping for talent (ex your transfer history, only 21 sales with hundreds of purchases.. a lot of try and error there), its unnecessary, unfriendly and not very intuitive. Then I have to create my own spread sheets and track their progress, or get some external software (most of the western population nowadays uses MacOS, found only one apple app and that is paid for), maybe I wasnt looking at the right places, but.. even if I know what I want to look for, I struggle to do so. After that, I will need to change those players every few weeks, I cant as you said be really emotional about it or be proud of my youth intake, as that means I will be left behind, so I will have to recycle the players. Some people like YA challenges, want to have homegrown players, want to play with best squad possible, some want to produce youngsters, but all those should be viable strategy. The only strategy that is viable, is via training players, because its the only one that generates enough money to as you said, go after them. Which forces players to do very specific and not very intuitive nor fun thing for years just so they have a chance. If you will focus on best squad possible to win your league, in three seasons you will be out of business due to wages and poor fanbase not being able to keep up with your expenses. You cant do anything else other than train and recycle transfer market.
The absolute necessity should not be that I have to look up information, spend extra time and download and set up specific browser just so I can play with some sense of efficiency.
You got literally carried by very specific player, who bought your first two youngsters, who have not progressed since, which enabled you to recycle that money into talented players which you sold next. I would call that more of a luck than a strategy that will carry on to everyone who does it. Thats not taking anything away from you, but just so you have maybe a different POV.
Also, the fact that the community itself needs to develop software and spam players with mentoring just so there is any kind of chance for them to progress is crazy. I remember when I was part of a mentoring team. Every week we would check every single registered player in our country and in a team of several mentors we would contact them, give them the tools, the information, help them with any questions they may have had. It was very time consuming, plain and simple, unnecessary. Why isn't this part of the game? Why isn't there a viable tutorial? Why most of the really needed things are not part of the game? Why the evolution of the team you start with have not changed since day 1? As Borkos stated, the game is very different for every user. Why isn't the value/quality of your team/money calculated based on where are you put into? How do you think new player feels when he gets into Poland league system? Do you think its fun for them, when they have in their league people being stuck there for several years but with tons of money on top? Its not that you are outperforming them, they just don't care nor try anymore. But if they were indeed trying, you are no competition.
A lot of managers will come on the website and will have difficulties to spend the energy in the game and will quit within the first hour
I would say this part of your message is exactly what is Sokkers fault. The player quits, because he gets on, sets his squad, sees hes shit, has no money so cant do whack, have no idea how to operate with tactic so just leaves it there, then realizes after some digging that he has a match in 5 days, logs off and forgets about the game as there was nothing to do apart from reading forum for him to do. How is that not the games fault and faulty design? Everyone starts to play new game with the search of fun. No one goes on with the intent with "I cant wait to spend next year doing nothing but checking in once a week if my players got good training session in.", I have no idea what kind of planet you live on if you think this is the mindset anyone who registers does indeed have.
Plus, from reading your messages, I would bet you are as-well a returnee, as it would be weir for someone who is there few months to be talking about what others were saying 12 years ago. So you had an idea what to do, you knew what will happen when you got in and you had plan in mind. Maybe you even had old friends who helped you out. How is your progress in any shape of form comparable to anyone who starts this game? They have the same tools? Yes, with no way of how or why to operate them. Not really the same.
Current system for me means that I will now get some trainers, will spam transfer market for days, get a bunch of young lads hoping for talent (ex your transfer history, only 21 sales with hundreds of purchases.. a lot of try and error there), its unnecessary, unfriendly and not very intuitive. Then I have to create my own spread sheets and track their progress, or get some external software (most of the western population nowadays uses MacOS, found only one apple app and that is paid for), maybe I wasnt looking at the right places, but.. even if I know what I want to look for, I struggle to do so. After that, I will need to change those players every few weeks, I cant as you said be really emotional about it or be proud of my youth intake, as that means I will be left behind, so I will have to recycle the players. Some people like YA challenges, want to have homegrown players, want to play with best squad possible, some want to produce youngsters, but all those should be viable strategy. The only strategy that is viable, is via training players, because its the only one that generates enough money to as you said, go after them. Which forces players to do very specific and not very intuitive nor fun thing for years just so they have a chance. If you will focus on best squad possible to win your league, in three seasons you will be out of business due to wages and poor fanbase not being able to keep up with your expenses. You cant do anything else other than train and recycle transfer market.
