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Asunto: »Guide [tutorial] First Two weeks in Sokker - 2023
I've created tutorial for new sokker users based on scenario - how looks first two weeks in sokker.
- original polish version: >> click << (by Geston)
- english/US : >> read below << (translated by islander)
- german : >> click << (translated by mauser)
- portugal : >> click << (translated by Geston/translator)
- spanish : >> click << (translated by Sergiolo)
- romanian/moldavian : >> click << (translated by LowPing)
- french : >> click << (translated by clarom)
- any other language you wish to choose: >> click << (by Google translator)
- original polish version: >> click << (by Geston)
- english/US : >> read below << (translated by islander)
- german : >> click << (translated by mauser)
- portugal : >> click << (translated by Geston/translator)
- spanish : >> click << (translated by Sergiolo)
- romanian/moldavian : >> click << (translated by LowPing)
- french : >> click << (translated by clarom)
- any other language you wish to choose: >> click << (by Google translator)
ⓉⓊⓉⓄⓇⒾⒶⓁ 2023 by Geston, translated by islander
Two Weeks with Sokker
Today I present to you a document that will hopefully answer the most common questions that beginner players have. This is a response to the lack of any sensible tutorial, outdated guides of the past and tooltips which are not good enough. It describes a hypothetical scenario that a brand new user finds themselves in. Such unusual form of this guide is a good way to fluently present many mechanics that are interdependent and describing them separately doen not make sense.
It is not a compendium of knowledge, but just an introduction to every aspect of Sokker, although I hope in a sufficiently detailed way to help beginners get started and hooked on the game.
Please note that the text is aimed at beginner players. This will likely be a work in progress!
Thank you in advance for feedback and pointing out possible errors.
I hope you'll enjoy reading it and will learn something you didn’t know before!
As an introduction
On behalf of the Sokker community, we welcome you to this fun online game! We are glad that you are taking on this rather difficult challenge! We will not beat around the bush, but we will try to let you know the secrets of the game along with its many advantages.
You may not know, but Sokker is approaching his twentieth birthday! It's been a long time, and the game has had its ups and downs throughout its history. From tens of thousands of users, to years of stagnation in development that led Sokker over the abyss. However, the game has seen some major upgrades that have breathed new life into the enjoyment of the game. The updates introduced refreshed the title and revolutionized some of its aspects. Overall, it's not perfect, but it has improved enough that we decided to write this guide, without fear that it will be a waste of time. But with the hope that there will be more of us, because Sokker is a game with foundations in the community.
Expectations vs reality
To spare you the disappointment, let's talk about a few things first. This is not an easy, fast and enjoyable game. Here you will not make a few transfers, cool tactics, and then after a few matches you will play for the domestic cup, unfortunately, or fortunately. Sokker presents a fairly high level of difficulty compared to other games of this type. Let's start with the fact that starting in Poland, you will compete from the sixth level of the game, and the five higher levels have 1452 teams that are higher in the hierarchy. A single season lasts 13 weeks (3 months!) and consists of 22 league rounds. You compete in twelve-team leagues and it's not hard to guess that promotion is not for everyone! Starting PLN 1,000,000 (US currency - $250,000) it's pennies you won't go crazy with. Your stadium is small, like a local club stadium and it won’t be a major source of revenue at the beginning. Also, most of your starting players you received at the start will be suitable for firing and replacement, and - even if you build with young players, you have to wait weeks or even months for the effects of training.
Are you still here? If so, great, maybe this is the game for you. At least we hope so.
Because thanks to the fact that Sokker is not easy - it doesn't get boring too quickly! It is highly addictive, based on the social aspect. Just as the competition is addictive, whether at the league level or in friendly tournaments, arcades and ending with national teams! There are months of positive and negative emotions ahead of you. Victories and defeats, promotions and relegations, tactical duels, the birth of stars and injuries hampering development, transfer battles and many other tidbits.
What NOT to start with
It's easy to make mistakes in the beginning, the consequences of which can follow you for weeks. Therefore, we have prepared a short list of points - what not to do:
- do not start a junior school - it can put a heavy burden on the club's already small budget.
- don't expand the stadium - a bigger stadium doesn't mean more income. Moreover, the available funds will not allow for the construction of anything sensible. The money is better spent elsewhere (buying young trainees to build your franchise around).
- do not lay new turf - you will only do it when you can afford the best grass right away.
- do not use the recruitment form for coaches - we will find those on the transfer lists much cheaper.
- don't buy players right away - first learn the basics of the game to know who is worth bringing to the club.
- do not train stamina - it trains by itself, stamina training is waste of time.
And where to start…
In Sokker, everything has its place and time - you should make your actions dependent on it. In the lower left corner of the page you will notice the time and date, the number of the current season and the week (numbered from 0 to 12). In addition, there is something like a calendar in the Summary , where you can view the events taking place on each of the seven days of the current week.
So what does Sokker Week look like?
- Saturday - financial settlement day - players and staff receive salaries, the club bears the costs related to the maintenance of the stadium and junior school, and you will be most pleased with the support from sponsors. In addition, matches are played by national teams and arcade matches by plus players.
- Sunday - there is a league round.
- Monday - new fans join the fan club (or leave it!). Plus people can play an arcade match.
- Tuesday - there is a junior league match, or being a plus user you can play an arcade match.
- Wednesday - the league round takes place.
- Thursday - training summary - you may be surprised, but this day can be more exciting than league matches! (Islander here, can confirm, Thursday is the best day).
Plus members can play an arcade match.
- Friday - day of friendly matches.
In addition to these events, there are other events that are less relevant to the novice user and we will skip them at this stage. Out of thirteen weeks, only eleven are occupied with league games. The first and last weeks of the season are different. The first week of the season is simply friendlies, and the last week of the season is for promotion games and friendlies.
Although Sokker week starts on Saturday, for most players the week ends and starts on Thursday - in training. In the next part you will find out why!
Set, Go
The mechanics of training are closely related to the playing of matches and the calendar. To understand it - for the sake of science - let's assume that today is Thursday. You are not interested in the morning training report, it is a summary of the previous week and you are just starting the game. Friday is the deadline for playing friendly matches, it's tomorrow! Remember, you can schedule a friendly match until the early Friday morning update at the latest! Do not hesitate to find a rival ( Office -> Friendly ), you have time for it every week from Saturday. But do you need a friendly match at all? Definitely yes! A friendly match means money from tickets, a chance to improve/deteriorate the ranking, the risk of injury to players and most importantly - training! Learn the fundamental principle of Sokker - who does not play, does not train.
Minutes count, to a lesser extent from a friendly match, more from a league match. Additional training is also provided to the representatives for official international matches. Arcade matches, however, do not provide training (arcade matches are a neat future for PLUS™ users, they are matches that are ‘for fun’ and training/injuries/cards don’t count).
The more minutes your players play, the better, to a point! It does not mean that the player has to play all the matches in the week from cover to cover! There are certain playing time limits which, if exceeded, result in unnecessary exposure of the player to injuries. It all depends on the training strategy adopted for a given player and the whole team. For example, 90 minutes of one league match a week may be enough for effective training.
Example: If you play an advanced trainee player 90 minutes in a week, he will get 96% of maximum training. However, if you change this to 180 minutes, his training only increases slightly, to 100%. You can use this tool to figure out how much to play your players.
To maximize your profits from a friendly match, you must choose your opponents wisely. Ignore the score and ranking points. By choosing the strongest rival (as high as possible) in the top 3 of your table, you will ensure a solid income.
Play friendlies only in the league system. Knockout system means extra time and penalties in case of a tie. The extra minutes do NOT increase the effectiveness of the training, but the risk of injury increases!
Training is not equal to training
In Sokker we distinguish three types of training: advanced, formation and general . It's easy to get them confused at first. When you enter the Training tab, you will see two training columns: formation and advanced. At first glance, there is nothing special about them, except that players added to advanced training receive a 50% efficiency bonus without having to play any minutes. It looks like the player on the right, thanks to the bonus, needs fewer minutes to achieve high efficiency than the player on the left in the formation training column. Indeed, it is true, but there is one huge BUT here. Efficiency is only a percentage of the maximum number of training points a player can receive in a given training (formation or advanced), and formation training gives much less training points than advanced training! Therefore, even when a player achieves 100% effectiveness of formation training, and his twin brother 100% of advanced training, the latter will achieve 3-4x better results!
We also mentioned general training, which is responsible for "side" jumps. Each player, in addition to the skill developed in formation or advanced training, has a chance to develop any other skill. It's just that the skill you develop gets the most training points, but those also go to every other skill, just on a smaller scale. More on side jumps in the talk about assistants.
training summary
Advanced Traning - the 10 players you want to develop the most, they go over on the right hand side.
Formation Training - the rest of the team, they stay on the left hand side of the training page.
