Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
Asunto: »[SV] SokkerViewer
we finished work on new features in GUI so I send new text for translation. = Creation date
club.rank = Rank points
club.region = Region
club.logo = Logo
coach.available = Available trainers
weather = Weather
weather.0 = heavy clouds (heavy shower)
weather.1 = heavy clouds (shower)
weather.2 = partly cloudy (drizzle)
weather.3 = moderate clouds (cool)
weather.4 = moderate clouds (warm)
weather.5 = sparse clouds (warm)
weather.6 = no clouds (warm)
weather.7 = no clouds (hot)
configure.database = Database
junior.size.max = Number of places
login.error.-1 = Uknown response
login.error.-2 = Login data downloading error
login.error.-3 = Writing data error
login.error.-4 = No response
login.error.0 = OK
login.error.1 = Bad password
login.error.3 = User has no team
login.error.4 = User is banned
login.error.5 = User is bankrupt
login.error.6 = User's IP is on blacklist = There is new version of SokkerViewer. Do You want to download it ?
pl.pronux.sokker.viewer.plugins.ViewTransfers.description = Transfers
player.discipline = Discipline
player.experience = Experience
player.teamwork = Teamwork = Complete data = Downloading transfers data... = Setting transfers data...
statistics.rank = Rank
table.discipline = Dis
table.from = From
table.experience = Exp
table.teamwork = Twrk = To = TFor = TTyp
table.price = Price
table.skill.short = Skl
table.week.short = Week
training.formation.4 = ALL = Training report
training.type.1.short = Sta
training.type.2.short = Kpr
training.type.3.short = Plm
training.type.4.short = Pas
training.type.5.short = Tec
training.type.6.short = Def
training.type.7.short = Str
training.type.8.short = Spd
transfers.balance = Balance
transfers.expanses = Expanses
transfers.expanses.average = Avarage expanses
transfers.income = Income
transfers.income.average = Average incoming
transfers.purchases.number = Number of purchases
transfers.sales.number = Number of sales
tree.ViewTransfers = Transfers = Add = Remove
thanks for all translators!
(editado) = Creation date
club.rank = Rank points
club.region = Region
club.logo = Logo
coach.available = Available trainers
weather = Weather
weather.0 = heavy clouds (heavy shower)
weather.1 = heavy clouds (shower)
weather.2 = partly cloudy (drizzle)
weather.3 = moderate clouds (cool)
weather.4 = moderate clouds (warm)
weather.5 = sparse clouds (warm)
weather.6 = no clouds (warm)
weather.7 = no clouds (hot)
configure.database = Database
junior.size.max = Number of places
login.error.-1 = Uknown response
login.error.-2 = Login data downloading error
login.error.-3 = Writing data error
login.error.-4 = No response
login.error.0 = OK
login.error.1 = Bad password
login.error.3 = User has no team
login.error.4 = User is banned
login.error.5 = User is bankrupt
login.error.6 = User's IP is on blacklist = There is new version of SokkerViewer. Do You want to download it ?
pl.pronux.sokker.viewer.plugins.ViewTransfers.description = Transfers
player.discipline = Discipline
player.experience = Experience
player.teamwork = Teamwork = Complete data = Downloading transfers data... = Setting transfers data...
statistics.rank = Rank
table.discipline = Dis
table.from = From
table.experience = Exp
table.teamwork = Twrk = To = TFor = TTyp
table.price = Price
table.skill.short = Skl
table.week.short = Week
training.formation.4 = ALL = Training report
training.type.1.short = Sta
training.type.2.short = Kpr
training.type.3.short = Plm
training.type.4.short = Pas
training.type.5.short = Tec
training.type.6.short = Def
training.type.7.short = Str
training.type.8.short = Spd
transfers.balance = Balance
transfers.expanses = Expanses
transfers.expanses.average = Avarage expanses
transfers.income = Income
transfers.income.average = Average incoming
transfers.purchases.number = Number of purchases
transfers.sales.number = Number of sales
tree.ViewTransfers = Transfers = Add = Remove
thanks for all translators!