The absolute necessity should not be that I have to look up information, spend extra time and download and set up specific browser just so I can play with some sense of efficiency.
You got literally carried by very specific player, who bought your first two youngsters, who have not progressed since, which enabled you to recycle that money into talented players which you sold next. I would call that more of a luck than a strategy that will carry on to everyone who does it. Thats not taking anything away from you, but just so you have maybe a different POV.
Also, the fact that the community itself needs to develop software and spam players with mentoring just so there is any kind of chance for them to progress is crazy. I remember when I was part of a mentoring team. Every week we would check every single registered player in our country and in a team of several mentors we would contact them, give them the tools, the information, help them with any questions they may have had. It was very time consuming, plain and simple, unnecessary. Why isn't this part of the game? Why isn't there a viable tutorial? Why most of the really needed things are not part of the game? Why the evolution of the team you start with have not changed since day 1? As Borkos stated, the game is very different for every user. Why isn't the value/quality of your team/money calculated based on where are you put into? How do you think new player feels when he gets into Poland league system? Do you think its fun for them, when they have in their league people being stuck there for several years but with tons of money on top? Its not that you are outperforming them, they just don't care nor try anymore. But if they were indeed trying, you are no competition.
A lot of managers will come on the website and will have difficulties to spend the energy in the game and will quit within the first hour
I would say this part of your message is exactly what is Sokkers fault. The player quits, because he gets on, sets his squad, sees hes shit, has no money so cant do whack, have no idea how to operate with tactic so just leaves it there, then realizes after some digging that he has a match in 5 days, logs off and forgets about the game as there was nothing to do apart from reading forum for him to do. How is that not the games fault and faulty design? Everyone starts to play new game with the search of fun. No one goes on with the intent with "I cant wait to spend next year doing nothing but checking in once a week if my players got good training session in.", I have no idea what kind of planet you live on if you think this is the mindset anyone who registers does indeed have.
Plus, from reading your messages, I would bet you are as-well a returnee, as it would be weir for someone who is there few months to be talking about what others were saying 12 years ago. So you had an idea what to do, you knew what will happen when you got in and you had plan in mind. Maybe you even had old friends who helped you out. How is your progress in any shape of form comparable to anyone who starts this game? They have the same tools? Yes, with no way of how or why to operate them. Not really the same.
Current system for me means that I will now get some trainers, will spam transfer market for days, get a bunch of young lads hoping for talent (ex your transfer history, only 21 sales with hundreds of purchases.. a lot of try and error there), its unnecessary, unfriendly and not very intuitive.
You got literally carried by very specific player, who bought your first two youngsters, who have not progressed since, which enabled you to recycle that money into talented players which you sold next
You are really wrong there... 95 % of my purchases are 1 Europlayers to fill my A-squad. I fired them afterwards in the same week in most of the cases. I trained maybe 20 youngsters and therefor I had to buy maybe 35 players. Some didn't have talent and I had to sell/fire them after a couple of weeks in the beginning. You go on with the talented ones. Sometimes to sell with profit, sometimes to train further. My first good sales were worth 1M Euro together, what was really underpaid. He was the lucky one. They were probably talent around 4. Not superb, but not bad at all. It's his problem they didn't progress. That was not luck. Afterwards I tried to buy some more expensive trainees but that wasn't always a succes. I lost money on some of them. Bought players for 500k, sold for 150 k, bought for 1,2 M sold for 17.000. It's not really that important because I did good business on the cheaper ones. Most important is you learn to track talent with a big safety margin and sell them afterwards you have proven good talent. Most players who fit in that plan cost less than 50.000 Euro. If I would have listened to a mentor my evolution would be slow, a lot slower than now.