General Training - training that happens in other skills besides the one you are intentionally training (example, you get a guy who pops in playmaking, but you’re training pace. That’s a ‘general’ pop).
Training for whom?
You now know that the best training is advanced, and formation training is only a small portion of training in comparison. It is also logical that age has a huge impact on how quickly a player will develop. One other magical variable in young player development is their ‘talent’. A player’s talent will directly affect their development. This will determine the basis of the frequency with which he reaches subsequent levels in a given skill (so-called jumps). The skill level itself also affects the jumping - the better the player is trained (e.g. in passing), the more weeks he will need to reach the next higher level. You read that right - weeks! A more talented player may reach the next skill levels after two to three weeks, and the highest in five, six weeks or even more (remember the age!). Similarly - a less talented player will need more time to develop, if he gets such a chance at all. Part of your job as manager is determining whether a player has good or poor talent based on training, and to sell or even fire those less promising and replace them.
Who is the best person to designate for advanced training? The answer seems trivial - the youngest and most talented players! We'll look for them later - preferably ten, because that's how many places we have on the right side.
But that's not all, you can't miss the "Schedule team training" frame at the top of the training page. Here, you will assign the specific skill you want your team to train.
There are four obvious groups: GK (goalkeepers), DEF (defenders), MID (midfielders) and ATT (attackers).
Each formation can be assigned only one skill that will be developed in the players assigned to this formation. If, for example, we set the DEF formation to train speed, then all players with the selected DEF formation next to their name and surname will receive training points in the overwhelming majority just for speed. Each formation can train a different skill, but there's nothing stopping you from training multiple groups the same (it's just a matter of if and when it makes sense).
In the training tab itself, there are no limits on the number of players assigned to the selected formation. If you want, you can assign everyone a GK formation, even if you have twenty players. However, not everyone will get training, because - as we wrote earlier - who does not play, does not train ! The only restriction will be the ability to field players in matches. The example of goalkeepers shows that in three matches (friendly and two league matches) you will accumulate a maximum of 270 minutes with goalkeepers. Using the changes, you can divide this time between up to nine goalkeepers, but such a small number of minutes (30) will have a negative impact on the effectiveness of training.
Setting lineups in the context of training and limits
It's already Friday and the long-awaited first match is ahead of you. You can set the lineup by clicking on “Setup” in the Summary tab , or from the Competitions tab . Set the squad intuitively, the names of the skills reflect to some extent what they are useful for the players, we will come to a detailed description later. Meanwhile, next to the names, we have formations to choose from again! This is where we decide with what attitude our player will run on the pitch. It is also of great importance in the context of training. If “Jan Kowalski” in the training tab is assigned a DEF formation and he plays as a MID in a match, the minutes from that match will not count towards his training! Don't worry, however, such a mistake can happen to you, nothing is lost. There are two ways out of such an unfavorable situation. First - in the training tab, correct Jan Kowalski's formation - change from DEF to the one with which he appeared on the pitch - MID, you will see that the previously missing minutes will appear in the "Matches" column and the effectiveness percentage will increase. You have time to make such a change until the training itself - that is, on Thursday morning. The second option is to play another match with this player in the DEF formation, he will lose the minutes from the match as MID, but he will count those from the match in which he played as DEF. You decide what makes more sense.
When setting the lineup, you will also encounter the limits of players assigned to a given formation. While it is no surprise that there can be only one goalkeeper on the pitch, remember that there can be a maximum of five defenders, five midfielders and three forwards. The number of players over the limit in one of the formations will be communicated to you with a red frame around the formation selection field for the player in the line-up for the match. In theory, however, you can play up to ten defenders with a DEF "command" - but this has quite unpleasant consequences. All players participating in such a match are "distracted" - and the minutes accumulated in the match do not count towards training.
Two Weeks with Sokker
Today I present to you a document that will hopefully answer the most common questions that beginner players have. This is a response to the lack of any sensible tutorial, outdated guides of the past and tooltips which are not good enough. It describes a hypothetical scenario that a brand new user finds themselves in. Such unusual form of this guide is a good way to fluently present many mechanics that are interdependent and describing them separately doen not make sense.
It is not a compendium of knowledge, but just an introduction to every aspect of Sokker, although I hope in a sufficiently detailed way to help beginners get started and hooked on the game.
Please note that the text is aimed at beginner players. This will likely be a work in progress!
Thank you in advance for feedback and pointing out possible errors.
I hope you'll enjoy reading it and will learn something you didn’t know before!
As an introduction
On behalf of the Sokker community, we welcome you to this fun online game! We are glad that you are taking on this rather difficult challenge! We will not beat around the bush, but we will try to let you know the secrets of the game along with its many advantages.
You may not know, but Sokker is approaching his twentieth birthday! It's been a long time, and the game has had its ups and downs throughout its history. From tens of thousands of users, to years of stagnation in development that led Sokker over the abyss. However, the game has seen some major upgrades that have breathed new life into the enjoyment of the game. The updates introduced refreshed the title and revolutionized some of its aspects. Overall, it's not perfect, but it has improved enough that we decided to write this guide, without fear that it will be a waste of time. But with the hope that there will be more of us, because Sokker is a game with foundations in the community.
Expectations vs reality
To spare you the disappointment, let's talk about a few things first. This is not an easy, fast and enjoyable game. Here you will not make a few transfers, cool tactics, and then after a few matches you will play for the domestic cup, unfortunately, or fortunately. Sokker presents a fairly high level of difficulty compared to other games of this type. Let's start with the fact that starting in Poland, you will compete from the sixth level of the game, and the five higher levels have 1452 teams that are higher in the hierarchy. A single season lasts 13 weeks (3 months!) and consists of 22 league rounds. You compete in twelve-team leagues and it's not hard to guess that promotion is not for everyone! Starting PLN 1,000,000 (US currency - $250,000) it's pennies you won't go crazy with. Your stadium is small, like a local club stadium and it won’t be a major source of revenue at the beginning. Also, most of your starting players you received at the start will be suitable for firing and replacement, and - even if you build with young players, you have to wait weeks or even months for the effects of training.
Are you still here? If so, great, maybe this is the game for you. At least we hope so.
Because thanks to the fact that Sokker is not easy - it doesn't get boring too quickly! It is highly addictive, based on the social aspect. Just as the competition is addictive, whether at the league level or in friendly tournaments, arcades and ending with national teams! There are months of positive and negative emotions ahead of you. Victories and defeats, promotions and relegations, tactical duels, the birth of stars and injuries hampering development, transfer battles and many other tidbits.
What NOT to start with
It's easy to make mistakes in the beginning, the consequences of which can follow you for weeks. Therefore, we have prepared a short list of points - what not to do:
- do not start a junior school - it can put a heavy burden on the club's already small budget.
- don't expand the stadium - a bigger stadium doesn't mean more income. Moreover, the available funds will not allow for the construction of anything sensible. The money is better spent elsewhere (buying young trainees to build your franchise around).
- do not lay new turf - you will only do it when you can afford the best grass right away.
- do not use the recruitment form for coaches - we will find those on the transfer lists much cheaper.
- don't buy players right away - first learn the basics of the game to know who is worth bringing to the club.
- do not train stamina - it trains by itself, stamina training is waste of time.
And where to start…
In Sokker, everything has its place and time - you should make your actions dependent on it. In the lower left corner of the page you will notice the time and date, the number of the current season and the week (numbered from 0 to 12). In addition, there is something like a calendar in the Summary , where you can view the events taking place on each of the seven days of the current week.
So what does Sokker Week look like?
- Saturday - financial settlement day - players and staff receive salaries, the club bears the costs related to the maintenance of the stadium and junior school, and you will be most pleased with the support from sponsors. In addition, matches are played by national teams and arcade matches by plus players.
- Sunday - there is a league round.
- Monday - new fans join the fan club (or leave it!). Plus people can play an arcade match.
- Tuesday - there is a junior league match, or being a plus user you can play an arcade match.
- Wednesday - the league round takes place.
- Thursday - training summary - you may be surprised, but this day can be more exciting than league matches! (Islander here, can confirm, Thursday is the best day).
Plus members can play an arcade match.
- Friday - day of friendly matches.
In addition to these events, there are other events that are less relevant to the novice user and we will skip them at this stage. Out of thirteen weeks, only eleven are occupied with league games. The first and last weeks of the season are different. The first week of the season is simply friendlies, and the last week of the season is for promotion games and friendlies.
Although Sokker week starts on Saturday, for most players the week ends and starts on Thursday - in training. In the next part you will find out why!
