Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
¡¡¡Tema cerrado!!!
Asunto: SK NT Database Extension
From now on, you can automatically update your Croatian superstars using this extension!
It's because German users didn't send me the German database url... German language and German database is still not supported.
I'm still waiting for many countries users help.
I'm still waiting for many countries users help.
Skill 16 is wrong in english, it shows up like 0
Do you have the last version? This error was corrected in version 0.4
Now, we have a new version with language support.
Sokker NTDBex V.05
I have a problem with Bosnian and Croatian...
function SelectLang(lang){
if(lang=="Le\u00EDr\u00E1s") return "hu"; //hungarian
if(lang=="Informa\u00E7\u0151es") return "pt"; //portuguese
if(lang=="Opis") return "hr"; //croatian, bosanski
if(lang=="Descripci\u00F3n") return "es"; //spanish
if(lang=="A\u00E7\u0131klamalar") return "tr"; //turkish
return "en";
In the confirmation page, you can now use your local language or English... just ask for the lang variable.
Now, we have a new version with language support.
Sokker NTDBex V.05
I have a problem with Bosnian and Croatian...
function SelectLang(lang){
if(lang=="Le\u00EDr\u00E1s") return "hu"; //hungarian
if(lang=="Informa\u00E7\u0151es") return "pt"; //portuguese
if(lang=="Opis") return "hr"; //croatian, bosanski
if(lang=="Descripci\u00F3n") return "es"; //spanish
if(lang=="A\u00E7\u0131klamalar") return "tr"; //turkish
return "en";
In the confirmation page, you can now use your local language or English... just ask for the lang variable.
I have, but probably user that sent as skills doesn't have it :)
For Nederland please add:
if(country==12) url="";
if(theSkill=="tragic") return 0;
if(theSkill=="hopeless") return 1;
if(theSkill=="unsatisfactory") return 2;
if(theSkill=="poor") return 3;
if(theSkill=="weak") return 4;
if(theSkill=="average") return 5;
if(theSkill=="adequate") return 6;
if(theSkill=="good") return 7;
if(theSkill=="solid") return 8;
if(theSkill=="very Good") return 9;
if(theSkill=="excellent") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidable") return 11;
if(theSkill=="outstanding") return 12;
if(theSkill=="incredible") return 13;
if(theSkill=="brilliant") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magical") return 15;
if(theSkill=="unearthly") return 16;
if(theSkill=="divine") return 17;
if(country==12) url="";
if(theSkill=="tragisch") return 0;
if(theSkill=="hopeloos") return 1;
if(theSkill=="waardeloos") return 2;
if(theSkill=="slecht") return 3;
if(theSkill=="zwak") return 4;
if(theSkill=="matig") return 5;
if(theSkill=="redelijk") return 6;
if(theSkill=="goed") return 7;
if(theSkill=="solide") return 8;
if(theSkill=="zeer goed") return 9;
if(theSkill=="uitstekend") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidabel") return 11;
if(theSkill=="uitmuntend") return 12;
if(theSkill=="wonderbaarlijk") return 13;
if(theSkill=="briljant") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magisch") return 15;
if(theSkill=="buitenaards") return 16;
if(theSkill=="goddelijk") return 17;
We have got 2 languages in our database. If you can take only one, please take the English version.
if(country==12) url="";
if(theSkill=="tragic") return 0;
if(theSkill=="hopeless") return 1;
if(theSkill=="unsatisfactory") return 2;
if(theSkill=="poor") return 3;
if(theSkill=="weak") return 4;
if(theSkill=="average") return 5;
if(theSkill=="adequate") return 6;
if(theSkill=="good") return 7;
if(theSkill=="solid") return 8;
if(theSkill=="very Good") return 9;
if(theSkill=="excellent") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidable") return 11;
if(theSkill=="outstanding") return 12;
if(theSkill=="incredible") return 13;
if(theSkill=="brilliant") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magical") return 15;
if(theSkill=="unearthly") return 16;
if(theSkill=="divine") return 17;
if(country==12) url="";
if(theSkill=="tragisch") return 0;
if(theSkill=="hopeloos") return 1;
if(theSkill=="waardeloos") return 2;
if(theSkill=="slecht") return 3;
if(theSkill=="zwak") return 4;
if(theSkill=="matig") return 5;
if(theSkill=="redelijk") return 6;
if(theSkill=="goed") return 7;
if(theSkill=="solide") return 8;
if(theSkill=="zeer goed") return 9;
if(theSkill=="uitstekend") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidabel") return 11;
if(theSkill=="uitmuntend") return 12;
if(theSkill=="wonderbaarlijk") return 13;
if(theSkill=="briljant") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magisch") return 15;
if(theSkill=="buitenaards") return 16;
if(theSkill=="goddelijk") return 17;
We have got 2 languages in our database. If you can take only one, please take the English version.