Every new manager can do that, but he has to read the forums, read the rules, ask advice, look at other managers, sk mail a manager who bought a specific player to ask why he bought him at that price, ...... Offcourse it costs a lot of time. If I buy a player it's only after an evaluation of time in youth, endlevel, margin of safety and minimal talent. It's not gambling and trial and error; It's 80 procent research, communication and going after necessary information. Sometimes you take a gamble with a 16 y old for example, but most of the time you will lose in that case. I take small "gambles". I'm certain for talent 4 at least and hope for a lot better.
BUT you need to invest time, offcourse it's difficult to evaluate talent, to dtermine if a player has talent too, but it's an essential thing in this game. Buy players with probably a good talent, proof by training and then train further for A-team purposes or sell to get some money. It takes time and effort and indeed probably only less than 5% will take that time. Just like I see in real life that only 5 % are willing to do their job properly, search for real solutions for problems, and go after essential information and take the right steps to avoid the same problems in the future. It's not sokkers fault, it's a human fault. In my opinion offcourse!
How is your progress in any shape of form comparable to anyone who starts this game? They have the same tools? Yes, with no way of how or why to operate them. Not really the same.
Offcourse it's not the same, but I want to say that a certain mindset is needed, more than experience. Even with the best mindset they will make more mistakes than me, but they will get there too, maybe a bit slower, but maybe better and faster too. Because their idea of the most profitable trainee is better too, who knows...
Offcourse All what I describe is tactic and the way I taken on the game and what I see as the most profitable way. Offcourse sokker had to provide already for a longtime a basic tutorial with explanation how to train players, explain orders, explain the "thing" of hidden talent, explain youthschool, trainers, ... Offcourse they have failed in that way. After that sort of general video everyone can go his own way with his own ideas about training, etc... It would be very helpful to show in a video the evolution of a 18y old player with some weekly training and what happens if he gets injured etc... Offcourse they fail in the basic information, I agree on that to be clear!
You got literally carried by very specific player, who bought your first two youngsters, who have not progressed since, which enabled you to recycle that money into talented players which you sold next
You are really wrong there... 95 % of my purchases are 1 Europlayers to fill my A-squad. I fired them afterwards in the same week in most of the cases. I trained maybe 20 youngsters and therefor I had to buy maybe 35 players. Some didn't have talent and I had to sell/fire them after a couple of weeks in the beginning. You go on with the talented ones. Sometimes to sell with profit, sometimes to train further. My first good sales were worth 1M Euro together, what was really underpaid. He was the lucky one. They were probably talent around 4. Not superb, but not bad at all. It's his problem they didn't progress. That was not luck. Afterwards I tried to buy some more expensive trainees but that wasn't always a succes. I lost money on some of them. Bought players for 500k, sold for 150 k, bought for 1,2 M sold for 17.000. It's not really that important because I did good business on the cheaper ones. Most important is you learn to track talent with a big safety margin and sell them afterwards you have proven good talent. Most players who fit in that plan cost less than 50.000 Euro. If I would have listened to a mentor my evolution would be slow, a lot slower than now.
Every new manager can do that, but he has to read the forums, read the rules, ask advice, look at other managers, sk mail a manager who bought a specific player to ask why he bought him at that price, ...... Offcourse it costs a lot of time. If I buy a player it's only after an evaluation of time in youth, endlevel, margin of safety and minimal talent. It's not gambling and trial and error; It's 80 procent research, communication and going after necessary information. Sometimes you take a gamble with a 16 y old for example, but most of the time you will lose in that case. I take small "gambles". I'm certain for talent 4 at least and hope for a lot better.
BUT you need to invest time, offcourse it's difficult to evaluate talent, to dtermine if a player has talent too, but it's an essential thing in this game. Buy players with probably a good talent, proof by training and then train further for A-team purposes or sell to get some money. It takes time and effort and indeed probably only less than 5% will take that time. Just like I see in real life that only 5 % are willing to do their job properly, search for real solutions for problems, and go after essential information and take the right steps to avoid the same problems in the future. It's not sokkers fault, it's a human fault. In my opinion offcourse!