Set, Go
The mechanics of training are closely related to the playing of matches and the calendar. To understand it - for the sake of science - let's assume that today is Thursday. You are not interested in the morning training report, it is a summary of the previous week and you are just starting the game. Friday is the deadline for playing friendly matches, it's tomorrow! Remember, you can schedule a friendly match until the early Friday morning update at the latest! Do not hesitate to find a rival ( Office -> Friendly ), you have time for it every week from Saturday. But do you need a friendly match at all? Definitely yes! A friendly match means money from tickets, a chance to improve/deteriorate the ranking, the risk of injury to players and most importantly - training! Learn the fundamental principle of Sokker - who does not play, does not train.
Minutes count, to a lesser extent from a friendly match, more from a league match. Additional training is also provided to the representatives for official international matches. Arcade matches, however, do not provide training (arcade matches are a neat future for PLUS™ users, they are matches that are ‘for fun’ and training/injuries/cards don’t count).
The more minutes your players play, the better, to a point! It does not mean that the player has to play all the matches in the week from cover to cover! There are certain playing time limits which, if exceeded, result in unnecessary exposure of the player to injuries. It all depends on the training strategy adopted for a given player and the whole team. For example, 90 minutes of one league match a week may be enough for effective training.
Example: If you play an advanced trainee player 90 minutes in a week, he will get 96% of maximum training. However, if you change this to 180 minutes, his training only increases slightly, to 100%. You can use this tool to figure out how much to play your players.
To maximize your profits from a friendly match, you must choose your opponents wisely. Ignore the score and ranking points. By choosing the strongest rival (as high as possible) in the top 3 of your table, you will ensure a solid income.
Play friendlies only in the league system. Knockout system means extra time and penalties in case of a tie. The extra minutes do NOT increase the effectiveness of the training, but the risk of injury increases!
Training is not equal to training
In Sokker we distinguish three types of training: advanced, formation and general . It's easy to get them confused at first. When you enter the Training tab, you will see two training columns: formation and advanced. At first glance, there is nothing special about them, except that players added to advanced training receive a 50% efficiency bonus without having to play any minutes. It looks like the player on the right, thanks to the bonus, needs fewer minutes to achieve high efficiency than the player on the left in the formation training column. Indeed, it is true, but there is one huge BUT here. Efficiency is only a percentage of the maximum number of training points a player can receive in a given training (formation or advanced), and formation training gives much less training points than advanced training! Therefore, even when a player achieves 100% effectiveness of formation training, and his twin brother 100% of advanced training, the latter will achieve 3-4x better results!
We also mentioned general training, which is responsible for "side" jumps. Each player, in addition to the skill developed in formation or advanced training, has a chance to develop any other skill. It's just that the skill you develop gets the most training points, but those also go to every other skill, just on a smaller scale. More on side jumps in the talk about assistants.
training summary
Advanced Traning - the 10 players you want to develop the most, they go over on the right hand side.
Formation Training - the rest of the team, they stay on the left hand side of the training page.
General Training - training that happens in other skills besides the one you are intentionally training (example, you get a guy who pops in playmaking, but you’re training pace. That’s a ‘general’ pop).
Training for whom?
You now know that the best training is advanced, and formation training is only a small portion of training in comparison. It is also logical that age has a huge impact on how quickly a player will develop. One other magical variable in young player development is their ‘talent’. A player’s talent will directly affect their development. This will determine the basis of the frequency with which he reaches subsequent levels in a given skill (so-called jumps). The skill level itself also affects the jumping - the better the player is trained (e.g. in passing), the more weeks he will need to reach the next higher level. You read that right - weeks! A more talented player may reach the next skill levels after two to three weeks, and the highest in five, six weeks or even more (remember the age!). Similarly - a less talented player will need more time to develop, if he gets such a chance at all. Part of your job as manager is determining whether a player has good or poor talent based on training, and to sell or even fire those less promising and replace them.
Who is the best person to designate for advanced training? The answer seems trivial - the youngest and most talented players! We'll look for them later - preferably ten, because that's how many places we have on the right side.
But that's not all, you can't miss the "Schedule team training" frame at the top of the training page. Here, you will assign the specific skill you want your team to train.
There are four obvious groups: GK (goalkeepers), DEF (defenders), MID (midfielders) and ATT (attackers).
Each formation can be assigned only one skill that will be developed in the players assigned to this formation. If, for example, we set the DEF formation to train speed, then all players with the selected DEF formation next to their name and surname will receive training points in the overwhelming majority just for speed. Each formation can train a different skill, but there's nothing stopping you from training multiple groups the same (it's just a matter of if and when it makes sense).
In the training tab itself, there are no limits on the number of players assigned to the selected formation. If you want, you can assign everyone a GK formation, even if you have twenty players. However, not everyone will get training, because - as we wrote earlier - who does not play, does not train ! The only restriction will be the ability to field players in matches. The example of goalkeepers shows that in three matches (friendly and two league matches) you will accumulate a maximum of 270 minutes with goalkeepers. Using the changes, you can divide this time between up to nine goalkeepers, but such a small number of minutes (30) will have a negative impact on the effectiveness of training.
Setting lineups in the context of training and limits
It's already Friday and the long-awaited first match is ahead of you. You can set the lineup by clicking on “Setup” in the Summary tab , or from the Competitions tab . Set the squad intuitively, the names of the skills reflect to some extent what they are useful for the players, we will come to a detailed description later. Meanwhile, next to the names, we have formations to choose from again! This is where we decide with what attitude our player will run on the pitch. It is also of great importance in the context of training. If “Jan Kowalski” in the training tab is assigned a DEF formation and he plays as a MID in a match, the minutes from that match will not count towards his training! Don't worry, however, such a mistake can happen to you, nothing is lost. There are two ways out of such an unfavorable situation. First - in the training tab, correct Jan Kowalski's formation - change from DEF to the one with which he appeared on the pitch - MID, you will see that the previously missing minutes will appear in the "Matches" column and the effectiveness percentage will increase. You have time to make such a change until the training itself - that is, on Thursday morning. The second option is to play another match with this player in the DEF formation, he will lose the minutes from the match as MID, but he will count those from the match in which he played as DEF. You decide what makes more sense.
When setting the lineup, you will also encounter the limits of players assigned to a given formation. While it is no surprise that there can be only one goalkeeper on the pitch, remember that there can be a maximum of five defenders, five midfielders and three forwards. The number of players over the limit in one of the formations will be communicated to you with a red frame around the formation selection field for the player in the line-up for the match. In theory, however, you can play up to ten defenders with a DEF "command" - but this has quite unpleasant consequences. All players participating in such a match are "distracted" - and the minutes accumulated in the match do not count towards training.
Money, money, money
Friday's friendly match is behind you, and if you listened to the advice about choosing a strong rival, the result was probably not very favorable. Don't worry, just hope you don't get injured (more on injuries later). More important what you will find on the Office page: “The team played the match. Ticket proceeds amounted to PLN 97,325 ($24,331 US). And that's the point, for a beginner that is very good income!
The night passes and in the early morning on Saturday during the update, financial settlement takes place in the game. Your players get their weekly salary, that stadium won't clean itself, the coach must have something to drink and he also brought his colleagues (staff). The so-called sponsors make a weekly contribution to the club to help you stay solvent - I don't know, maybe out of pity? But seriously - the weekly balance counts, control it, because you will depend on it. Players' salaries can also drain the club's account if you aren’t careful, you have to keep them in mind especially at the beginning.
Let's take a look:
- The sponsors paid PLN 157,522 ($39,380) to the club's bank account.
- The club incurred the cost of maintaining the stadium in the amount of PLN 7,500 ($1,875).
- Expenditure on trainers' salaries amounted to PLN 143,400 ($35,850).
- Expenditure on players' salaries amounted to PLN 72,000 ($18,000)
We add Friday's friendly match:
- The team played a match. The proceeds from tickets amounted to PLN 97,325 ($24,331)
And… We are PLN 31,947 ($9,486) in profit! And this is only the second day, apart from possible transfers, there are no more "system" expenses in the week. Congratulations! You're on your way to becoming a millionaire!
Nothing interesting will happen on Saturday. If you want to check the World -> (Your Country) tab, maybe one of the national teams is playing its match? Cheer your national team on!
Remember that from Saturday you can look for a rival for Friday's friendly match! Office tab -> Social.
The league does not forgive
Well-rested? Sunday morning, time for a coffee and a bagel.. The team is counting on you and there are only a few hours left until the match, you need to act. In Sokker the transfer market is open all the time, this news is salvation for you. Those players that robbed you yesterday for PLN 72,000 are useless, something needs to be done about it! While Friday's rival was quite solid, in the lowest league only some teams have "human" owners, the rest of the teams are weak bots. You're in luck, today and Wednesday you're playing matches against bots, so there's a chance to avoid embarrassment. You will face a dilemma on how to build your team. It can be made dependent on the chosen form of training, on the goals you set yourself - promotion, maintenance? Calm down, you won't fall from the lowest league, you can get promoted as much as possible, although right at the beginning of the game it may not be a good idea. Set yourself a minimum goal to be higher in the league table than any bot at the end of the season.
