Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
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In case you missed it...
Lord Legolas to All
Dev. Diary 27: Test Server
Test server
A very important step in the development of Sokker is ahead of us - we are starting tests of the rewritten back-end code which has been updated from an archaic version from years ago to a newer one. Due to this change, it will be possible to start implementing new features in the game mechanics. The largest part of the code concerns daily updates that update the game in the morning. The new code has already been implemented on the test server and after initial tests in a narrow developer group, we will begin to expand the tester base.
Starting from next week, all admins will be invited to the tests. We assume that there will still be numerous errors related to the extensive interference from the old code, so we do not want to overload the server with too many testers at the start.
However, after fixing the first errors discovered within this group, we plan to open the test server for more users. The exact rules for setting up test teams will be announced along with the rules for using the test server, reporting bugs, etc.
The changes that have been introduced for now are primarily a refresh of the game code. There are still no new elements in there that are not included in the current version of the game (in other words, it is the same game, only the code behind it is a newer technology). But after the update is properly tested, we will implement the announced solutions to it.
New 2D and 3D match visualization
Works on the new visualization are also moving forward. It combines two view modes, 2D and 3D. The new version will only have one link to launch the match (not two, as it is now - separate for 2D and 3D). The whole visualization will be three-dimensional, but the default camera position will reflect the 2D one, which is the greatest advantage of the current 2D - a static shot of the entire pitch. To use the potential of 3D the user will have the option to change cameras during the match. It will also be possible, for example, to set highlights and watch them on cameras other than the main view of the match.
Currently, we have managed to fully translate the match visualization engine into Unity. The next step is to apply the right animations, textures, refine all elements, adjust the scale (e.g. the size of the players).
Here we are sharing with you a few screenshots of the ongoing works:
Published on October 09, 2020
Lord Legolas to All
Dev. Diary 27: Test Server
Test server
A very important step in the development of Sokker is ahead of us - we are starting tests of the rewritten back-end code which has been updated from an archaic version from years ago to a newer one. Due to this change, it will be possible to start implementing new features in the game mechanics. The largest part of the code concerns daily updates that update the game in the morning. The new code has already been implemented on the test server and after initial tests in a narrow developer group, we will begin to expand the tester base.
Starting from next week, all admins will be invited to the tests. We assume that there will still be numerous errors related to the extensive interference from the old code, so we do not want to overload the server with too many testers at the start.
However, after fixing the first errors discovered within this group, we plan to open the test server for more users. The exact rules for setting up test teams will be announced along with the rules for using the test server, reporting bugs, etc.
The changes that have been introduced for now are primarily a refresh of the game code. There are still no new elements in there that are not included in the current version of the game (in other words, it is the same game, only the code behind it is a newer technology). But after the update is properly tested, we will implement the announced solutions to it.
New 2D and 3D match visualization
Works on the new visualization are also moving forward. It combines two view modes, 2D and 3D. The new version will only have one link to launch the match (not two, as it is now - separate for 2D and 3D). The whole visualization will be three-dimensional, but the default camera position will reflect the 2D one, which is the greatest advantage of the current 2D - a static shot of the entire pitch. To use the potential of 3D the user will have the option to change cameras during the match. It will also be possible, for example, to set highlights and watch them on cameras other than the main view of the match.
Currently, we have managed to fully translate the match visualization engine into Unity. The next step is to apply the right animations, textures, refine all elements, adjust the scale (e.g. the size of the players).
Here we are sharing with you a few screenshots of the ongoing works:
Published on October 09, 2020
Dev. Diary 34: New editor – Work update
Short note today - last week we were finishing a new tactic editor, and it's finally done. Currently, a new editor (without flash), is uploaded and linked on the test server. We can start tests (all admins are involved), as there are still bugs that need to be tracked down before we upload the editor to Anyway, it's one of the most complicated flash elements, so we perceive that step as one of the most important in current stage of the project.
Flash is still our key focus right now, but next week we will also share with you a few more graphics from the new interface!