How is your progress in any shape of form comparable to anyone who starts this game? They have the same tools? Yes, with no way of how or why to operate them. Not really the same.
Offcourse it's not the same, but I want to say that a certain mindset is needed, more than experience. Even with the best mindset they will make more mistakes than me, but they will get there too, maybe a bit slower, but maybe better and faster too. Because their idea of the most profitable trainee is better too, who knows...
Offcourse All what I describe is tactic and the way I taken on the game and what I see as the most profitable way. Offcourse sokker had to provide already for a longtime a basic tutorial with explanation how to train players, explain orders, explain the "thing" of hidden talent, explain youthschool, trainers, ... Offcourse they have failed in that way. After that sort of general video everyone can go his own way with his own ideas about training, etc... It would be very helpful to show in a video the evolution of a 18y old player with some weekly training and what happens if he gets injured etc... Offcourse they fail in the basic information, I agree on that to be clear!
Current system for me means that I will now get some trainers, will spam transfer market for days, get a bunch of young lads hoping for talent (ex your transfer history, only 21 sales with hundreds of purchases.. a lot of try and error there), its unnecessary, unfriendly and not very intuitive.
You got literally carried by very specific player, who bought your first two youngsters, who have not progressed since, which enabled you to recycle that money into talented players which you sold next
You are really wrong there... 95 % of my purchases are 1 Europlayers to fill my A-squad. I fired them afterwards in the same week in most of the cases. I trained maybe 20 youngsters and therefor I had to buy maybe 35 players. Some didn't have talent and I had to sell/fire them after a couple of weeks in the beginning. You go on with the talented ones. Sometimes to sell with profit, sometimes to train further. My first good sales were worth 1M Euro together, what was really underpaid. He was the lucky one. They were probably talent around 4. Not superb, but not bad at all. It's his problem they didn't progress. That was not luck. Afterwards I tried to buy some more expensive trainees but that wasn't always a succes. I lost money on some of them. Bought players for 500k, sold for 150 k, bought for 1,2 M sold for 17.000. It's not really that important because I did good business on the cheaper ones. Most important is you learn to track talent with a big safety margin and sell them afterwards you have proven good talent. Most players who fit in that plan cost less than 50.000 Euro. If I would have listened to a mentor my evolution would be slow, a lot slower than now.
Every new manager can do that, but he has to read the forums, read the rules, ask advice, look at other managers, sk mail a manager who bought a specific player to ask why he bought him at that price, ...... Offcourse it costs a lot of time. If I buy a player it's only after an evaluation of time in youth, endlevel, margin of safety and minimal talent. It's not gambling and trial and error; It's 80 procent research, communication and going after necessary information. Sometimes you take a gamble with a 16 y old for example, but most of the time you will lose in that case. I take small "gambles". I'm certain for talent 4 at least and hope for a lot better.
BUT you need to invest time, offcourse it's difficult to evaluate talent, to dtermine if a player has talent too, but it's an essential thing in this game. Buy players with probably a good talent, proof by training and then train further for A-team purposes or sell to get some money. It takes time and effort and indeed probably only less than 5% will take that time. Just like I see in real life that only 5 % are willing to do their job properly, search for real solutions for problems, and go after essential information and take the right steps to avoid the same problems in the future. It's not sokkers fault, it's a human fault. In my opinion offcourse!
How is your progress in any shape of form comparable to anyone who starts this game? They have the same tools? Yes, with no way of how or why to operate them. Not really the same.
Offcourse it's not the same, but I want to say that a certain mindset is needed, more than experience. Even with the best mindset they will make more mistakes than me, but they will get there too, maybe a bit slower, but maybe better and faster too. Because their idea of the most profitable trainee is better too, who knows...