Upgrading Your Roster via the Transfers Wire
Now that you’ve gone through your first week, and gotten familiar with your starting roster, it’s time to take a look at the transfer wire and see where you can make quick, cheap improvements. Lets go to the Transfers tab. You have limited funds in your account, seriously, so you have to be reasonable. Luck favors you because the weekend is a good time for shopping - the market is full of life after the release of the latest juniors from junior academies. Shackles instead of a basket and we watch, the fatter one, the taller one, this one... and no, this is not the game. So who should you buy? Let's analyze it initially in terms of position and look for one player with a decent salary - up to PLN 20,000 ($5,000). We will describe the skills needed by the players with their approximate weights in the form of percentages. And don't overpay, set yourself a maximum limit of PLN 60,000 ($15,000) per player.
Goalkeeper [GK] - the most important skill: goalkeeper (55% of total skill assessment for the position). The second most important skill is pace (30% of total skill assessment). Pace is good when the goalkeeper moves quickly to balls that have escaped defenders:. Finally, a tertiary skill for goalkeepers is passing - it amounts to 15% of the value of a goalkeeper. It is appropriate to put the ball into play with accurate passes: passing (15%). Below is a goalkeeper from the transfer list for whom no one is giving even a zloty at the moment! This or a similar candidate is the perfect start to the fun.
Joe Goalie
Age: 34, salary PLN 21,400 ($5,350).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [11] Formidable
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [4] Poor
Technique [4] Weak Playmaker [5] Average
Passing [9] Very Good Striking [4] Poor
Defender [DEF] - no can let the attacker slip through! The most important skill is defending (40%). The second most important skill is pace (30%). These are two key skills. There are three other skills that have value - to a lesser extent, but they are also important: playmaking (10%) - so that he makes decisions quickly and does not unnecessarily play with the ball in the defense line, technique (10%) - affects the clean reception and control of a loose ball or pass , especially when they bounce back it becomes dangerous, and passing (10%) - to accurately lead the ball towards the midfielders.
Joe Defender
Age: 32, salary PLN 20,600 ($5,150).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [1] Hopeless
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [13] Incredible
Technique [7] Good Playmaker [6] Adequate
Passing [10] Excellent Striking [4] Weak
Midfielder [MID] - must make the right decisions and do it quickly: Because of this, playmaking is the most important skill (30%). The second most important attribute for a midfielder is passing (25%). Other important skills include: Responsibility for receiving the ball and dribbling speed: technique (20%). Pace is always of value (15%). Depending on your need for him, defending or striking can be (the other 10%) useful.
Joe Midfielder
Age: 34, salary PLN 19,700 ($4,925).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [1] Hopeless
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [7] Good
Technique [10] Excellent Playmaker [9] Very Good
Passing [10] Excellent Shooter [4] Weak
Striker [ATT] - Primary skills for an attacker include: strength and accuracy of shots on goal: striking (30%). Receiving the ball and dribbling: technique (30%). Pace, once again plays an important role in a player (30%) and… defense? Yep, thanks to the defense, the attacker has a chance to poach the defender's ball if their tech is low/sloppy: defense (10%).
Joe Attacker
Age: 33, salary PLN 21,200 ($5,300).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [0] Tragic
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [6] Adequate
Technique [12] Outstanding Playmaker [4] Weak
Passing [5] Average Shooter [11] Formidable
In this way, you hired four players relatively cheaply. Note that each of them has great stamina, it's a skill that you should not pay attention to at this point. You train yourself and a properly good player after a few seasons should have it at the maximum - formidable level. The next match is coming soon.
Popcorn(Time for the next match!)
Line-up set, tactics chosen - 442, the hour has struck and you can admire your players in action. Literally, not every online manager shows matches, and here they are in both 2D and 3D (3D is available to PLUS users). There are 20 minutes of emotions ahead of you - not necessarily positive ones. Defenders in safe situations kick the ball out, midfielders have a problem with receiving it, and when they succeed, the ball goes somewhere to the side, instead of to the striker. The striker shoots high over the goal in a one-on-one situation. In general, the players run so strangely, you will ask "this is the 442?!"
The handicap festival ends with a 4-4 hockey draw. It doesn't always look like this, you have a lot of work ahead of you, also on tactics. Better players and better tactics means less absurdities, but these happen here even at the highest level. This is the essence of Sokker, get used to it.
Fan Club/Supporters
motions have subsided and you notice that you receive PLN 44,652 ($11,163) for a league match. A lot less than your friendly? The reason is your opponent was a bot, his fan club possibly very small. Yours is not much better, also 200 fans at the start. In addition, the mood of the fans is not maximum, only "they are happy". These factors: the size of the fan club and the mood prevailing in it, both for you and your rival, have a key impact on the attendance. The weather and set ticket prices also have an impact, we will discuss these issues during the tour of the stadium.
It's Monday - 8 new fans bought supporter cards this week - and the club receives PLN 4,000 ($1,000) in the form of a membership fee. The better results you achieve, the more fans will join the club and this will translate into attendance during matches. However, by the time the number of supporters starts to approach a certain limit (the aftermath of good results), they will start to require promotion, otherwise good results may not be enough and fans will start to turn their backs on the team and leave the fan club in a bad mood. This will not happen right away, though, so don’t panic, you’ll be fine. Just focus on winning games.
Juniors, youth
Tuesday is the day the juniors play a match in their respective junior league. Matches are played in a specific juniors league where results and injuries don’t apply. If you are new, and reading this, it doesn't apply to you anyway, because you don't have juniors and it's better not to push yourself into their training. However, nothing stands in the way of hunting down young players on the transfer market and training them as part of the first team. You still can't throw away money, but that's not a problem. A young player who looks like a slacker can develop well and gain a lot of value. You should be able to buy such 17-18-year-old players for almost nothing, who will not be much worse in skills from those you got at the start.
With young players, the situation is so much more complicated that their profile must match the training you set. If you train defenders with speed, it's better if the youngster already has a trained defense and you'll only improve his speed. Do you want to develop your technique with helpers? Make sure they already have speed, playmaking and passing. Will the striker learn to shoot? Well, speed and technique should be developed a little better than the shot.
Easy? Not necessarily. I'm sorry but you won't be able to afford such a head coach who will own such a diverse set of trainable skills yet, you have to start with something simpler (cheaper).
Staff and training
Certainly, the staff you received at the start is entirely suitable for firing. It's time to find a head coach, and for now only him. Weekly you are slightly in the plus and the entire previous staff received a salary exceeding PLN 140,000 ($35,000). With that money, it would be a better idea to find yourself a single "head" trainer with as many unearthly skills as possible. At the beginning, we pointed out to you not to recruit a trainer using a form, remember that! Use the transfer market - fired coaches go there. The salaries within these limits are paid by formidable-brilliant trainers (general level) and such a trainer should have two or three unearthly skills. Why is it so important? Training skills for players only makes sense if the head coach has the corresponding unearthly skills. Do you want to train defenders' speed? Make sure that the main trainer has unearthly speed! It's quite simple. Magical is the absolute lowest level you should ever use in an advanced training regimen.
So you need to find the right trainer and with his help you can tailor the training for which you will buy players at the end. Any ideas? We will give you an example.
Speed/Pace is a skill needed in any formation, so try to get a coach with unearthly pace, in addition, he can have unearthly technique and let's say passing. Salary around PLN 90,000 ($22,500) per week for incredible coach or upto PLN 120,000 ($30,000) for brilliant one. Thanks to such a coach, you can easily train defenders, midfielders who already have a certain level of play and technique, and strikers who lack speed. Even goalkeepers will get a workout in speed if you want to train them.
list of minimum wages for each coaches level
- good [7] - PLN 7,000 ($1,750)
- solid [8] - PLN 10,000 ($2,500)
- very good [9] - PLN 16,000 ($4,000)
- excellent [10] - PLN 24,000 ($6,000)
- formidable [11] - PLN 36,000 ($9,000)
- outstanding [12] - PLN 50,000 ($12,500)
- incredible [13] - PLN 80,000 ($20,000)
- brilliant [14] - PLN 100,000 ($25,000)
- magical [15] - PLN 136,000 ($34,000)
Friday's friendly match is behind you, and if you listened to the advice about choosing a strong rival, the result was probably not very favorable. Don't worry, just hope you don't get injured (more on injuries later). More important what you will find on the Office page: “The team played the match. Ticket proceeds amounted to PLN 97,325 ($24,331 US). And that's the point, for a beginner that is very good income!
