Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
Asunto: »[INFO]Sokker - big changes!
Dev. Diary 21: Changes To The Season Break
Today we are presenting to you the status of work related to the off-season.
Introducing the possibility of playing friendly matches on Sunday (if we do not play an official match). This change therefore applies to the next Sunday, when some teams play the playoffs, and the next Sunday, which until now was a week off the any matches. We could only introduce the change after the Wednesday matches were played, hence its late addition. We encourage you to use Friday and Saturday to arrange friendly matches.
Merging the last divisions in individual countries - at the beginning of next week (after promotions and relegations), we will be merging the last divisions in terms of the number of leagues for countries where the occupancy rate at the given level is low. Depending on the number of users at a given level, the number of leagues will be reduced by half, or even four times in some cases. Of course, we will make sure that a certain amount of space for new users remains after all.
The junior’s league bug - the simple possibility of staying in the junior league by exploiting the game bug has now been fixed - but the problem with teams that had cheated in this way and returned to the league despite being placed in relegation has still not been resolved. We have several junior leagues this season with an additional team, or even with 2 more. We decided to move the teams manually according to the table order - so places 9 and 10 in the junior league will be moved to lower levels and the numbers of leagues will return to the correct value.
Published on August 28, 2020
PS: I hope most of you saw this news on the International forum and managed to arrange a game for Sunday.
Today we are presenting to you the status of work related to the off-season.
Introducing the possibility of playing friendly matches on Sunday (if we do not play an official match). This change therefore applies to the next Sunday, when some teams play the playoffs, and the next Sunday, which until now was a week off the any matches. We could only introduce the change after the Wednesday matches were played, hence its late addition. We encourage you to use Friday and Saturday to arrange friendly matches.
Merging the last divisions in individual countries - at the beginning of next week (after promotions and relegations), we will be merging the last divisions in terms of the number of leagues for countries where the occupancy rate at the given level is low. Depending on the number of users at a given level, the number of leagues will be reduced by half, or even four times in some cases. Of course, we will make sure that a certain amount of space for new users remains after all.
The junior’s league bug - the simple possibility of staying in the junior league by exploiting the game bug has now been fixed - but the problem with teams that had cheated in this way and returned to the league despite being placed in relegation has still not been resolved. We have several junior leagues this season with an additional team, or even with 2 more. We decided to move the teams manually according to the table order - so places 9 and 10 in the junior league will be moved to lower levels and the numbers of leagues will return to the correct value.
Published on August 28, 2020
PS: I hope most of you saw this news on the International forum and managed to arrange a game for Sunday.
adaca para
Dev. Diary 23: Club Facilities – Youth’s Academy
This week we have an announcement of a more comprehensive change - we want to expand the management of the junior team and introduce youth facilities in Sokker - infrastructures that can be expanded, and give various additional bonuses to our academies with higher levels. Still, it is "this for that" - larger facilities and an expanded football academy will raise the cost of maintaining the youth school.
We anticipate 4 different facilities that can be expanded as part of youth facilities:
Scouting department - responsible for the weekly number of juniors recruited, and can also unlock the option of acquiring foreign juniors. With higher levels, we will have a chance to have more juniors joining the academy in a given week (this will not affect the level of junior skills), but at the cost of increasing the price of maintaining one spot in the academy.
