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Is there such a thing as a newbie guide for Sokker? I'm very new here and am finding a few things rather baffling.
How much money should I be spending, which trainings are just a waste of time etc? Any tips appreciated! I just want to avoid the pitfalls!
How much money should I be spending, which trainings are just a waste of time etc? Any tips appreciated! I just want to avoid the pitfalls!
Found this on the norwegian forum :-)
Newbiehelp - (Written by forestman) -outcast.
Welcome to sokker! As a “newbie” it can be pretty daunting working out how to control the game. Obviously you’ll want to get your team set up quickly and this post hopefully will help out.
Quick link for help:
Sokkerhelp website – a 3rd party site with information on sokker.
13 Things to do when starting sokker!
1. Get yourself familiar. You’ve got buttons on the left and right. Most control of the management is on the right, so we’ll start there. The icons send you to the following parts of the game from top to bottom.
On the right…
Front Page – Useful to check out news releases
Team Home – The default starting page for your team.
Players – You can see all of your players, and theircurrent skill levels.
Matches – You can see your old and future matches and set your player lineups and choose the tactics to play here.
Training & Tactics – You set your training, recruit and choose your coaches here. Also a little hidden, but the tactics button allows you to set your tactics here.
Financial – See how much you are losing (or gaining if you’re lucky!!) each week.
Stadium – You can view and upgrade your stadium
Office – You can control your junior team here, as well as make press releases and set up your match strips if you have Plus!
Mail – For internal sokker mail.
And on the left
World – See which other countries are in sokker, how many users from each etc.
Norge – See statistics for Norge and view our National Team
Search – Search for users, teams or players
Transfers – Search for player and coaches on the transfer market.
Forum – Access all of the game forums.
Rules – View the game rules
Plus – Understand or sign up to Plus!
2.Set up your training regime - Click on the training tab (the cone), and set your training regime to “Stamina”. It’ll give your team a nice boost, and give you a couple of weeks to decide what to train.
3. Get to know your squad! - Click on the player icon and get to know your squad – and be willing to kill a few players. You will have a few naff players to start. Any player with no skills better than average is extremely likely to be naff. Any player with a few solid or very good skills is a dude!
As a rule of thumb, look for players in the team to play in the key positions – Keeper, Defender, Midfield and Strikers. The skills for each position are highlighted below, with less important skills in brackets.
Keepers – Keeper (Pace) (Passing) (Stamina)
Defenders – Defending (Pace) (Playmaking) (Passing) (Technique)
Midfielders – Passing Playmaking Pace Technique (Defending) (Striker)
Strikers – Striker (Pace) (Technique)
4. Think about long term training. - Look through your squad and decide what to train. Trainable players are aged 16 to 23. Under 20 is best. A good start is to pick the skill that you have the most young players playing at. You may find that there is nothing obvious to train, but don’t worry. You can always buy players if you wish – but there’s no rush, as your training stamina at the moment. At the moment all skills seem worth training. Especially Defending, Passing, Striker, Keeper.
5.Sort out a Head Coach. - Go to training again. So, click on the cone and then “Skills Selection” in Coach Recruitment. BE CAREFUL HERE. Coach recruitment is partially based on luck and can suck away a lot of cash… You want a Head Coach who has is a strong skill (at least incredible) at JUST THE SKILL YOU WANT TO TRAIN, and as weak as possible at the rest. You should be able to get one for a weekly wage of less that 70000 kr. The cheaper the better. As a suggestion, choose Incredible for the statistic you want, and unsatisfactory for the others. You will then get given a coach. If you like him accept him. If not decline him. IF YOU DO NOT DECLINE COACHES, THEY REMAIN ON YOUR WAGES….
6.Set up your youth and assistant coaches. - You also need to hire a YOUTH COACH and ASSISTANT COACH. Here, you just need to look at the average ranking of the coach. (i.e. rather than the specific skills for the player, the general skill – e.g. Chris Rose, adequate coach). To start with a coach with an average of adequate to solid will be fine. One way of getting this is to mainly choose “good” on the coach selection skill. Having coaches with skills all very similar leads to lowest wages. You should be able to find suitable coaches for less than 30000 kr.
7.You need to set up your youth team spaces. - Click on the office – (telephone) and then “Juniors”. You get between 1 and 6 youths a week, but only if your school is big enough to cope. If you have 5 youths, but only 6 spaces, then you will only be able to get a maximum of 1 new youth. Spaces cost 8000 kr per week, FULL OR EMPTY, so be careful here. Start with 6 spaces and increase it as you need to. Sack players with a rating of weak or below.
8.You need to decide on your first team & choose tactics for games. - Click on the Match icon (a football pitch) and go to the next match where you need to set “Match Orders”.