Published on November 27, 2020
The devs are trying to meet the End of Flash era deadline, so, naturally, they have been focusing on that.
Short note today - last week we were finishing a new tactic editor, and it's finally done. Currently, a new editor (without flash), is uploaded and linked on the test server. We can start tests (all admins are involved), as there are still bugs that need to be tracked down before we upload the editor to Anyway, it's one of the most complicated flash elements, so we perceive that step as one of the most important in current stage of the project.
Flash is still our key focus right now, but next week we will also share with you a few more graphics from the new interface!
Published on November 27, 2020
The devs are trying to meet the End of Flash era deadline, so, naturally, they have been focusing on that.
Dev. Diary 36: Final update on Flash replacement
New Year is almost here, and we are also close to the end of the Flash replacement process. Today, please read a few final pieces of information about the next steps and deadlines that we are planning for the next two weeks of December.
Match viewers
We are happy to inform, that our work with match viewers is close to the end. The old 2D viewer is almost done, you can check the final view here:
There are still minor issues to fix (ball size, or game result information, for example) but there are no serious problems that could stop us from implementing that viewer at the end of the year.
New viewer (that will combine new 2D and 3D views together) is also at a quite advanced stage, and close to the testing stage. There is a huge chance that this viewer will also be available at the end of this year, probably as "early access" for plus users. But you need to remember, that it will be a beta version, dedicated for public tests - we believe, that the Sokker community can help us with detailed feedback about the new viewers.
Other flash elements
The rest of the flash elements are also prepared and waiting on the test server - they are combined with Sokker backend code upgrade, so from developer's perspective, it's quite a huge replacement to be made. It's possible that some new bugs and issues may appear after implementation, that was unnoticed during testing - that's why we decided to introduce that update close after Christmas (like 28-29.12), to avoid technical problems during that unique time.
We are totally aware, that flash problems are getting more and more serious last days - but we hope that New Year will be a fresh start for Sokker without any flash technology elements, and we will proceed to our next task - general Sokker update.
Published on December 18, 2020
Latest update by the devs on sokker development thread
New Year is almost here, and we are also close to the end of the Flash replacement process. Today, please read a few final pieces of information about the next steps and deadlines that we are planning for the next two weeks of December.
Match viewers
We are happy to inform, that our work with match viewers is close to the end. The old 2D viewer is almost done, you can check the final view here:
There are still minor issues to fix (ball size, or game result information, for example) but there are no serious problems that could stop us from implementing that viewer at the end of the year.
New viewer (that will combine new 2D and 3D views together) is also at a quite advanced stage, and close to the testing stage. There is a huge chance that this viewer will also be available at the end of this year, probably as "early access" for plus users. But you need to remember, that it will be a beta version, dedicated for public tests - we believe, that the Sokker community can help us with detailed feedback about the new viewers.
Other flash elements
The rest of the flash elements are also prepared and waiting on the test server - they are combined with Sokker backend code upgrade, so from developer's perspective, it's quite a huge replacement to be made. It's possible that some new bugs and issues may appear after implementation, that was unnoticed during testing - that's why we decided to introduce that update close after Christmas (like 28-29.12), to avoid technical problems during that unique time.
We are totally aware, that flash problems are getting more and more serious last days - but we hope that New Year will be a fresh start for Sokker without any flash technology elements, and we will proceed to our next task - general Sokker update.
Published on December 18, 2020
Latest update by the devs on sokker development thread
adaca para
Smolian [del]
Raul til sviktorov
If you want another great news, then check that link from mobile phone. Android should work, we have a problem with iphones but for sure it will be fixed too.
If you want another great news, then check that link from mobile phone. Android should work, we have a problem with iphones but for sure it will be fixed too.
Smolian [del] para
Dev Diary 37: Final flash replacement
Today we are introducing Flash replacement. It is possible that you will encounter temporary issues with game access today and tomorrow (but have hope to avoid such serious complications). It's also possible that new game bugs will occur – together with flash replacement, we are also introducing huge game code actualization that will be the foundation for future game development. There will be no new options this time, but the game code was rewritten in many places – so possible bugs can be connected to different parts of the game, not only to Flash replacements.