French translation
login.error.-1 = réponse inconnue
login.error.-2 = Erreur de téléchargement de données
login.error.-3 = Erreur d'écriture de données
login.error.-4 = Pas de réponse
login.error.0 = OK
login.error.1 = Mauvais mot de passe
login.error.3 = L'utilisateur n'a pas d'équipe
login.error.4 = L'utilisateur est banni
login.error.5 = L'utilisateur est en banqueroute
login.error.6 = L'IP de l'utilisateur est sur liste noire = Une nouvelle version de Sokkerviewer est disponible. Voulez-vous la télécharger ?
pl.pronux.sokker.viewer.plugins.ViewTransfers.description = Transferts
player.discipline = Discipline
player.experience = Expérience
player.teamwork = Travail d'équipe = Données complètes = Téléchargement des données de transfert... = Paramétrage des données de tranferts...
statistics.rank = Rang
table.discipline = Dis
table.from = De
table.experience = Exp
table.teamwork = TvEq = A = Form. = Typ.
table.price = Prix
table.skill.short = Cmp
table.week.short = Sem
training.formation.4 = TOUT = Rapport d'entrainement
training.type.1.short = End
training.type.2.short = Gar
training.type.3.short = Cst
training.type.4.short = Pas
training.type.5.short = Tec
training.type.6.short = Def
training.type.7.short = But
training.type.8.short = Vit
transfers.balance = Finances
transfers.expanses = Dépenses
transfers.expanses.average = Dépenses Moyennes
transfers.income = Revenus
transfers.income.average = Revenus moyen
transfers.purchases.number = Nombre d'achats
transfers.sales.number = Nombre de ventes
tree.ViewTransfers = Transferts = Ajouter = Retirer
login.error.-1 = réponse inconnue
login.error.-2 = Erreur de téléchargement de données
login.error.-3 = Erreur d'écriture de données
login.error.-4 = Pas de réponse
login.error.0 = OK
login.error.1 = Mauvais mot de passe
login.error.3 = L'utilisateur n'a pas d'équipe
login.error.4 = L'utilisateur est banni
login.error.5 = L'utilisateur est en banqueroute
login.error.6 = L'IP de l'utilisateur est sur liste noire = Une nouvelle version de Sokkerviewer est disponible. Voulez-vous la télécharger ?
pl.pronux.sokker.viewer.plugins.ViewTransfers.description = Transferts
player.discipline = Discipline
player.experience = Expérience
player.teamwork = Travail d'équipe = Données complètes = Téléchargement des données de transfert... = Paramétrage des données de tranferts...
statistics.rank = Rang
table.discipline = Dis
table.from = De
table.experience = Exp
table.teamwork = TvEq = A = Form. = Typ.
table.price = Prix
table.skill.short = Cmp
table.week.short = Sem
training.formation.4 = TOUT = Rapport d'entrainement
training.type.1.short = End
training.type.2.short = Gar
training.type.3.short = Cst
training.type.4.short = Pas
training.type.5.short = Tec
training.type.6.short = Def
training.type.7.short = But
training.type.8.short = Vit
transfers.balance = Finances
transfers.expanses = Dépenses
transfers.expanses.average = Dépenses Moyennes
transfers.income = Revenus
transfers.income.average = Revenus moyen
transfers.purchases.number = Nombre d'achats
transfers.sales.number = Nombre de ventes
tree.ViewTransfers = Transferts = Ajouter = Retirer
Here the part i forgot ^^ = Date de création
club.rank = Ranking
club.region = Région
club.logo = Logo
coach.available = Entraineurs disponibles
weather = Météo
weather.0 = très nuageux (fortes averses)
weather.1 = très nuageux (averses)
weather.2 = nuageux (petite bruine)
weather.3 = éclaircies (frais)
weather.4 = éclaircies (doux)
weather.5 = nuages clairsemés (doux)
weather.6 = ensoleillé (doux)
weather.7 = ensoleillé (chaud)
configure.database = Base de données
junior.size.max = Nombre de places = Date de création
club.rank = Ranking
club.region = Région
club.logo = Logo
coach.available = Entraineurs disponibles
weather = Météo
weather.0 = très nuageux (fortes averses)
weather.1 = très nuageux (averses)
weather.2 = nuageux (petite bruine)
weather.3 = éclaircies (frais)
weather.4 = éclaircies (doux)
weather.5 = nuages clairsemés (doux)
weather.6 = ensoleillé (doux)
weather.7 = ensoleillé (chaud)
configure.database = Base de données
junior.size.max = Nombre de places
We finished test and we are removing minor bugs. Parallely we are waiting for translations. Why You ask ?
Are you also working on mac version?
Have you changed the mac version, or is it still the same on your website?
Have you changed the mac version, or is it still the same on your website?
Do you need Slovak translation?
(dunno if there is Slovak available, cause i'm using the english version :-P)
I'm really looking for the new version ;-).
(dunno if there is Slovak available, cause i'm using the english version :-P)
I'm really looking for the new version ;-).
