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Asunto: International Manager Chat
achmid para
Language: Most will speak English, but feel free to speak any language you want. Google Chrome has a very easy to use translate button. Just Right Click and select "translate this page"
I'm creating this thread as a nice place for those outside of Australia to come introduce themselves and chat in.
I have been contacting managers from other small nations who may not have many people to discuss the game with, and invited them across here to get a bit more of a feel for community, without having to deal with the circle jerk and sh!tshow that can be Sokker International.
To start things off, I am Achmid. Have been playing since this game was only a few months old, but left the game for a few years before returning and needing to create a new team.
Having started the game not too long after most of the old users, and then redoing it again after Sokker went from great to garbage, I have experienced how much things have changed, and how different, difficult and the challenges that now pose the creation of new teams.
I, as with everyone else here, have also experienced the limitations that small nations have, and how you just have to do the best you can, knowing you will never be a powerhouse in strength in Sokker, just due to the inequalities in income small nations receive compared to large nations.
I am very vocal about the growth of National Teams, as besides the good managers in the Australian forum, it really is the only reason to play once you get stuck at the ceiling of your country, and trying to get every manager on a level playing field, as well trying to get small nations merged in to one league (whilst continuing to have their own countries national cup and own countries youth team), so that people aren't stuck playing bots most of the time, and actually have someone to talk to about the game).
You will find Australia has a lot of useful threads regarding starting the game, or advice on things, and we are all happy to help find appropriate topics/posts if they exist, or answer any other questions, as well as just general talk within the forum.
Feel free to join in any of the threads, not just this one, and continue to enjoy Sokker as best you can.
I'm creating this thread as a nice place for those outside of Australia to come introduce themselves and chat in.
I have been contacting managers from other small nations who may not have many people to discuss the game with, and invited them across here to get a bit more of a feel for community, without having to deal with the circle jerk and sh!tshow that can be Sokker International.
To start things off, I am Achmid. Have been playing since this game was only a few months old, but left the game for a few years before returning and needing to create a new team.
Having started the game not too long after most of the old users, and then redoing it again after Sokker went from great to garbage, I have experienced how much things have changed, and how different, difficult and the challenges that now pose the creation of new teams.
I, as with everyone else here, have also experienced the limitations that small nations have, and how you just have to do the best you can, knowing you will never be a powerhouse in strength in Sokker, just due to the inequalities in income small nations receive compared to large nations.
I am very vocal about the growth of National Teams, as besides the good managers in the Australian forum, it really is the only reason to play once you get stuck at the ceiling of your country, and trying to get every manager on a level playing field, as well trying to get small nations merged in to one league (whilst continuing to have their own countries national cup and own countries youth team), so that people aren't stuck playing bots most of the time, and actually have someone to talk to about the game).
You will find Australia has a lot of useful threads regarding starting the game, or advice on things, and we are all happy to help find appropriate topics/posts if they exist, or answer any other questions, as well as just general talk within the forum.
Feel free to join in any of the threads, not just this one, and continue to enjoy Sokker as best you can.
Greetings from Cymru.
Playing for 2 years now - been mentored by the great EJ and now focusing on homegrown Welsh talent.
Playing for 2 years now - been mentored by the great EJ and now focusing on homegrown Welsh talent.
Welcome guys. It's great to see people getting in here (I only sent out the invite to join in the past 24-48hrs). Still have a few more countries people to go then will stop.
Local talent is definitely good to raise. Probably the most enjoyable aspect of the game I have, seeing them play for the U21 side and then the select few going on to seniors honours
Local talent is definitely good to raise. Probably the most enjoyable aspect of the game I have, seeing them play for the U21 side and then the select few going on to seniors honours
Without National teams i would quit Sokker 10 years ago :)
There is no other reason to be here especially in small countries!!
There is no other reason to be here especially in small countries!!