Levels are as follows:
1. Basic Scouting Network - Weekly Junior Growth 1-5
2. Local Scouting Network - Weekly Junior Growth 1-6
3. Regional Scouting Network - Weekly Junior Growth 2-6
4. The National Scouting Network - Weekly Youth Growth 3-6
5. International Scouting Network - Chance of Getting a Foreigner - 5%
Campus - determines the maximum number of juniors that we can have in our academy. Also, larger facilities increase the cost of maintaining a junior. The levels will be defined as follows:
1. Maximum number of juniors - 15
2. Maximum number of juniors - 20
3. Maximum number of juniors - 25
4. Maximum number of juniors - 30
5. Maximum number of juniors – 35
Analytics - allows you to effectively measure the progress of juniors and assess their level. This parameter will allow you to decide how carefully you want to track the progress of your juniors, where the basic level corresponds to the current rating system. The next levels will allow us to get closer to the previous system (the oldest users probably remember) which measured the progress of juniors with full accuracy. Of course, every next levels will increase the cost of maintaining a junior:
1. Basic level of junior evaluation
2. More effective measuring +1 jumps
3. More effective measuring +1 jumps
4. Suggested position for new juniors
5. Accurately measuring pops
Training facilities - depending on its level, we can employ a better training staff. Here, higher levels of facilities do not affect the maintenance of junior slots - greater cost will be incurred by employing a better coach. The expansion will allow us to hire a specialist with the maximum level - but it will of course be possible to use a weaker specialist or not have a coach:
1. Maximum Coach’s Level - incredible
2. Maximum Coach’s Level - brilliant
3. Maximum Coach’s Level - magical
4. Maximum Coach’s Level - unearthly
5. Maximum Coach’s Level - divine
Yes, trained eye of the users must have noticed the mention of divine trainers - this level of skill in trainers will also be introduced.
In addition to affecting the cost of maintaining one spot in the academy, the facilities will also require a one-time fee for their expansion. The fees will increase significantly with successive levels - on the one hand, to enable running of the academies even among beginners (the basic infrastructure will be within reach practically from the beginning of the game), on the other hand, the most advanced levels will come with a significant cost. We do not provide exact amounts due to the fact that it will need to be adjusted during tests.
Published on September 11, 2020
Meget :o) Nogle spørgsmål presser sig på, men der kommer jo nok flere detaljer hen ad vejen.
Fx "International Scouting Network". Hvis det level blot giver chance for en udenlandsk junior og ikke anden fordel, er det ikke noget jeg kan se nogen som helst ide i at betale ekstra for.
Analytics skal jeg have bøffet op til max! Jeg går ud fra, at "suggested position" følger med i maxniveauet.
Det bliver interessant at se, hvad en guddommelig coach skal koste :p Og om min nuværende 107-årige juniortræner bliver tvunget på pension...
Fx "International Scouting Network". Hvis det level blot giver chance for en udenlandsk junior og ikke anden fordel, er det ikke noget jeg kan se nogen som helst ide i at betale ekstra for.
Analytics skal jeg have bøffet op til max! Jeg går ud fra, at "suggested position" følger med i maxniveauet.
Det bliver interessant at se, hvad en guddommelig coach skal koste :p Og om min nuværende 107-årige juniortræner bliver tvunget på pension...
Ha. Jeg skal ikke give en krone for analytics^^ Har de god fordeling får de altid et forsøg, når man jo fremover kan træne flere slags ting på samme tid :)
Men tænkte godt alle jer der hader sjove +-+-+- ville ligge mærke til den del... :P
Men tænkte godt alle jer der hader sjove +-+-+- ville ligge mærke til den del... :P
Ikke forstået. Hele ideen med analytics er jo at spotte talent. Og dermed undgå at hælde et godt talent i skraldespanden - eller undgå at et dårligt talent optager plads. Fordeling af skills er irrelevant i den sammenhæng.
Hvor har du i øvrigt læst, det bliver muligt at træne flere slags ting på samme tid?
Udover accuracy er suggested position en lige så fed ting ved analytics, som jeg har sukket meget efter :o)
Hvor har du i øvrigt læst, det bliver muligt at træne flere slags ting på samme tid?
Udover accuracy er suggested position en lige så fed ting ved analytics, som jeg har sukket meget efter :o)
Det med at træne flere slags ting af gangen, står under announcement om training.
Det med at spotte talent er sjældent nødvendigt, når man ikke får mere brugbart end man gør. Prisen skal godt nok være lav for at opveje et par ekstra åbne pladser... fordeling af skills, snakker jeg om at hvis de kommer ud af skolen med en brugbar fordeling, så tester jeg gerne talentet der først... men ja kommer selvf. an på om analytics delen f.eks. er en mindre udgift
Det med at spotte talent er sjældent nødvendigt, når man ikke får mere brugbart end man gør. Prisen skal godt nok være lav for at opveje et par ekstra åbne pladser... fordeling af skills, snakker jeg om at hvis de kommer ud af skolen med en brugbar fordeling, så tester jeg gerne talentet der først... men ja kommer selvf. an på om analytics delen f.eks. er en mindre udgift
Dev. Diary 5: New Training changes
This week we would like to present our new training approach. You will find all informations below.