The night passes and in the early morning on Saturday during the update, financial settlement takes place in the game. Your players get their weekly salary, that stadium won't clean itself, the coach must have something to drink and he also brought his colleagues (staff). The so-called sponsors make a weekly contribution to the club to help you stay solvent - I don't know, maybe out of pity? But seriously - the weekly balance counts, control it, because you will depend on it. Players' salaries can also drain the club's account if you aren’t careful, you have to keep them in mind especially at the beginning.
Let's take a look:
- The sponsors paid PLN 157,522 ($39,380) to the club's bank account.
- The club incurred the cost of maintaining the stadium in the amount of PLN 7,500 ($1,875).
- Expenditure on trainers' salaries amounted to PLN 143,400 ($35,850).
- Expenditure on players' salaries amounted to PLN 72,000 ($18,000)
We add Friday's friendly match:
- The team played a match. The proceeds from tickets amounted to PLN 97,325 ($24,331)
And… We are PLN 31,947 ($9,486) in profit! And this is only the second day, apart from possible transfers, there are no more "system" expenses in the week. Congratulations! You're on your way to becoming a millionaire!
Nothing interesting will happen on Saturday. If you want to check the World -> (Your Country) tab, maybe one of the national teams is playing its match? Cheer your national team on!
Remember that from Saturday you can look for a rival for Friday's friendly match! Office tab -> Social.
The league does not forgive
Well-rested? Sunday morning, time for a coffee and a bagel.. The team is counting on you and there are only a few hours left until the match, you need to act. In Sokker the transfer market is open all the time, this news is salvation for you. Those players that robbed you yesterday for PLN 72,000 are useless, something needs to be done about it! While Friday's rival was quite solid, in the lowest league only some teams have "human" owners, the rest of the teams are weak bots. You're in luck, today and Wednesday you're playing matches against bots, so there's a chance to avoid embarrassment. You will face a dilemma on how to build your team. It can be made dependent on the chosen form of training, on the goals you set yourself - promotion, maintenance? Calm down, you won't fall from the lowest league, you can get promoted as much as possible, although right at the beginning of the game it may not be a good idea. Set yourself a minimum goal to be higher in the league table than any bot at the end of the season.
Upgrading Your Roster via the Transfers Wire
Now that you’ve gone through your first week, and gotten familiar with your starting roster, it’s time to take a look at the transfer wire and see where you can make quick, cheap improvements. Lets go to the Transfers tab. You have limited funds in your account, seriously, so you have to be reasonable. Luck favors you because the weekend is a good time for shopping - the market is full of life after the release of the latest juniors from junior academies. Shackles instead of a basket and we watch, the fatter one, the taller one, this one... and no, this is not the game. So who should you buy? Let's analyze it initially in terms of position and look for one player with a decent salary - up to PLN 20,000 ($5,000). We will describe the skills needed by the players with their approximate weights in the form of percentages. And don't overpay, set yourself a maximum limit of PLN 60,000 ($15,000) per player.
Goalkeeper [GK] - the most important skill: goalkeeper (55% of total skill assessment for the position). The second most important skill is pace (30% of total skill assessment). Pace is good when the goalkeeper moves quickly to balls that have escaped defenders:. Finally, a tertiary skill for goalkeepers is passing - it amounts to 15% of the value of a goalkeeper. It is appropriate to put the ball into play with accurate passes: passing (15%). Below is a goalkeeper from the transfer list for whom no one is giving even a zloty at the moment! This or a similar candidate is the perfect start to the fun.
Joe Goalie
Age: 34, salary PLN 21,400 ($5,350).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [11] Formidable
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [4] Poor
Technique [4] Weak Playmaker [5] Average
Passing [9] Very Good Striking [4] Poor
Defender [DEF] - no can let the attacker slip through! The most important skill is defending (40%). The second most important skill is pace (30%). These are two key skills. There are three other skills that have value - to a lesser extent, but they are also important: playmaking (10%) - so that he makes decisions quickly and does not unnecessarily play with the ball in the defense line, technique (10%) - affects the clean reception and control of a loose ball or pass , especially when they bounce back it becomes dangerous, and passing (10%) - to accurately lead the ball towards the midfielders.
Joe Defender
Age: 32, salary PLN 20,600 ($5,150).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [1] Hopeless
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [13] Incredible
Technique [7] Good Playmaker [6] Adequate
Passing [10] Excellent Striking [4] Weak
Midfielder [MID] - must make the right decisions and do it quickly: Because of this, playmaking is the most important skill (30%). The second most important attribute for a midfielder is passing (25%). Other important skills include: Responsibility for receiving the ball and dribbling speed: technique (20%). Pace is always of value (15%). Depending on your need for him, defending or striking can be (the other 10%) useful.
Joe Midfielder
Age: 34, salary PLN 19,700 ($4,925).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [1] Hopeless
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [7] Good
Technique [10] Excellent Playmaker [9] Very Good
Passing [10] Excellent Shooter [4] Weak
Striker [ATT] - Primary skills for an attacker include: strength and accuracy of shots on goal: striking (30%). Receiving the ball and dribbling: technique (30%). Pace, once again plays an important role in a player (30%) and… defense? Yep, thanks to the defense, the attacker has a chance to poach the defender's ball if their tech is low/sloppy: defense (10%).
Joe Attacker
Age: 33, salary PLN 21,200 ($5,300).
Stamina [11] Formidable Goalkeeper [0] Tragic
Pace [11] Formidable Defender [6] Adequate
Technique [12] Outstanding Playmaker [4] Weak
Passing [5] Average Shooter [11] Formidable
In this way, you hired four players relatively cheaply. Note that each of them has great stamina, it's a skill that you should not pay attention to at this point. You train yourself and a properly good player after a few seasons should have it at the maximum - formidable level. The next match is coming soon.
Popcorn(Time for the next match!)
Line-up set, tactics chosen - 442, the hour has struck and you can admire your players in action. Literally, not every online manager shows matches, and here they are in both 2D and 3D (3D is available to PLUS users). There are 20 minutes of emotions ahead of you - not necessarily positive ones. Defenders in safe situations kick the ball out, midfielders have a problem with receiving it, and when they succeed, the ball goes somewhere to the side, instead of to the striker. The striker shoots high over the goal in a one-on-one situation. In general, the players run so strangely, you will ask "this is the 442?!"
The handicap festival ends with a 4-4 hockey draw. It doesn't always look like this, you have a lot of work ahead of you, also on tactics. Better players and better tactics means less absurdities, but these happen here even at the highest level. This is the essence of Sokker, get used to it.
Fan Club/Supporters
motions have subsided and you notice that you receive PLN 44,652 ($11,163) for a league match. A lot less than your friendly? The reason is your opponent was a bot, his fan club possibly very small. Yours is not much better, also 200 fans at the start. In addition, the mood of the fans is not maximum, only "they are happy". These factors: the size of the fan club and the mood prevailing in it, both for you and your rival, have a key impact on the attendance. The weather and set ticket prices also have an impact, we will discuss these issues during the tour of the stadium.
It's Monday - 8 new fans bought supporter cards this week - and the club receives PLN 4,000 ($1,000) in the form of a membership fee. The better results you achieve, the more fans will join the club and this will translate into attendance during matches. However, by the time the number of supporters starts to approach a certain limit (the aftermath of good results), they will start to require promotion, otherwise good results may not be enough and fans will start to turn their backs on the team and leave the fan club in a bad mood. This will not happen right away, though, so don’t panic, you’ll be fine. Just focus on winning games.
Juniors, youth
Tuesday is the day the juniors play a match in their respective junior league. Matches are played in a specific juniors league where results and injuries don’t apply. If you are new, and reading this, it doesn't apply to you anyway, because you don't have juniors and it's better not to push yourself into their training. However, nothing stands in the way of hunting down young players on the transfer market and training them as part of the first team. You still can't throw away money, but that's not a problem. A young player who looks like a slacker can develop well and gain a lot of value. You should be able to buy such 17-18-year-old players for almost nothing, who will not be much worse in skills from those you got at the start.
With young players, the situation is so much more complicated that their profile must match the training you set. If you train defenders with speed, it's better if the youngster already has a trained defense and you'll only improve his speed. Do you want to develop your technique with helpers? Make sure they already have speed, playmaking and passing. Will the striker learn to shoot? Well, speed and technique should be developed a little better than the shot.
Easy? Not necessarily. I'm sorry but you won't be able to afford such a head coach who will own such a diverse set of trainable skills yet, you have to start with something simpler (cheaper).
Staff and training
Certainly, the staff you received at the start is entirely suitable for firing. It's time to find a head coach, and for now only him. Weekly you are slightly in the plus and the entire previous staff received a salary exceeding PLN 140,000 ($35,000). With that money, it would be a better idea to find yourself a single "head" trainer with as many unearthly skills as possible. At the beginning, we pointed out to you not to recruit a trainer using a form, remember that! Use the transfer market - fired coaches go there. The salaries within these limits are paid by formidable-brilliant trainers (general level) and such a trainer should have two or three unearthly skills. Why is it so important? Training skills for players only makes sense if the head coach has the corresponding unearthly skills. Do you want to train defenders' speed? Make sure that the main trainer has unearthly speed! It's quite simple. Magical is the absolute lowest level you should ever use in an advanced training regimen.