When you have clicked for match orders, you’ll see the overview page, with a football pitch and chosen players. As you can see, there is a choice of General, Squad and Orders You are currently on General. You want to choose your players, so click on the Squad button. You can now choose the tactics and which players play for your team in the next game.
You probably have not made any tactics yet, so will need to choose some default tactics. All the default tactics are pretty ropey, and so we’ll talk about making your own soon. But for the moment, pick one – such as 442. The tactics sets up where players are on the pitch.
Now, pick your 11 starting and 5 sub players, and choose whether they play as ATT, MID, DEF or GK. The choice of setting impacts how the player play – not where.. A player set as DEF will try to tackle more, and will not try and dribble past players, whilst set as ATT he’ll shoot more at goal. Players set as DEF, MID etc. also impacts their training. Therefore... MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT PICK MORE THAN 5 DEF, 5 MID or 3 ATT PLAYERS! PLAYING 4 set as ATT WILL LOSE YOU TRAINING! You can still play a 4-2-4 tactic, but set one of the 4 players upfield as MID.
9. Have a go at setting some tactics
Struggling to set tactics is the most common problem in Sokker. You CAN NOT alter existing tactics, so need to create your own. Go to the training screen again, and select Tactics.
You should now see a screen, with the football pitch on the right. If the pitch is on the left, you’re on the wrong screen!
Use the function – Create new tactics based on:basing it on one of the existing tactics, say 4-4-2 and calling your new tactics something like NEW
Now you should have a new tactic based on 442. Select this tactic, by clicking on it. Now you can have a go at editing it.
So now look at the football pitch. You will see the players scattered around the pitch and a ball in the centre circle. This is showing you where your players would be positioned when the ball is in the centre circle. You can drag and drop the players to be where you want them. Have a go! Once you are happy with your players positions, click on Save. As long as you have made changes, it should save your tactics. If not, check you are editing your new tactics and not trying to edit the default ones!
Now, don’t get too chuffed yet, you’ve only set the tactics for when the ball is in the middle. Now grab the ball from the centre, and move it to a new square. All of your players should move. You can now edit again. Keep saving every now and again, so if you lose internet connection you don’t lose your tactics.
Keep doing this until you’ve done all of the squares on the pitch. Now it’s worth checking if your tactics flow, so whiz the ball all around the pitch and see how your players move.
Now all you need to do is play your tactics, and learn what horrible mistakes you’ve made!!
If you have struggled to understand that. try the Tactics creator guide.
10. Book a friendly (if not in the cup!). - Click on the phone and then select friendlies. You can advertise, or search around other players and ask them to join. Try asking on the conference too. This is a bit of a pain in the ass on sokker. Best way is to join a friendly league, which can pre-book up to about 10 games ahead (depending on time of the season).
11. DO NOT delve into the transfer market yet. - Money, especially in the early days in very tight in sokker and expect to struggle financially at first.. Using the transfer market before you know what is a good deal is a sure fire way to go bust!
12. Don't upgrade your stadium too early. - You ideally need at least 300 fans before you should even consider upgrading. Whilst you have lots of money at first, as we’ve mentioned before, you’ll be losing cash at first.
13.Keep visiting the forums – there are many useful hints and tips there.
Newbiehelp - (Written by forestman) -outcast.
Welcome to sokker! As a “newbie” it can be pretty daunting working out how to control the game. Obviously you’ll want to get your team set up quickly and this post hopefully will help out.
Quick link for help:
Sokkerhelp website – a 3rd party site with information on sokker.
13 Things to do when starting sokker!
1. Get yourself familiar. You’ve got buttons on the left and right. Most control of the management is on the right, so we’ll start there. The icons send you to the following parts of the game from top to bottom.
On the right…
Front Page – Useful to check out news releases
Team Home – The default starting page for your team.
Players – You can see all of your players, and theircurrent skill levels.
Matches – You can see your old and future matches and set your player lineups and choose the tactics to play here.
Training & Tactics – You set your training, recruit and choose your coaches here. Also a little hidden, but the tactics button allows you to set your tactics here.
Financial – See how much you are losing (or gaining if you’re lucky!!) each week.
Stadium – You can view and upgrade your stadium
Office – You can control your junior team here, as well as make press releases and set up your match strips if you have Plus!
Mail – For internal sokker mail.
And on the left
World – See which other countries are in sokker, how many users from each etc.
Norge – See statistics for Norge and view our National Team
Search – Search for users, teams or players
Transfers – Search for player and coaches on the transfer market.
Forum – Access all of the game forums.
Rules – View the game rules
Plus – Understand or sign up to Plus!
2.Set up your training regime - Click on the training tab (the cone), and set your training regime to “Stamina”. It’ll give your team a nice boost, and give you a couple of weeks to decide what to train.