if(country==10) url='';
if(theSkill=="tragico") return 0;
if(theSkill=="tremendo") return 1;
if(theSkill=="insoddisfacente") return 2;
if(theSkill=="scarso") return 3;
if(theSkill=="debole") return 4;
if(theSkill=="medio") return 5;
if(theSkill=="accettabile") return 6;
if(theSkill=="buono") return 7;
if(theSkill=="solido") return 8;
if(theSkill=="ottimo") return 9;
if(theSkill=="eccellente") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidabile") return 11;
if(theSkill=="straordinario") return 12;
if(theSkill=="incredibile") return 13;
if(theSkill=="splendido") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magico") return 15;
if(theSkill=="sovrumano") return 16;
if(theSkill=="divino") return 17;
if(theSkill=="tragico") return 0;
if(theSkill=="tremendo") return 1;
if(theSkill=="insoddisfacente") return 2;
if(theSkill=="scarso") return 3;
if(theSkill=="debole") return 4;
if(theSkill=="medio") return 5;
if(theSkill=="accettabile") return 6;
if(theSkill=="buono") return 7;
if(theSkill=="solido") return 8;
if(theSkill=="ottimo") return 9;
if(theSkill=="eccellente") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidabile") return 11;
if(theSkill=="straordinario") return 12;
if(theSkill=="incredibile") return 13;
if(theSkill=="splendido") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magico") return 15;
if(theSkill=="sovrumano") return 16;
if(theSkill=="divino") return 17;
here are the skills in german language:
if(theSkill=="tragisch") return 0;
if(theSkill=="hoffnungslos") return 1;
if(theSkill=="unbefriedigend") return 2;
if(theSkill=="armselig") return 3;
if(theSkill=="schwach") return 4;
if(theSkill=="durchschnittlich") return 5;
if(theSkill=="akzeptabel") return 6;
if(theSkill=="gut") return 7;
if(theSkill=="zuverlässig") return 8;
if(theSkill=="sehr gut") return 9;
if(theSkill=="ausgezeichnet") return 10;
if(theSkill=="eindrucksvoll") return 11;
if(theSkill=="überragend") return 12;
if(theSkill=="unglaublich") return 13;
if(theSkill=="bravourös") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magisch") return 15;
if(theSkill=="überirdisch") return 16;
if(theSkill=="göttlich") return 17;
if(theSkill=="tragisch") return 0;
if(theSkill=="hoffnungslos") return 1;
if(theSkill=="unbefriedigend") return 2;
if(theSkill=="armselig") return 3;
if(theSkill=="schwach") return 4;
if(theSkill=="durchschnittlich") return 5;
if(theSkill=="akzeptabel") return 6;
if(theSkill=="gut") return 7;
if(theSkill=="zuverlässig") return 8;
if(theSkill=="sehr gut") return 9;
if(theSkill=="ausgezeichnet") return 10;
if(theSkill=="eindrucksvoll") return 11;
if(theSkill=="überragend") return 12;
if(theSkill=="unglaublich") return 13;
if(theSkill=="bravourös") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magisch") return 15;
if(theSkill=="überirdisch") return 16;
if(theSkill=="göttlich") return 17;
The language doesn't matter. Both forms are the same and, but the interface is in two different languages.
Anyways: it doesn't matter, as long as the creator of this helper application knows it.
Anyways: it doesn't matter, as long as the creator of this helper application knows it.
if(country==16) url='';
if(theSkill=="tragique") return 0;
if(theSkill=="désespérant") return 1;
if(theSkill=="décevant") return 2;
if(theSkill=="médiocre") return 3;
if(theSkill=="faible") return 4;
if(theSkill=="moyen") return 5;
if(theSkill=="adéquat") return 6;
if(theSkill=="bon") return 7;
if(theSkill=="honorable") return 8;
if(theSkill=="honorable") return 9;
if(theSkill=="excellent") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidable") return 11;
if(theSkill=="exceptionnel") return 12;
if(theSkill=="incroyable") return 13;
if(theSkill=="brillant") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magique") return 15;
if(theSkill=="extra-terrestre") return 16;
if(theSkill=="divin") return 17;
if(theSkill=="tragique") return 0;
if(theSkill=="désespérant") return 1;
if(theSkill=="décevant") return 2;
if(theSkill=="médiocre") return 3;
if(theSkill=="faible") return 4;
if(theSkill=="moyen") return 5;
if(theSkill=="adéquat") return 6;
if(theSkill=="bon") return 7;
if(theSkill=="honorable") return 8;
if(theSkill=="honorable") return 9;
if(theSkill=="excellent") return 10;
if(theSkill=="formidable") return 11;
if(theSkill=="exceptionnel") return 12;
if(theSkill=="incroyable") return 13;
if(theSkill=="brillant") return 14;
if(theSkill=="magique") return 15;
if(theSkill=="extra-terrestre") return 16;
if(theSkill=="divin") return 17;
the field "name" has been changed to "playername" and team is "teamname"
Added some languages and databases.