So you need to find the right trainer and with his help you can tailor the training for which you will buy players at the end. Any ideas? We will give you an example.
Speed/Pace is a skill needed in any formation, so try to get a coach with unearthly pace, in addition, he can have unearthly technique and let's say passing. Salary around PLN 90,000 ($22,500) per week for incredible coach or upto PLN 120,000 ($30,000) for brilliant one. Thanks to such a coach, you can easily train defenders, midfielders who already have a certain level of play and technique, and strikers who lack speed. Even goalkeepers will get a workout in speed if you want to train them.
list of minimum wages for each coaches level
- good [7] - PLN 7,000 ($1,750)
- solid [8] - PLN 10,000 ($2,500)
- very good [9] - PLN 16,000 ($4,000)
- excellent [10] - PLN 24,000 ($6,000)
- formidable [11] - PLN 36,000 ($9,000)
- outstanding [12] - PLN 50,000 ($12,500)
- incredible [13] - PLN 80,000 ($20,000)
- brilliant [14] - PLN 100,000 ($25,000)
- magical [15] - PLN 136,000 ($34,000)
The end of the week, the beginning of the week
Wednesday is another league match, the transfer market is empty, so there are no reinforcements. In the away game you beat the bot, albeit quite luckily 2:1. In a moment, the trainer's bidding ends and you win the player who will help you improve your club. Training tomorrow, but you don't have anyone to train with, so...
If you don't need a trainer for Thursday's training, or it's already Thursday, Friday after training - don't sign a contract with him! Signing the contract will mean that he will take his salary unnecessarily on Saturday. You have a week to sign the contract, so do it on Saturday at the earliest. In this way, you will save on one coach's salary. Also, remember to take some time off after Thursday's workout, but no later than Friday. Get rid of unnecessary staff members before Saturday so you don't pay them double wages (unassigning a coach doesn’t automatically fire them - after you unassign the bad default coaches, you have to click on them on the coaching page and then fire them. It’s a two step process).
Thursday is the time of training, which this time does not bring you any results yet. Fortunately, you've just fired a weak staff and a new coach is coming on Saturday. What about the players? In many clubs, contracts are signed with juniors trained in academies, but many of them do not find recognition in the eyes of their managers and today they enter the transfer market. This is an opportunity for you, the auctions last two days, so Saturday and Sunday are the time to hunt for youngsters that fit the training regimen.
Just like the coaches - you got rid of all the players, except for the four "pillars" you bought in the example earlier (our Joe players). Good decision because you don't pay them salary on Saturday = you save some money. Only... today is Friday, maybe you don’t have enough players and probably a forfeit. This is not bad news, the fans will come to the stadium anyway and the money from the tickets will be credited to your account. The rival will also be happy, because without playing a match, each of the players he designates will get 90 minutes of training time without the risk of injury. what? Another PLN 100,000 ($25,000)?
On Saturday you're back in the black, sponsors pay a little more than before, you've saved on salaries. Almost two days until the Sunday match, use them for shopping! Try to fill out your advanced training ranks with ten young players for advanced training, do not despise older players who can help fight for the result.
It's not always easy
It's good that you managed to buy at least seven young players. Together with the four older ones acquired earlier, you have an eleven for Sunday's away league match. In terms of player skills, it also looks better, so for the win! But how...?! 0:4? What happened here? For the first time your dreams have been brutally trampled upon. And even though you're feeling sad, wanting to quit this game of whack, it wasn't a surprise at all. This time your opponent was a human who maybe had only slightly better players, but looking at the graphics in the report - he was cheating! Well, why so, the drawing showing the tactics is so different, you certainly haven't seen it among the tactics available to choose from when setting up the lineup for the match.
We'll tell you what to do - start "cheating" too!
Tactics - where Sokker really shines!
The tactics editor is what makes Sokker unique amongst all football managers. This is a tool that allows - in quotes - "cheat". You have already seen that standard/default tactics are chaotic and ineffective. If you want to succeed even at the lowest league level, you have to build your own tactics and believe me, it is not difficult to compose a better one than any standard one. There is no shortage of sokker tactics on YouTube ( , but we recommend that you create your own from scratch - this is the only way to master this powerful utility.
How to go about it? You can find the editor in the Training -> Tactics tab. From thirteen standard tactics, you can choose one that will serve you as a basis for creating a new one. You just enter the name and click "Create" to generate a copy of the selected tactic. A glance at the pitch - a pixelated field with ten minecraft men scattered around. You'll think - nothing difficult - four in defense, a defensive midfielder between the lines, a center, two wingers and two forwards, done! Well, now I'm gonna blow it! We're going to pour a bucket of cold water over your head now. In the middle of the field there is also a white ball that can be moved to each of the thirty-five sectors of the field. You're a smart player, so you get the point, players' positioning changes depending on where the ball is on the pitch. It's closer to your goal - secure the back, attack with the side - use the wing, in the opponent's penalty area - double your attacking positions. Tactical solutions also depend on the individual skills of your and your opponent's players. There are a huge number of possibilities, this is football chess and the best outdo each other in ideas how to surprise the rival and at the same time not get exploited. You can spend many hours in the editor, and after more than one match, you'll find that an improved, better version of your tactics will be incredibly more useful. You will make mistakes, see them play out, and then iterate on your existing tactics, improving them over time.
Start with setting 442 or 532, we won't tell you much more, you won't get ready-made here, only hints. Simply that playing with three in the back is dangerous early on. Don't be afraid to play fast defenders high and catch your opponent in offside traps (but remember! An opponent can’t be offside if all ten outfield players are past the halfway line). Keep the defense evenly in line, sweepers are not popular here, but you can always experiment! Asymmetry, a single wing works well in midfield and attack. Practice, the lowest league is the best place to test tactical solutions, because once you get promoted the rivals will not have mercy, you have to be ready!
I can't wait...
3 days until the next match, on Wednesday again a rival with a man at the helm and you can't wait to check out a new, brilliant tactic. Monday - boredom, fourteen homies joined the fan club, cool - remember - turnout and stuff. Tuesday - boredom. Wednesday - boring until evening. And well, take care of your partner or help your mother, and not just sit in a niche online game. But if it's stronger than you, you can also browse the TL (transfer of lists) outside the weekend, the traffic on the market is lower, the activity of users is also conducive to bargain purchases. If you like it, visit the forum, believe me, you will find an interlocutor on every level. And the match is close, getting closer, you feel that the terraces behind the goal, the 500 seats of this stadium razor will be filled, flares will burn...
At the beginning, we called it a chicken coop , because there is no need to kid yourself, 3100 places will not impress anyone. We also reminded you not to upgrade it at this stage of the game. If you really want to throw some money away, the first thing we recommend investing in is turf. Let "Anielska Meadow sown by Divine Sowers" bloom at your stadium for only PLN 500,000 ($125,000). Who will forbid the poor to live richly? This is a one-time expense and only with the best turf you will forget about maintenance, the grass will regenerate itself. Also, better turf quality means less risk of injury. Just relax, you can wait with it, the decision is yours, but don't rush until you feel that the ten young players you train already have some value and it's worth protecting them.
Let's focus on ticket prices, because the match has just started, you won't know the result until its end, but the office already shows the income from the match day. Your opponent is better than the previous match, but your money ends up being even less. Why? You haven't changed the ticket prices, and in "Studio TV" you'll notice that this time it's raining heavily over the stadium. This effectively deterred fans from coming to the stadium. Before each match at your own stadium, you can check the weather forecast in "Studio TV" and, in the event of unfavorable weather conditions, reduce the price of seats. There is a way not to worry about the weather at all - to cover the grandstand, but you won't be able to afford it anytime soon. You also need to know that fans prefer chairs to benches, and benches prefer terraces.
There is no known formula for calculating the optimal ticket price. All you have to do is get the feel, maybe take some notes, so that in the future in a match with a rival of similar strength and in similar weather conditions, you can adjust the prices. The right prices are those when the stand is almost full. Then you know that with a lower price there would be no free seats and you would lose money from fans who did not get to the stadium. Too high a price means less attendance and less money.
And just like with the turf, do not play half measures, a few weeks will pass (editor’s note: more like a season or two, if you’re starting out) and you will save money for the first expansion. Don’t bother building terraces or benches, go straight to seats! Then start with an empty spot along the sideline and build, preferably at once 4,000 spots or more, depending on your funds.