What will change today?
• 2D Match viewer (retro version) – existing 2D viewer rewritten to HTML technology (from Flash). What is important, this viewer should also work with mobile devices;
• Tactic editor (basic version, without copy/paste button – we will add this function soon);
• Player faces (with current faces design, not the new one);
• Default left side menu – we are changing the menu location to left side navigation. It’s coherent with the upcoming new layout, and we believe it’s a good time for current users to start using the left menu, to make the switch to the new layout smoother when it finally gets introduced.
The question mark about charts replacement – we still have some technical issues, it's possible to introduce them a bit later.
At the same time, there is an important information – Flash blockade for browsers is planned globally for January 12th, not today. So in case of any problems – we still have a few days for additional work.
About the new 3D viewer – it's almost ready, but there are still some elements that need to be improved. We decided to introduce it a bit later, we hope, in 2-3 weeks’ time.
Published on December 31 2020
Latest news for those who missed the dev forum update
Today we are introducing Flash replacement. It is possible that you will encounter temporary issues with game access today and tomorrow (but have hope to avoid such serious complications). It's also possible that new game bugs will occur – together with flash replacement, we are also introducing huge game code actualization that will be the foundation for future game development. There will be no new options this time, but the game code was rewritten in many places – so possible bugs can be connected to different parts of the game, not only to Flash replacements.
What will change today?
• 2D Match viewer (retro version) – existing 2D viewer rewritten to HTML technology (from Flash). What is important, this viewer should also work with mobile devices;
• Tactic editor (basic version, without copy/paste button – we will add this function soon);
• Player faces (with current faces design, not the new one);
• Default left side menu – we are changing the menu location to left side navigation. It’s coherent with the upcoming new layout, and we believe it’s a good time for current users to start using the left menu, to make the switch to the new layout smoother when it finally gets introduced.
The question mark about charts replacement – we still have some technical issues, it's possible to introduce them a bit later.
At the same time, there is an important information – Flash blockade for browsers is planned globally for January 12th, not today. So in case of any problems – we still have a few days for additional work.
About the new 3D viewer – it's almost ready, but there are still some elements that need to be improved. We decided to introduce it a bit later, we hope, in 2-3 weeks’ time.
Published on December 31 2020
Latest news for those who missed the dev forum update
Latest updated by devs and mods:
Dev. Diary 38: Last Changes – Summary
As most of you know, we made a number of changes last week. It was not only the replacement of key Flash elements (such as the implementation of a new tactic editor and 2D match visualization), but also a significant update of the Sokker code. Thanks to these changes it will be possible to significantly accelerate the game's development.
Of course, we did not avoid errors, but we tried to respond to the most important ones on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, we managed to escape major failures, which should be considered a moderate success given the scale of these changes.
The changes also moved us to a new server - much newer and more efficient than the previous one.
We are at the very end of the first stage of our Sokker development project: eliminating all Flash elements and preparing the game for further development.
Until this stage is closed, we have to:
1. Convert the match view to HTML;
2. Change the tactic view in the match settings to HTML;
3. Convert junior charts to HTML;
4. Introduce the 3D match visualization.
Elimination of remaining bugs that are still to be repaired:
1. Scheduling friendly leagues (priority);
2. Fixing bugs in the tactic editor (priority);
3. Correcting the charts (so that they correctly indicate trained and untrained weeks);
4. And any other less serious reports (remember that you can report bugs - preferably directly on the Bugs Forum).
We are aware of the forum comments related to the transition to the newer Sokker theme. We are very sorry, but we couldn't keep developing two themes any further. We have to focus on one now, because it will save us a lot of resources and time. It will significantly speed up the work on the planned change of the Sokker interface along with the new look (presented in previous Dev Diaries). However, it is important to mention that, as part of the introduction of the new interface, we are planning to prepare a few skins. Apart from the default ones based on new graphics, we are also planning a retro skin in order not to forget about the rich and long history of our game.