At the same time we are working on the final version of the new season calendar. That part will be presented next week, as it still requires some time.
Training changes
The training system is going to be adjusted. The main goal is to fit the maximum number of trainings into a higher number of matches in a week. This will make training more flexible so that it is possible to build the team not as trained formation vs untrained but more as it is in real life - experienced players vs young players introduced to the first team.
The key change is that instead of having one training match order you will be able to prioritise training for several formations at the same time. Obviously ther will be some limit which is 10 slots per week to allocate.
This week we would like to present our new training approach. You will find all informations below.
At the same time we are working on the final version of the new season calendar. That part will be presented next week, as it still requires some time.
Training changes
The training system is going to be adjusted. The main goal is to fit the maximum number of trainings into a higher number of matches in a week. This will make training more flexible so that it is possible to build the team not as trained formation vs untrained but more as it is in real life - experienced players vs young players introduced to the first team.
The key change is that instead of having one training match order you will be able to prioritise training for several formations at the same time. Obviously ther will be some limit which is 10 slots per week to allocate.
Der er vi nok bare forskellige så. Jeg er så godt som hver uge nødt til at fjerne juniorer fra min skole for at frigøre plads, og valget er oftest baseret mere på rent gætværk end noget som helst andet.
Mht. træningen har jeg godt set den announcement. Jeg læser det dog på den måde, at man blot ikke bliver fastlåst til at vælge hvilken kæde, der skal trænes (du ved, ATT, MID, DEF, GK som nu) i den valgte træningsform, men i stedet kan vælge mere individuelt på tværs af kæder.
Det er selvfølgelig federe hvis man derudover også kan vælge forskellige træningstyper til hver enkelt valgt spiller, som du skriver. Jeg er dog stadig ikke overbevist om, det er det der menes :p
Mht. træningen har jeg godt set den announcement. Jeg læser det dog på den måde, at man blot ikke bliver fastlåst til at vælge hvilken kæde, der skal trænes (du ved, ATT, MID, DEF, GK som nu) i den valgte træningsform, men i stedet kan vælge mere individuelt på tværs af kæder.
Det er selvfølgelig federe hvis man derudover også kan vælge forskellige træningstyper til hver enkelt valgt spiller, som du skriver. Jeg er dog stadig ikke overbevist om, det er det der menes :p
De har vist screenshot og der har været meget snak om det, men det er i den 177 store tråd i sokker development forum.... jeg har planlagt min træning i fremtiden udfra det... du må selv lige finde det, eller tro mit ord for det... :)
Hvis du har fulgt med i den store tråd, tager jeg dit ord for det, for jeg indrømmer blankt at det har jeg ikke ;o)
Det skal blive interessant at se det hele blive implementeret. Håber ikke det bliver alt for indviklet. Jeg tror dog ikke, det ændrer det store vilde i forhold til min angribertræning, men det vil da selvfølgelig give noget mere frihed i forhold til den enkelte spillers udvikling, hvilket kun er godt.
Det skal blive interessant at se det hele blive implementeret. Håber ikke det bliver alt for indviklet. Jeg tror dog ikke, det ændrer det store vilde i forhold til min angribertræning, men det vil da selvfølgelig give noget mere frihed i forhold til den enkelte spillers udvikling, hvilket kun er godt.
Det gamle system tilbage - det er penge værd!
Siger de noget om hvornår det sker?
Siger de noget om hvornår det sker?
Altså de siger 2 sæsoner cirka.... men flash dør jo om en sæson... så ja
Lazlo78 [del] para
Kan man da ikke lade jer være alene et øjeblik uden I koder det hele om?! Alt går så rasende stærkt med det her spil...