Two Matches, Two Different Stories
On Sunday you swore and almost threw the cat out of the window on the ground floor, but today pride, chest stretched out and without spider veins. You beat some Brajan 2:0, well, a tactical masterpiece, why be overly modest? You can go to sleep fulfilled, because if you go to sleep earlier, you will get up earlier to see the effects of the first real training. Just to be sure, just look at the match report and the Training tab , check the formations of the players and the accumulated percentages of ... efficiency. Most of your players played two league matches and have a beautiful 100% efficiency of advanced training, you know that it couldn't be better. But wait, one has a first aid kit and some number in parentheses - 34?
This is the number of days, the estimated time for the athlete to fully recover. This is how football careers are broken, you will never know if this player could have trained another Messi, at most Neymar. An injured player, despite the accumulated minutes, does not train (editor note: unless his injury time is seven days or less), so it is a pity for such an invalid to waste his place in advanced training, let someone better take his place. Once again you admire the result in the match report and there is a second injury ... Tears press to your eyes, the cat evacuates preventively and you click on the player's name with a trembling finger and see ... a slight injury. It's not so bad news, a player with a slight injury can train! A minor injury is when the athlete has less than a week to reach full fitness. Such a player can also play in matches, but there is an increased risk of aggravating the injury - so play him sparingly, if at all.
You are slowly finishing the second week and watching Thursday's training report (Training->First team) you start to understand why this is the most important day of the week for many players. Or are you even disappointed with him because how many of your players have developed their skills? three, four? After all, at such a rate, these turkeys will retire before they develop!
First of all, at the moment there is no such thing as retirement. Neither the players nor the coaches go to it unless you fire them yourself. Secondly, you could have been unlucky and some of the trained skills had a small "decimal" value, and thus, more training is needed to "finish" it, i.e. to record a jump. And finally, thirdly, you are just starting the game and there is only a head coach in your staff, you have huge reserves in this field. Recall the head coach has the greatest responsibility for player development through advanced training and formation. The level of his individual skills also affects the awarding of training points to the player's untrained skills. Hence the so-called side jumps from general training (or general training - you'll come across the abbreviation "gt" more than once). That's where the assistants you've been missing come in - they reinforce the head coach's impact on your overall training.
Better assistants mean better effects and more jumps of untrained/general skills. Just remember to hire no more than three! However, you must remember about the previous advice: do not use the recruitment form for trainers, sign contracts with auctioned trainers only between Saturday and Wednesday, and watch the budget! It's not hard to hire coaches who will lead you to the brink of bankruptcy in a few weeks. That's why keeping track of your weekly balance is so important. How much money you have left "in plus" tells you what staff you can afford. In our opinion, you should have no problem with the salary of three assistants around the very good level, receiving around PLN 20,000 ($5,000) a week each.
Minutes (??)
It will be a good idea to buy someone to replace an injured player. A few extra players won't hurt either - the squad is expanding, you already have twenty players and three matches to play. Everyone needs to find a place on the field. But how to make sure that everyone gets a properly effective training? It is common practice to field younger players selected for advanced training in a friendly match. 90 minutes of a friendly will give them 85% efficiency/training. If you have the opportunity, let them play at least the end of the league match - at least 22 minutes. In this way, the efficiency will reach 96%, which is quite a good result. Subsequent percentages increase very slowly and the risk of injury increases disproportionately (see the example above). Therefore, play the majority of minutes of league matches with the elderly, thus protecting your talented kids from potential injury. We recommend a training efficiency calculator with which you can accurately calculate the time that a player must spend on the pitch to achieve the desired efficiency.
Again, >> here << is that calculator.
Skill Decay (Older Players)
Well-set training, assistants, the right number of minutes, it's all for nothing in the face of the passing time. And although players do not retire, they cannot be developed indefinitely. Of course, you can train, but you already know that the older the player, the poorer the effects of training. In addition, after reaching the age of 30, a player may randomly drop in skills and simply become weaker and weaker from week to week until finally useless. The exception here is speed, which is trained slower from the beginning and can be lost earlier - from the age of 28. Even advanced training is not able to stop the aging process, but only slow it down a bit. This is why almost no one assigns old people to advanced training - it’s like swimming against the current of inevitability.
Good luck!
Perseverance and patience will surely come in handy with this game. In the title "two weeks" you got the basics of the game, we hope you will find them useful in the coming months, and maybe even years. The rest will come by itself, thanks to the forum, experience, transfers. To the battle!
Wednesday is another league match, the transfer market is empty, so there are no reinforcements. In the away game you beat the bot, albeit quite luckily 2:1. In a moment, the trainer's bidding ends and you win the player who will help you improve your club. Training tomorrow, but you don't have anyone to train with, so...
If you don't need a trainer for Thursday's training, or it's already Thursday, Friday after training - don't sign a contract with him! Signing the contract will mean that he will take his salary unnecessarily on Saturday. You have a week to sign the contract, so do it on Saturday at the earliest. In this way, you will save on one coach's salary. Also, remember to take some time off after Thursday's workout, but no later than Friday. Get rid of unnecessary staff members before Saturday so you don't pay them double wages (unassigning a coach doesn’t automatically fire them - after you unassign the bad default coaches, you have to click on them on the coaching page and then fire them. It’s a two step process).
Thursday is the time of training, which this time does not bring you any results yet. Fortunately, you've just fired a weak staff and a new coach is coming on Saturday. What about the players? In many clubs, contracts are signed with juniors trained in academies, but many of them do not find recognition in the eyes of their managers and today they enter the transfer market. This is an opportunity for you, the auctions last two days, so Saturday and Sunday are the time to hunt for youngsters that fit the training regimen.
Just like the coaches - you got rid of all the players, except for the four "pillars" you bought in the example earlier (our Joe players). Good decision because you don't pay them salary on Saturday = you save some money. Only... today is Friday, maybe you don’t have enough players and probably a forfeit. This is not bad news, the fans will come to the stadium anyway and the money from the tickets will be credited to your account. The rival will also be happy, because without playing a match, each of the players he designates will get 90 minutes of training time without the risk of injury. what? Another PLN 100,000 ($25,000)?
On Saturday you're back in the black, sponsors pay a little more than before, you've saved on salaries. Almost two days until the Sunday match, use them for shopping! Try to fill out your advanced training ranks with ten young players for advanced training, do not despise older players who can help fight for the result.
It's not always easy
It's good that you managed to buy at least seven young players. Together with the four older ones acquired earlier, you have an eleven for Sunday's away league match. In terms of player skills, it also looks better, so for the win! But how...?! 0:4? What happened here? For the first time your dreams have been brutally trampled upon. And even though you're feeling sad, wanting to quit this game of whack, it wasn't a surprise at all. This time your opponent was a human who maybe had only slightly better players, but looking at the graphics in the report - he was cheating! Well, why so, the drawing showing the tactics is so different, you certainly haven't seen it among the tactics available to choose from when setting up the lineup for the match.
We'll tell you what to do - start "cheating" too!
Tactics - where Sokker really shines!
The tactics editor is what makes Sokker unique amongst all football managers. This is a tool that allows - in quotes - "cheat". You have already seen that standard/default tactics are chaotic and ineffective. If you want to succeed even at the lowest league level, you have to build your own tactics and believe me, it is not difficult to compose a better one than any standard one. There is no shortage of sokker tactics on YouTube ( , but we recommend that you create your own from scratch - this is the only way to master this powerful utility.
How to go about it? You can find the editor in the Training -> Tactics tab. From thirteen standard tactics, you can choose one that will serve you as a basis for creating a new one. You just enter the name and click "Create" to generate a copy of the selected tactic. A glance at the pitch - a pixelated field with ten minecraft men scattered around. You'll think - nothing difficult - four in defense, a defensive midfielder between the lines, a center, two wingers and two forwards, done! Well, now I'm gonna blow it! We're going to pour a bucket of cold water over your head now. In the middle of the field there is also a white ball that can be moved to each of the thirty-five sectors of the field. You're a smart player, so you get the point, players' positioning changes depending on where the ball is on the pitch. It's closer to your goal - secure the back, attack with the side - use the wing, in the opponent's penalty area - double your attacking positions. Tactical solutions also depend on the individual skills of your and your opponent's players. There are a huge number of possibilities, this is football chess and the best outdo each other in ideas how to surprise the rival and at the same time not get exploited. You can spend many hours in the editor, and after more than one match, you'll find that an improved, better version of your tactics will be incredibly more useful. You will make mistakes, see them play out, and then iterate on your existing tactics, improving them over time.
Start with setting 442 or 532, we won't tell you much more, you won't get ready-made here, only hints. Simply that playing with three in the back is dangerous early on. Don't be afraid to play fast defenders high and catch your opponent in offside traps (but remember! An opponent can’t be offside if all ten outfield players are past the halfway line). Keep the defense evenly in line, sweepers are not popular here, but you can always experiment! Asymmetry, a single wing works well in midfield and attack. Practice, the lowest league is the best place to test tactical solutions, because once you get promoted the rivals will not have mercy, you have to be ready!