You can check how looks SV on our page. We published new screenshots;-)
here is the italian translation! = Data di creazione
club.rank = Punti Rank
club.region = Regione
club.logo = Logo
coach.available = Allenatori disponibili
weather = condizioni atmosferiche
weather.0 = nuvoloni neri (pioggia battente)
weather.1 = molto nuvoloso (pioggia)
weather.2 = parzialmente nuvoloso (pioggerella)
weather.3 = parzialmente nuvoloso (fresco)
weather.4 = parzialemnte nuvoloso (caldo)
weather.5 = nuvole sparse (caldo)
weather.6 = sereno (caldo)
weather.7 = sereno (torrido)
configure.database = Database
junior.size.max = Numero di posti
login.error.-1 = risposta sconosciuta
login.error.-2 = Errore scaricamento dati
login.error.-3 = Errore scrittura dati
login.error.-4 = Nessuna risposta
login.error.0 = OK
login.error.1 = Password errata
login.error.3 = L'utente non ha un team
login.error.4 = L'utente è bannato
login.error.5 = L'utente è in bancarotta
login.error.6 = L'IP dell utente è in blacklist = E' disponibile la nuova versione di Sokkerviewer. Vuoi scaricarla ?
pl.pronux.sokker.viewer.plugins.ViewTransfers.description = Trasferimenti
player.discipline = Disciplina
player.experience = Esperienza
player.teamwork = Lavoro di Squadra = Dati Completi = Sto scaricando i dati dei trasferimenti... = Impostazione dati di trasferimento...
statistics.rank = Rank
table.discipline = Dis
table.from = Da
table.experience = Esp
table.teamwork = LdS = A = For. = Tipo
table.price = Prezzo
table.skill.short = Skl
table.week.short = Sett.
training.formation.4 = TUTTO = Rapporto allenamento
training.type.1.short = Res
training.type.2.short = Par
training.type.3.short = Reg
training.type.4.short = Pas
training.type.5.short = Tec
training.type.6.short = Dif
training.type.7.short = Att
training.type.8.short = Vel
transfers.balance = Bilancio
transfers.expanses = Uscite
transfers.expanses.average = Media Uscite
transfers.income = Entrate
transfers.income.average = Media entrate
transfers.purchases.number = Numero di acquisti
transfers.sales.number = Numero di vendite
tree.ViewTransfers = Trasferimenti = Aggiungi = Rimuovi = Data di creazione
club.rank = Punti Rank
club.region = Regione
club.logo = Logo
coach.available = Allenatori disponibili
weather = condizioni atmosferiche
weather.0 = nuvoloni neri (pioggia battente)
weather.1 = molto nuvoloso (pioggia)
weather.2 = parzialmente nuvoloso (pioggerella)
weather.3 = parzialmente nuvoloso (fresco)
weather.4 = parzialemnte nuvoloso (caldo)
weather.5 = nuvole sparse (caldo)
weather.6 = sereno (caldo)
weather.7 = sereno (torrido)
configure.database = Database
junior.size.max = Numero di posti
login.error.-1 = risposta sconosciuta
login.error.-2 = Errore scaricamento dati
login.error.-3 = Errore scrittura dati
login.error.-4 = Nessuna risposta
login.error.0 = OK
login.error.1 = Password errata
login.error.3 = L'utente non ha un team
login.error.4 = L'utente è bannato
login.error.5 = L'utente è in bancarotta
login.error.6 = L'IP dell utente è in blacklist = E' disponibile la nuova versione di Sokkerviewer. Vuoi scaricarla ?
pl.pronux.sokker.viewer.plugins.ViewTransfers.description = Trasferimenti
player.discipline = Disciplina
player.experience = Esperienza
player.teamwork = Lavoro di Squadra = Dati Completi = Sto scaricando i dati dei trasferimenti... = Impostazione dati di trasferimento...
statistics.rank = Rank
table.discipline = Dis
table.from = Da
table.experience = Esp
table.teamwork = LdS = A = For. = Tipo
table.price = Prezzo
table.skill.short = Skl
table.week.short = Sett.
training.formation.4 = TUTTO = Rapporto allenamento
training.type.1.short = Res
training.type.2.short = Par
training.type.3.short = Reg
training.type.4.short = Pas
training.type.5.short = Tec
training.type.6.short = Dif
training.type.7.short = Att
training.type.8.short = Vel
transfers.balance = Bilancio
transfers.expanses = Uscite
transfers.expanses.average = Media Uscite
transfers.income = Entrate
transfers.income.average = Media entrate
transfers.purchases.number = Numero di acquisti
transfers.sales.number = Numero di vendite
tree.ViewTransfers = Trasferimenti = Aggiungi = Rimuovi
ehi rym3k, just a question:
training.formation.4 = TUTTO
is related to what? skills? formation?
training.formation.4 = TUTTO
is related to what? skills? formation?
so, all players?
training.formation.4 = TUTTI
or, all formations?
training.formation.4 = TUTTE
training.formation.4 = TUTTI
or, all formations?
training.formation.4 = TUTTE