3. Get to know your squad! - Click on the player icon and get to know your squad – and be willing to kill a few players. You will have a few naff players to start. Any player with no skills better than average is extremely likely to be naff. Any player with a few solid or very good skills is a dude!
As a rule of thumb, look for players in the team to play in the key positions – Keeper, Defender, Midfield and Strikers. The skills for each position are highlighted below, with less important skills in brackets.
Keepers – Keeper (Pace) (Passing) (Stamina)
Defenders – Defending (Pace) (Playmaking) (Passing) (Technique)
Midfielders – Passing Playmaking Pace Technique (Defending) (Striker)
Strikers – Striker (Pace) (Technique)
4. Think about long term training. - Look through your squad and decide what to train. Trainable players are aged 16 to 23. Under 20 is best. A good start is to pick the skill that you have the most young players playing at. You may find that there is nothing obvious to train, but don’t worry. You can always buy players if you wish – but there’s no rush, as your training stamina at the moment. At the moment all skills seem worth training. Especially Defending, Passing, Striker, Keeper.
5.Sort out a Head Coach. - Go to training again. So, click on the cone and then “Skills Selection” in Coach Recruitment. BE CAREFUL HERE. Coach recruitment is partially based on luck and can suck away a lot of cash… You want a Head Coach who has is a strong skill (at least incredible) at JUST THE SKILL YOU WANT TO TRAIN, and as weak as possible at the rest. You should be able to get one for a weekly wage of less that 70000 kr. The cheaper the better. As a suggestion, choose Incredible for the statistic you want, and unsatisfactory for the others. You will then get given a coach. If you like him accept him. If not decline him. IF YOU DO NOT DECLINE COACHES, THEY REMAIN ON YOUR WAGES….
6.Set up your youth and assistant coaches. - You also need to hire a YOUTH COACH and ASSISTANT COACH. Here, you just need to look at the average ranking of the coach. (i.e. rather than the specific skills for the player, the general skill – e.g. Chris Rose, adequate coach). To start with a coach with an average of adequate to solid will be fine. One way of getting this is to mainly choose “good” on the coach selection skill. Having coaches with skills all very similar leads to lowest wages. You should be able to find suitable coaches for less than 30000 kr.
7.You need to set up your youth team spaces. - Click on the office – (telephone) and then “Juniors”. You get between 1 and 6 youths a week, but only if your school is big enough to cope. If you have 5 youths, but only 6 spaces, then you will only be able to get a maximum of 1 new youth. Spaces cost 8000 kr per week, FULL OR EMPTY, so be careful here. Start with 6 spaces and increase it as you need to. Sack players with a rating of weak or below.
8.You need to decide on your first team & choose tactics for games. - Click on the Match icon (a football pitch) and go to the next match where you need to set “Match Orders”.
When you have clicked for match orders, you’ll see the overview page, with a football pitch and chosen players. As you can see, there is a choice of General, Squad and Orders You are currently on General. You want to choose your players, so click on the Squad button. You can now choose the tactics and which players play for your team in the next game.
You probably have not made any tactics yet, so will need to choose some default tactics. All the default tactics are pretty ropey, and so we’ll talk about making your own soon. But for the moment, pick one – such as 442. The tactics sets up where players are on the pitch.
Now, pick your 11 starting and 5 sub players, and choose whether they play as ATT, MID, DEF or GK. The choice of setting impacts how the player play – not where.. A player set as DEF will try to tackle more, and will not try and dribble past players, whilst set as ATT he’ll shoot more at goal. Players set as DEF, MID etc. also impacts their training. Therefore... MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT PICK MORE THAN 5 DEF, 5 MID or 3 ATT PLAYERS! PLAYING 4 set as ATT WILL LOSE YOU TRAINING! You can still play a 4-2-4 tactic, but set one of the 4 players upfield as MID.
9. Have a go at setting some tactics
Struggling to set tactics is the most common problem in Sokker. You CAN NOT alter existing tactics, so need to create your own. Go to the training screen again, and select Tactics.
You should now see a screen, with the football pitch on the right. If the pitch is on the left, you’re on the wrong screen!
Use the function – Create new tactics based on:basing it on one of the existing tactics, say 4-4-2 and calling your new tactics something like NEW
Now you should have a new tactic based on 442. Select this tactic, by clicking on it. Now you can have a go at editing it.
So now look at the football pitch. You will see the players scattered around the pitch and a ball in the centre circle. This is showing you where your players would be positioned when the ball is in the centre circle. You can drag and drop the players to be where you want them. Have a go! Once you are happy with your players positions, click on Save. As long as you have made changes, it should save your tactics. If not, check you are editing your new tactics and not trying to edit the default ones!