I can't wait...
3 days until the next match, on Wednesday again a rival with a man at the helm and you can't wait to check out a new, brilliant tactic. Monday - boredom, fourteen homies joined the fan club, cool - remember - turnout and stuff. Tuesday - boredom. Wednesday - boring until evening. And well, take care of your partner or help your mother, and not just sit in a niche online game. But if it's stronger than you, you can also browse the TL (transfer of lists) outside the weekend, the traffic on the market is lower, the activity of users is also conducive to bargain purchases. If you like it, visit the forum, believe me, you will find an interlocutor on every level. And the match is close, getting closer, you feel that the terraces behind the goal, the 500 seats of this stadium razor will be filled, flares will burn...
At the beginning, we called it a chicken coop , because there is no need to kid yourself, 3100 places will not impress anyone. We also reminded you not to upgrade it at this stage of the game. If you really want to throw some money away, the first thing we recommend investing in is turf. Let "Anielska Meadow sown by Divine Sowers" bloom at your stadium for only PLN 500,000 ($125,000). Who will forbid the poor to live richly? This is a one-time expense and only with the best turf you will forget about maintenance, the grass will regenerate itself. Also, better turf quality means less risk of injury. Just relax, you can wait with it, the decision is yours, but don't rush until you feel that the ten young players you train already have some value and it's worth protecting them.
Let's focus on ticket prices, because the match has just started, you won't know the result until its end, but the office already shows the income from the match day. Your opponent is better than the previous match, but your money ends up being even less. Why? You haven't changed the ticket prices, and in "Studio TV" you'll notice that this time it's raining heavily over the stadium. This effectively deterred fans from coming to the stadium. Before each match at your own stadium, you can check the weather forecast in "Studio TV" and, in the event of unfavorable weather conditions, reduce the price of seats. There is a way not to worry about the weather at all - to cover the grandstand, but you won't be able to afford it anytime soon. You also need to know that fans prefer chairs to benches, and benches prefer terraces.
There is no known formula for calculating the optimal ticket price. All you have to do is get the feel, maybe take some notes, so that in the future in a match with a rival of similar strength and in similar weather conditions, you can adjust the prices. The right prices are those when the stand is almost full. Then you know that with a lower price there would be no free seats and you would lose money from fans who did not get to the stadium. Too high a price means less attendance and less money.
And just like with the turf, do not play half measures, a few weeks will pass (editor’s note: more like a season or two, if you’re starting out) and you will save money for the first expansion. Don’t bother building terraces or benches, go straight to seats! Then start with an empty spot along the sideline and build, preferably at once 4,000 spots or more, depending on your funds.
Two Matches, Two Different Stories
On Sunday you swore and almost threw the cat out of the window on the ground floor, but today pride, chest stretched out and without spider veins. You beat some Brajan 2:0, well, a tactical masterpiece, why be overly modest? You can go to sleep fulfilled, because if you go to sleep earlier, you will get up earlier to see the effects of the first real training. Just to be sure, just look at the match report and the Training tab , check the formations of the players and the accumulated percentages of ... efficiency. Most of your players played two league matches and have a beautiful 100% efficiency of advanced training, you know that it couldn't be better. But wait, one has a first aid kit and some number in parentheses - 34?
This is the number of days, the estimated time for the athlete to fully recover. This is how football careers are broken, you will never know if this player could have trained another Messi, at most Neymar. An injured player, despite the accumulated minutes, does not train (editor note: unless his injury time is seven days or less), so it is a pity for such an invalid to waste his place in advanced training, let someone better take his place. Once again you admire the result in the match report and there is a second injury ... Tears press to your eyes, the cat evacuates preventively and you click on the player's name with a trembling finger and see ... a slight injury. It's not so bad news, a player with a slight injury can train! A minor injury is when the athlete has less than a week to reach full fitness. Such a player can also play in matches, but there is an increased risk of aggravating the injury - so play him sparingly, if at all.
You are slowly finishing the second week and watching Thursday's training report (Training->First team) you start to understand why this is the most important day of the week for many players. Or are you even disappointed with him because how many of your players have developed their skills? three, four? After all, at such a rate, these turkeys will retire before they develop!
First of all, at the moment there is no such thing as retirement. Neither the players nor the coaches go to it unless you fire them yourself. Secondly, you could have been unlucky and some of the trained skills had a small "decimal" value, and thus, more training is needed to "finish" it, i.e. to record a jump. And finally, thirdly, you are just starting the game and there is only a head coach in your staff, you have huge reserves in this field. Recall the head coach has the greatest responsibility for player development through advanced training and formation. The level of his individual skills also affects the awarding of training points to the player's untrained skills. Hence the so-called side jumps from general training (or general training - you'll come across the abbreviation "gt" more than once). That's where the assistants you've been missing come in - they reinforce the head coach's impact on your overall training.
Better assistants mean better effects and more jumps of untrained/general skills. Just remember to hire no more than three! However, you must remember about the previous advice: do not use the recruitment form for trainers, sign contracts with auctioned trainers only between Saturday and Wednesday, and watch the budget! It's not hard to hire coaches who will lead you to the brink of bankruptcy in a few weeks. That's why keeping track of your weekly balance is so important. How much money you have left "in plus" tells you what staff you can afford. In our opinion, you should have no problem with the salary of three assistants around the very good level, receiving around PLN 20,000 ($5,000) a week each.
Minutes (??)
It will be a good idea to buy someone to replace an injured player. A few extra players won't hurt either - the squad is expanding, you already have twenty players and three matches to play. Everyone needs to find a place on the field. But how to make sure that everyone gets a properly effective training? It is common practice to field younger players selected for advanced training in a friendly match. 90 minutes of a friendly will give them 85% efficiency/training. If you have the opportunity, let them play at least the end of the league match - at least 22 minutes. In this way, the efficiency will reach 96%, which is quite a good result. Subsequent percentages increase very slowly and the risk of injury increases disproportionately (see the example above). Therefore, play the majority of minutes of league matches with the elderly, thus protecting your talented kids from potential injury. We recommend a training efficiency calculator with which you can accurately calculate the time that a player must spend on the pitch to achieve the desired efficiency.
Again, >> here << is that calculator.
Skill Decay (Older Players)
Well-set training, assistants, the right number of minutes, it's all for nothing in the face of the passing time. And although players do not retire, they cannot be developed indefinitely. Of course, you can train, but you already know that the older the player, the poorer the effects of training. In addition, after reaching the age of 30, a player may randomly drop in skills and simply become weaker and weaker from week to week until finally useless. The exception here is speed, which is trained slower from the beginning and can be lost earlier - from the age of 28. Even advanced training is not able to stop the aging process, but only slow it down a bit. This is why almost no one assigns old people to advanced training - it’s like swimming against the current of inevitability.
Good luck!
Perseverance and patience will surely come in handy with this game. In the title "two weeks" you got the basics of the game, we hope you will find them useful in the coming months, and maybe even years. The rest will come by itself, thanks to the forum, experience, transfers. To the battle!
Q & A
Collection of questions and answers on topics not covered in the tutorial. It is possible that thanks to them some "missing" chapter will be added.
Collection of questions and answers on topics not covered in the tutorial. It is possible that thanks to them some "missing" chapter will be added.
Devs should create official tutorial with rewards for every task
For sure, they should, but they didn't till now and I don't expect it would be done soon.
This is why users takes matters into own hands.
This is why users takes matters into own hands.
For now you can translate it with google by yourselves - it still can be helpfull I hope.
Here is a direct link to that tutorial translated by google translate :P
Here is a direct link to that tutorial translated by google translate :P
I will take a look at the google translation and work on 'cleaning it up'.
edit: Wow, one translation is 'human trafficking" not good LMAO. I better fix that.
edit 2: this is a lot, I will finish it tomorrow.
edit: Wow, one translation is 'human trafficking" not good LMAO. I better fix that.
edit 2: this is a lot, I will finish it tomorrow.
Thanks mate!
Translated it in romanian and posted in forum Sokker Moldova:
Translated it in romanian and posted in forum Sokker Moldova:
Thank you.
English translation looks also ready. Will post it here soon.
Examples of old-players to buy must be updated, it was written month ago before salary reform.
English translation looks also ready. Will post it here soon.
Examples of old-players to buy must be updated, it was written month ago before salary reform.
Is there anyone who could translate this tutorial into Russian?
It would be useful on the Kazakhstan forum
It would be useful on the Kazakhstan forum
Guide would be a better name than tutorial imo...
But hopefully one day these guidelines could be used in an actual tutorial. Thanks for the contribution!
But hopefully one day these guidelines could be used in an actual tutorial. Thanks for the contribution!