Sokker NT Database Extension V.06
Available databases:
Magyarország, Brasil, Hrvatska, Türkçe, Bosna i Hercegovina, Peru, Nederland, Italia, France
Available languages:
Português, English, Español, Türkçe, Nederlands, Romanian, Српски, Hungarian, Croatian, Dutch, Italian, Français German
People can look for a Brazilian player on the transferlist and try the full version including a self filling form and the css effect. For the others countries, clicking on the flag, will redirect to the country database.
Take here a complete main page for database devellopers. Just change fields name and paths. Save it as your index2.php page. This version takes the current skin and show database form inside the sokker iframe.
Nederland: there's an error when getting variables... they are null... check your code.
Italian: did you request $tid? this information wasn't loaded in the form.. check variables names.
Italian and Français: language sent is the user language... so, if the $lang variable isn't it or fr, you should set $lang=en. If you don't do this, we see page in Italian and French.
Sokker NT Database Extension V.06
Available databases:
Magyarország, Brasil, Hrvatska, Türkçe, Bosna i Hercegovina, Peru, Nederland, Italia, France
Available languages:
Português, English, Español, Türkçe, Nederlands, Romanian, Српски, Hungarian, Croatian, Dutch, Italian, Français German
People can look for a Brazilian player on the transferlist and try the full version including a self filling form and the css effect. For the others countries, clicking on the flag, will redirect to the country database.
Take here a complete main page for database devellopers. Just change fields name and paths. Save it as your index2.php page. This version takes the current skin and show database form inside the sokker iframe.
Nederland: there's an error when getting variables... they are null... check your code.
Italian: did you request $tid? this information wasn't loaded in the form.. check variables names.
Italian and Français: language sent is the user language... so, if the $lang variable isn't it or fr, you should set $lang=en. If you don't do this, we see page in Italian and French.
You can change it. If the nt database has lang file, when automatical change it.
Or do you ask, how do you create the lang file?
Or do you ask, how do you create the lang file?
Hi, language is automatically took if the country database is available...
For example, I don't still have the German database adress, so German language is still not sent to databases. You will not need German if you are sending an Italian player because Italian database don't support German language. (mostly databases accept English, Polski and local language).
And German is already available when reading the players page... you can try it using an Italian, French, Brazilian, Hungarian, Croatian, and some others players... you will see a filled page.
For example, I don't still have the German database adress, so German language is still not sent to databases. You will not need German if you are sending an Italian player because Italian database don't support German language. (mostly databases accept English, Polski and local language).
And German is already available when reading the players page... you can try it using an Italian, French, Brazilian, Hungarian, Croatian, and some others players... you will see a filled page.
Added some languages and databases.
Sokker NT Database Extension V.06
Available databases:
Magyarország, Brasil, Hrvatska, Türkçe, Bosna i Hercegovina, Peru, Nederland, Italia, France, Albania, Portugal
Available languages:
Português, English, Español, Türkçe, Nederlands, Romanian, Српски, Hungarian, Croatian, Dutch, Italian, Français German
Take here the complete zip pack including all php pages and database. Just host it and it's done. This version takes the current skin and show database form inside the sokker iframe.
Nederland: there's an error when getting variables... they are null... check your code.
Italian: did you request $tid? this information wasn't loaded in the form.. check variables names.
Italian and Français: language sent is the user language... so, if the $lang variable isn't it or fr, you should set $lang=en. If you don't do this, we see page in Italian and French.
Sokker NT Database Extension V.06
Available databases:
Magyarország, Brasil, Hrvatska, Türkçe, Bosna i Hercegovina, Peru, Nederland, Italia, France, Albania, Portugal
Available languages:
Português, English, Español, Türkçe, Nederlands, Romanian, Српски, Hungarian, Croatian, Dutch, Italian, Français German
Take here the complete zip pack including all php pages and database. Just host it and it's done. This version takes the current skin and show database form inside the sokker iframe.
Nederland: there's an error when getting variables... they are null... check your code.
Italian: did you request $tid? this information wasn't loaded in the form.. check variables names.
Italian and Français: language sent is the user language... so, if the $lang variable isn't it or fr, you should set $lang=en. If you don't do this, we see page in Italian and French.