Now, don’t get too chuffed yet, you’ve only set the tactics for when the ball is in the middle. Now grab the ball from the centre, and move it to a new square. All of your players should move. You can now edit again. Keep saving every now and again, so if you lose internet connection you don’t lose your tactics.
Keep doing this until you’ve done all of the squares on the pitch. Now it’s worth checking if your tactics flow, so whiz the ball all around the pitch and see how your players move.
Now all you need to do is play your tactics, and learn what horrible mistakes you’ve made!!
If you have struggled to understand that. try the Tactics creator guide.
10. Book a friendly (if not in the cup!). - Click on the phone and then select friendlies. You can advertise, or search around other players and ask them to join. Try asking on the conference too. This is a bit of a pain in the ass on sokker. Best way is to join a friendly league, which can pre-book up to about 10 games ahead (depending on time of the season).
11. DO NOT delve into the transfer market yet. - Money, especially in the early days in very tight in sokker and expect to struggle financially at first.. Using the transfer market before you know what is a good deal is a sure fire way to go bust!
12. Don't upgrade your stadium too early. - You ideally need at least 300 fans before you should even consider upgrading. Whilst you have lots of money at first, as we’ve mentioned before, you’ll be losing cash at first.
13.Keep visiting the forums – there are many useful hints and tips there.
Many thanks! Much food for thought in there! I'm wondering what the profile of my head coach should be, if I wanted to train midfield? Would I need incredible skill in all the midfield skills? He'd be very expensive!
No, only unearthly in the midfield skill you are going to train.
It's hard to afford everything you want in the start, so I suppouse you need to struggle economical for a while ;-) and make some choises concerning priority and what levels to choose.
Most things you can try to do as what's best IRL, except in Sokker it's better to have a much smaller troup. If you need to replace someone suddenly, you can get one unrealisticly fast. That's why even many top clubs have extreemly small troups.
((I have a RL normal sized troup myself kind of as a protest ;-) against THIS is unrealistic in Sokker.))
Most things you can try to do as what's best IRL, except in Sokker it's better to have a much smaller troup. If you need to replace someone suddenly, you can get one unrealisticly fast. That's why even many top clubs have extreemly small troups.
((I have a RL normal sized troup myself kind of as a protest ;-) against THIS is unrealistic in Sokker.))
As Swiss it helps you to go to the page
It is from the actual German national coach and a very good help. You should ask in your national forum too. afaik there are some help threads.
It is from the actual German national coach and a very good help. You should ask in your national forum too. afaik there are some help threads.
thanks for the link - just what I was looking for!
i read this in rules.. The difference is even smaller for a player that played in two games instead of just one.
what exactly does it mean?? does it mean its better for a player to play one game or two games a week?
what exactly does it mean?? does it mean its better for a player to play one game or two games a week?
These might sound like stupid questions, however I still need to know the answers.
1. I read in the rules that when training pace, all players (that play in that week) get training. So the training match order (whether its ATT, MID, DEF or GK) doesn't matter. All players get it. Is that right?
2. How fast does a certain player pop in pace, when compared to playmaking, technique, striking, defending, stamina.
Lets say that a player pops every 5 weeks in striking.
Given the same talent, age, in how many weeks will he pop in pace? How about technique and stamina?
I need to create a better idea on the average length between the different training types.
Thank you...
1. I read in the rules that when training pace, all players (that play in that week) get training. So the training match order (whether its ATT, MID, DEF or GK) doesn't matter. All players get it. Is that right?
2. How fast does a certain player pop in pace, when compared to playmaking, technique, striking, defending, stamina.
Lets say that a player pops every 5 weeks in striking.
Given the same talent, age, in how many weeks will he pop in pace? How about technique and stamina?
I need to create a better idea on the average length between the different training types.
Thank you...
I didn't ask this question specifically for you. It's for everybody. You just happened to be last reply on the thread, ergo easiest link to posting. :)
However, thanks...
However, thanks...
urwelcome :-).. and i know it goes for everyone lol...i know what u mean..i sounded like i was anwearing your question because u asked me it.. my bad but yeah urwelcome anyways :-))
the first, yes...
the second question, i think that it depends, because maybe in pace he has more talent than in strike, but maybe not, dependes in the player's talent about certain habilities, i believe...
the second question, i think that it depends, because maybe in pace he has more talent than in strike, but maybe not, dependes in the player's talent about certain habilities, i believe...
So there is no clear cut?
Let's say:
Someone who would pop every 5 weeks in striking, would most likely pop every 3 weeks (hypothetically) in pace.
There's gotta exist some sort of regularity... maybe not accurate but expected.
Let's say:
Someone who would pop every 5 weeks in striking, would most likely pop every 3 weeks (hypothetically) in pace.
There's gotta exist some sort of regularity... maybe not accurate but expected.