Although there are still a few tasks to be worked out, along with the above-mentioned works, proper programming works on subsequent changes have already started. The order of implementation of individual elements that we announced in Dev. Diaries last year will be announced in a week. The important information is, however, that you will not have to wait for those updates as long as for Flash elimination - we hope that you will see some changes in the current season.
Keep your fingers crossed, we strongly believe that 2021 will be a turning point for the future of Sokker!
Published on January 08, 2021
Dev. Diary 38: Last Changes – Summary
As most of you know, we made a number of changes last week. It was not only the replacement of key Flash elements (such as the implementation of a new tactic editor and 2D match visualization), but also a significant update of the Sokker code. Thanks to these changes it will be possible to significantly accelerate the game's development.
Of course, we did not avoid errors, but we tried to respond to the most important ones on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, we managed to escape major failures, which should be considered a moderate success given the scale of these changes.
The changes also moved us to a new server - much newer and more efficient than the previous one.
We are at the very end of the first stage of our Sokker development project: eliminating all Flash elements and preparing the game for further development.
Until this stage is closed, we have to:
1. Convert the match view to HTML;
2. Change the tactic view in the match settings to HTML;
3. Convert junior charts to HTML;
4. Introduce the 3D match visualization.
Elimination of remaining bugs that are still to be repaired:
1. Scheduling friendly leagues (priority);
2. Fixing bugs in the tactic editor (priority);
3. Correcting the charts (so that they correctly indicate trained and untrained weeks);
4. And any other less serious reports (remember that you can report bugs - preferably directly on the Bugs Forum).
We are aware of the forum comments related to the transition to the newer Sokker theme. We are very sorry, but we couldn't keep developing two themes any further. We have to focus on one now, because it will save us a lot of resources and time. It will significantly speed up the work on the planned change of the Sokker interface along with the new look (presented in previous Dev Diaries). However, it is important to mention that, as part of the introduction of the new interface, we are planning to prepare a few skins. Apart from the default ones based on new graphics, we are also planning a retro skin in order not to forget about the rich and long history of our game.
Although there are still a few tasks to be worked out, along with the above-mentioned works, proper programming works on subsequent changes have already started. The order of implementation of individual elements that we announced in Dev. Diaries last year will be announced in a week. The important information is, however, that you will not have to wait for those updates as long as for Flash elimination - we hope that you will see some changes in the current season.
Keep your fingers crossed, we strongly believe that 2021 will be a turning point for the future of Sokker!
Published on January 08, 2021
JMPunk para
Smolian [del]
2. Fixing bugs in the tactic editor (priority);
What is this problem about? That's two games in a row where my defence have been all over the place. When I was amending my tactic the defenders seemed to randomly change position. What is going on with that? I think it has screwed my tactic.
What is this problem about? That's two games in a row where my defence have been all over the place. When I was amending my tactic the defenders seemed to randomly change position. What is going on with that? I think it has screwed my tactic.
that was fixed already there was cases when you save the tactic and all positions of the players fucked up ..
Hmmm, I'm going to log out now before I sell all my players. Maybe tomorrow I will change my mind lol.
watched my game tonight and WOW ,. what a mess my defence are in !! all over the place . Lots of strange things happen throughout the game for both teams . My club record signing striker also missed not 1 but 2 open goals from no more than 2 yards each time lol
Seems that the command /blockwalloper.exe worked . Thanks mate
Smolian [del] para
I don't watch games but my last one was a 0-1 loss with 0-27 shots.. Is it possible tactics are messed up all over the place?
Stevie para
Smolian [del]
From what I've read they seem to be mate . Quite funny to watch as it clearly affects both teams . My new striker didn't cover himself in glory with 2 misses of open goals from a combined 3 yards lol . Parsonage also suffered with a 1v1 , the shot landed on the moon :)