Bonjour à tous, et merci de votre accueilavec cette nouvelle page d'accueil, je n'arrive plus a aller sur ma liste de joueurs de ma sélection. Si vous pouviez me donner la solution, ça serait sympa de votre part. Pour envoyer un message privé je n'ai pas encore bien compris, il n'y a plus l'onglet boite au lettre comme avant. Sinon c'est plutôt bien fait et satisfait du progrès des développeurs.reste à voir pour les petits pays comme le nôtre,le système de sponsor. Avant tout ce changement on arrivé a s'en sortir plus ou moins en faisant attention. Maintenant j'ai du vendre presque tous mes entraîneurs et mes joueurs avec des gros salaires, parce que les sponsor ont été divisé par deux presque. on m'a répondu : oui mais les matchs à domicile vont combler ce manque.... ok ! mais ont joue contre l'IA et ça ne rapporte rien, même moins qu'un match amical, c'est pour vous dire.
hi, i'm Danil. I am from Kazakhstan. One of the users posted a link to some telegram conversation and that's how I hit the sokker. The game looks nice. But Without mentoring, it would be very difficult to start. It was hard to find myself. maybe I'll be able to find some users from my country once I've mastered the nature of this game a bit better. Will be following this thread with interest.
Wow that's messed up that the changed has not just left you with less "extra" money coming in, but actually forced you to reduce the skills of your coaches just to make ends meet. I'm sorry to hear that.
As far as the list of players for selection, maybe send a screenshot because it's hard to know what is happening. It may just be a screen resolution thing, a simple mistake or an acutal bug.
I'd recommend trying on a different browser, or if you are having this issue on mobile, seeing if it is still an issue on desktop. Otherwise best bet would be going to THIS LINK with a screenshot or to THIS LINK 2 and creating a new topic with the screenshot.
To add a screenshot, I save it in microsoft pain, go to IMGUR, uploading, then clicking "Share Links" and I think it is the 3rd one down that you copy. The address starts with the "img" tag
As far as the list of players for selection, maybe send a screenshot because it's hard to know what is happening. It may just be a screen resolution thing, a simple mistake or an acutal bug.
I'd recommend trying on a different browser, or if you are having this issue on mobile, seeing if it is still an issue on desktop. Otherwise best bet would be going to THIS LINK with a screenshot or to THIS LINK 2 and creating a new topic with the screenshot.
To add a screenshot, I save it in microsoft pain, go to IMGUR, uploading, then clicking "Share Links" and I think it is the 3rd one down that you copy. The address starts with the "img" tag
Welcome Daniel.
This game definitely needs mentoring and it's often best to learn a few of the main components of the game and then build.
Feel free to yell out if you have any questions or need advice
This game definitely needs mentoring and it's often best to learn a few of the main components of the game and then build.
Feel free to yell out if you have any questions or need advice
achmid para
Liviu_111 [del]
:'D haha
That is the reason I set up this chat.
I initially tried (last year or the year before) to follow a bunch of small country chats and noticed many hadn't even had a post for many months or even years. Was very saddening and when I pushed again for the merged league and forum structure.
Hadn't contemplated a chat for us all until recently. It will be a good test if those from different areas and languages can communicate and form a community within itself.
That is the reason I set up this chat.
I initially tried (last year or the year before) to follow a bunch of small country chats and noticed many hadn't even had a post for many months or even years. Was very saddening and when I pushed again for the merged league and forum structure.
Hadn't contemplated a chat for us all until recently. It will be a good test if those from different areas and languages can communicate and form a community within itself.
That’s a great idea , to merge the small leagues and forums , there are big money issues playing vs 9 bot teams in a season but the dev’s don t give a sh*t about it
achmid para
Liviu_111 [del]
As I say to everyone, go to and forums, as well as sending RAUL a message.
Will it do anything? Probably not by itself, but as more and more people keep venting their frustrations in these places, as has been happening for a few seasons now, they will see just how much they are screwing over themselves.
And go there with examples. ie pre league regorm you were getting a certain amount of sponsorship, but now you are only getting this many. How many supporters you have lost since then, and how much money you are actually getting from playing bot teams, as I doubt it will make up for your sponsorship losses. All this is going on whilst Raul is looking at Poland who have made a LOT MORE money since reform so they want to reduce match income even more.
Will it do anything? Probably not by itself, but as more and more people keep venting their frustrations in these places, as has been happening for a few seasons now, they will see just how much they are screwing over themselves.
And go there with examples. ie pre league regorm you were getting a certain amount of sponsorship, but now you are only getting this many. How many supporters you have lost since then, and how much money you are actually getting from playing bot teams, as I doubt it will make up for your sponsorship losses. All this is going on whilst Raul is looking at Poland who have made a LOT MORE money since reform so they want to reduce match income even more.
I am Jeon. My english is bad and I learn. I train good players and sell. I train bad players and sell. Have big money now. Zero chat in Korea. No friends play.
I am Jeon. My english is bad and I learn. I train good players and sell. I train bad players and sell. Have big money now. Zero chat in Korea. No friends play.