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Asunto: Nt players in banned/bot teams
I think when you register at sokker you also type your name there... So if the names fit with the names on the driving licences, there is nothing more to talk about I think...
as I said before he could think about it before register. he wasn't so stupid...
as I said before he could think about it before register. he wasn't so stupid...
well if the admins think that way, than there is no way of unbanning filjo, its almost bulletproof evidence...I dont know what would persuate admins of his innocence if not this
but yes...its just almost bulletproof evidence
but yes...its just almost bulletproof evidence
they are conecting trough wireless LAN-a and all of them has the same IP in this moment...
There is only one fact that is really strange.... WHY do only filjo tries to get unbanned? Whe he, and not his friends sends their driving license etc... 10 people were banned and he is the only one complaining (the main one - "suspected cheater")
if they don't have logs from other IPs then the proove in my opinion is very very big...
(or maybe there have only register log from their homes because probably he couldn't register team from same IP (cafe))
but it looks like all these teams were carry on only from that "cafe".
it is only my Supposition because I'm not and admin. But if i have right nad he will be unbanned I will try to do the same. because admins will allow to register at my friends home and then having 10 teams from my "cafe". Only I should have xero of that 10 driving licenses...
(or maybe there have only register log from their homes because probably he couldn't register team from same IP (cafe))
but it looks like all these teams were carry on only from that "cafe".
it is only my Supposition because I'm not and admin. But if i have right nad he will be unbanned I will try to do the same. because admins will allow to register at my friends home and then having 10 teams from my "cafe". Only I should have xero of that 10 driving licenses...
imagine that you don't have net at home,and one of a guy also,and both of you are coming to internet caffe,sometimes they log in same time,so sou are telling me that it's normal to close their team for cheating..
and imagine that they even don't know each other..
it's just an example..
and as flex said its just almost bulletproof evidence..
and imagine that they even don't know each other..
it's just an example..
and as flex said its just almost bulletproof evidence..
imagine that you don't have net at home,and one of a guy also,and both of you are coming to internet caffe,sometimes they log in same time,so sou are telling me that it's normal to close their team for cheating..
two.. yes..
but don't be funny... not so many teams who don't have net at home and using same cafe :]
two.. yes..
but don't be funny... not so many teams who don't have net at home and using same cafe :]
are you sure..?
one of banned teams also write on our private forum..
for your information admins didn't send any message to filjo,he send them yestrday but they didn't answere..
one of banned teams also write on our private forum..
for your information admins didn't send any message to filjo,he send them yestrday but they didn't answere..
from rules:
- You are allowed to have no more than one team. If you are found to have more than one team, you will lose them all. If you have the same IP address as another user (i.e. two users share the same computer) please notify us via e-mail, to .
one question:
did they (he) do it before bans??
- You are allowed to have no more than one team. If you are found to have more than one team, you will lose them all. If you have the same IP address as another user (i.e. two users share the same computer) please notify us via e-mail, to .
one question:
did they (he) do it before bans??
from our private forum..
"nas u cemu je caka: ja sam se sa na slaviju spajao skoro svkaih 10 minuta, ponekad i 10 puta u minuti, a ponekad tek posle par sati, ali ako bilo ko pristupa sa iste adrese kao i slavija ti ces medju tih 100 logova slavije - dnevno uvek moci za ta 2 meseca da pronadjes barem 10 koji su slicni. Ti klubovi se skoro nisu ni spajali, samo kada je bio trening ili namestanje taktike. Sto znaci 10 puta mesecno.
znas kako to ide, ja sam online, dodje stanjo eee ajd da vidim kako je prosao trening... i naravno to ide sa mog kompa i te stvari. Pa onda kada testiram programe... razlika je u klubovima koji imaju plus i koji nemaju. HTML se razlikuje i mora obavezno sve da se testira sa korisnikom koji ima plus i sa onim koji nema. i tako te sitnic"
anyway,ho wrote that he had more than 100 logins per day,and club which are also banned had 10 logins per month(training,tactic),but when someone of them conect from same ip of slavia you will find same ip..
or when he is testing his programs(sokkermon,apolo..)..
someone who has knowledge will understand..
"nas u cemu je caka: ja sam se sa na slaviju spajao skoro svkaih 10 minuta, ponekad i 10 puta u minuti, a ponekad tek posle par sati, ali ako bilo ko pristupa sa iste adrese kao i slavija ti ces medju tih 100 logova slavije - dnevno uvek moci za ta 2 meseca da pronadjes barem 10 koji su slicni. Ti klubovi se skoro nisu ni spajali, samo kada je bio trening ili namestanje taktike. Sto znaci 10 puta mesecno.
znas kako to ide, ja sam online, dodje stanjo eee ajd da vidim kako je prosao trening... i naravno to ide sa mog kompa i te stvari. Pa onda kada testiram programe... razlika je u klubovima koji imaju plus i koji nemaju. HTML se razlikuje i mora obavezno sve da se testira sa korisnikom koji ima plus i sa onim koji nema. i tako te sitnic"
anyway,ho wrote that he had more than 100 logins per day,and club which are also banned had 10 logins per month(training,tactic),but when someone of them conect from same ip of slavia you will find same ip..
or when he is testing his programs(sokkermon,apolo..)..
someone who has knowledge will understand..
it's litle bit complicate,it's hard to understand if you don't know whole story,no..
anyway,he explained it to devs,but they didn't reply anything..
anyway,he explained it to devs,but they didn't reply anything..
it's litle bit complicate,it's hard to understand if you don't know whole story,no..
yes, it's definitely too complicated for me to believe that he was 100% fair... :/
yes, it's definitely too complicated for me to believe that he was 100% fair... :/
it's hard to explain because he had to test his programs,and that's one of a main reason of sharing ip..+ he had over 100 logins per day..
one more thing,filjo knows for only 4 teams
(slavija, djavoli, partizan and svrljig) there is no 10 teams like someone said..
(slavija, djavoli, partizan and svrljig) there is no 10 teams like someone said..
are you sure..?
one of banned teams also write on our private forum..
Everyone can say that he's the banned user on that private forum..that's not a proof :)
anyway,he wrote that he had more than 30 logins per day,and club which are also banned had 10 logins per month(training,tactic),but when someone of them connect from same ip of slavia you will find same ip..
or when he is testing his programs(sokkermon,apolo..)..
someone who has knowledge will understand..
Yeap, that's true. But what if they shared always the same ip? Then it's very suspicious..
And he knows the fair play rules as an experienced user.
one of banned teams also write on our private forum..
Everyone can say that he's the banned user on that private forum..that's not a proof :)
anyway,he wrote that he had more than 30 logins per day,and club which are also banned had 10 logins per month(training,tactic),but when someone of them connect from same ip of slavia you will find same ip..
or when he is testing his programs(sokkermon,apolo..)..
someone who has knowledge will understand..
Yeap, that's true. But what if they shared always the same ip? Then it's very suspicious..
And he knows the fair play rules as an experienced user.