Offcourse All what I describe is tactic and the way I taken on the game and what I see as the most profitable way. Offcourse sokker had to provide already for a longtime a basic tutorial with explanation how to train players, explain orders, explain the "thing" of hidden talent, explain youthschool, trainers, ... Offcourse they have failed in that way. After that sort of general video everyone can go his own way with his own ideas about training, etc... It would be very helpful to show in a video the evolution of a 18y old player with some weekly training and what happens if he gets injured etc... Offcourse they fail in the basic information, I agree on that to be clear!
You got literally carried by very specific player, who bought your first two youngsters, who have not progressed since, which enabled you to recycle that money into talented players which you sold next
You are really wrong there... 95 % of my purchases are 1 Europlayers to fill my A-squad. I fired them afterwards in the same week in most of the cases. I trained maybe 20 youngsters and therefor I had to buy maybe 35 players. Some didn't have talent and I had to sell/fire them after a couple of weeks in the beginning. You go on with the talented ones. Sometimes to sell with profit, sometimes to train further. My first good sales were worth 1M Euro together, what was really underpaid. He was the lucky one. They were probably talent around 4. Not superb, but not bad at all. It's his problem they didn't progress. That was not luck. Afterwards I tried to buy some more expensive trainees but that wasn't always a succes. I lost money on some of them. Bought players for 500k, sold for 150 k, bought for 1,2 M sold for 17.000. It's not really that important because I did good business on the cheaper ones. Most important is you learn to track talent with a big safety margin and sell them afterwards you have proven good talent. Most players who fit in that plan cost less than 50.000 Euro. If I would have listened to a mentor my evolution would be slow, a lot slower than now.
Every new manager can do that, but he has to read the forums, read the rules, ask advice, look at other managers, sk mail a manager who bought a specific player to ask why he bought him at that price, ...... Offcourse it costs a lot of time. If I buy a player it's only after an evaluation of time in youth, endlevel, margin of safety and minimal talent. It's not gambling and trial and error; It's 80 procent research, communication and going after necessary information. Sometimes you take a gamble with a 16 y old for example, but most of the time you will lose in that case. I take small "gambles". I'm certain for talent 4 at least and hope for a lot better.
BUT you need to invest time, offcourse it's difficult to evaluate talent, to dtermine if a player has talent too, but it's an essential thing in this game. Buy players with probably a good talent, proof by training and then train further for A-team purposes or sell to get some money. It takes time and effort and indeed probably only less than 5% will take that time. Just like I see in real life that only 5 % are willing to do their job properly, search for real solutions for problems, and go after essential information and take the right steps to avoid the same problems in the future. It's not sokkers fault, it's a human fault. In my opinion offcourse!
How is your progress in any shape of form comparable to anyone who starts this game? They have the same tools? Yes, with no way of how or why to operate them. Not really the same.
Offcourse it's not the same, but I want to say that a certain mindset is needed, more than experience. Even with the best mindset they will make more mistakes than me, but they will get there too, maybe a bit slower, but maybe better and faster too. Because their idea of the most profitable trainee is better too, who knows...
Offcourse All what I describe is tactic and the way I taken on the game and what I see as the most profitable way. Offcourse sokker had to provide already for a longtime a basic tutorial with explanation how to train players, explain orders, explain the "thing" of hidden talent, explain youthschool, trainers, ... Offcourse they have failed in that way. After that sort of general video everyone can go his own way with his own ideas about training, etc... It would be very helpful to show in a video the evolution of a 18y old player with some weekly training and what happens if he gets injured etc... Offcourse they fail in the basic information, I agree on that to be clear!
It's about 8200 ;-) Someone knows the numbers, graph or smthg how much new players are here per month? etc.
Probably another influx of facebook newbies that will log in twice and then disappear.
The ads seem to be working. There is a huge increase in the number of new users in Türkiye this week. 55 new users appear this week. I hope it will be permanent. It would be nice for Sokker to improve. Good job devs
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2024-03-11 55
I said over and over Again, biggest reason we lack numbers is marketing.... other online manager games arent better
Marketing is not the problem
It will help but only a bit
The problem is a VERY low % of users staying long-term.
Most new users log in never or once.
It will help but only a bit
The problem is a VERY low % of users staying long-term.
Most new users log in never or once.