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Asunto: »Løs snak om Sokker
Øh? græsset på min bane er svedent? Er ganske ret meget brunt.
Du bliver nød til at lægge helt nyt græs... desværre :)
KrudtKanin [del] para
Formoder vejret har haft indflydelse, så er blot at vente på regn. Men har sgu aldrig set dette før, og aner ikke konsekvenserne
adaca para
KrudtKanin [del]
Mit så sådan ud et par dage og så var det grønt igen... :)
KrudtKanin [del] para
Mit så sådan ud et par dage og så var det grønt igen... :)
Typisk, naboens græs er altid grønnere.
Typisk, naboens græs er altid grønnere.
Jeg gider ikke pleje græs-det har man folk til.
Og hvis mit græs visner, efter jeg lige har spenderet i omegnen af 580.000 på det- så GRRRRR!
Og hvis mit græs visner, efter jeg lige har spenderet i omegnen af 580.000 på det- så GRRRRR!
Neller para
Edderkop [del]
Mener det er et helt forkert tiltag... der gavner de "gl" hold her i soker - eller de hold der har penge...
Alle nye hold har ikke en chance for at bruge penge på at pleje deres græs -
Alle nye hold har ikke en chance for at bruge penge på at pleje deres græs -
KrudtKanin [del] para
Uanset hvordan, så er det åndsvagt. Er enormt svært for nye managers at hitte ud af Sokker, skal de nu også pleje græs, sætte billetpriser og andre åndsvage tiltag, så er nye brugere hurtigt tabt på gulvet.
Måske ok. med ændringerne, men man burde udelukke de laveste ligaer for dette unødvendige makværk.
Måske ok. med ændringerne, men man burde udelukke de laveste ligaer for dette unødvendige makværk.
Synes det er fint nok. Sådan er RL fodbold også, og dette spil ligger meget op af RL. Det er kanon
Jeg er ikke helt enig. På de laveste niveuaer betyder det nok knap så meget om bolden hopper lidt ekstra (som jeg husker det var jeg glad for spillere med udmærket i mainskills). Der er selvfølgelig elementet omkring skader, og her er det nok for tidligt at udtale sig (jeg tænker at de har lavet en form for "normal" omkring en given procent af banens tilstand).
I de øverste ligaer betyder det formentligt at der bliver brugt flere penge på "driften", men det for de nye hold bør være noget man kan nedprioritere og dermed kan det være med til at give muligheden for hurtigere at hente de etablerede hold.
I de øverste ligaer betyder det formentligt at der bliver brugt flere penge på "driften", men det for de nye hold bør være noget man kan nedprioritere og dermed kan det være med til at give muligheden for hurtigere at hente de etablerede hold.
adaca para
Aaberg [del]
+1, de små kan jo spare på et område hvor topholdene med dyre spillere skal til og bruge penge.
Og så vidt jeg ved, så hedder den at hvis banen er i 50% tilstand så er chancen for skader det samme som før...
Faktisk har de hørt på mange der brokkede sig over skadefrekvensen var for høj og gjort så folk kan lege lidt med det....
Men kan godt forstå synspunktet om at der kan være for mange ting at se til, der skal jo være plads til mange former for aktivitetsniveau...
Og så vidt jeg ved, så hedder den at hvis banen er i 50% tilstand så er chancen for skader det samme som før...
Faktisk har de hørt på mange der brokkede sig over skadefrekvensen var for høj og gjort så folk kan lege lidt med det....
Men kan godt forstå synspunktet om at der kan være for mange ting at se til, der skal jo være plads til mange former for aktivitetsniveau...
Crameren [del] para
Her er et interessant indlæg fra manager Don Enzo på den globale tråd "Do you like the new ME?", der rigtig godt illustrerer hvor fucked up den nuværende match engine er. Læs den og ryst på hovedet :)
I'm really sorry to say this, because I had great expectations for the ME changes, and I've always support the development of this game and how devs tried to improve it, even if they took their time to do so. Even now I still support their resolution to make the best online football manager possible. Maybe because I trust their ability to make a better game I feel inclined to say this.
The new ME makes no sense. Despite some nice features that promised a lot in the first matches after the announcement, what we have now is a serious step back with respect the previous ME. The old ME was plagued by some irrealistic and/or disfunctional characteristics, but it has an internal logic of its own. Sure, it was right to end the superman headers, and defenders 'AI' opens the door to some new tactical developments. But the overall behaviour of the engine has been reduced to lottery where nothing makes a difference. Skills in general seem to be much less relevant and, what is worse, all players seem low-level rather than high-level. Or I should say: they all are "unpredictable-level". The opportunities to choose from a wide arrange of tactics (no, for the nth time: there was no need to play 5-2-3 in the old engine), even manipulate your tactic to obtain more long ball or more short passing (our ability to have a "constructive middlefield" was higher than ever), it all has disappeard now, and all matches have the same pinball-rugby flavour.
What convinced me of this, after several tests and a lot of discussion in the forum, is the proof that I got today. This match was the ultimate proof that we need a serious rework on the ME.
As you can see, this is no whining: I won this match. The problem is: I predicted this victory.
The problem is not the result (actually, it also is the result), but what is inside the match. Devs can quickly see what I mean by checking my lineup. The rest of you can't see my players' skills, so you need an explanation.
Las week, after watching a terrible match against the same team (it ended 1-1: I scored the equalizer at the very end, playing in 9 men), in which everything was about long balls and charging strikers, where strikers tackling defenders was much more important than defenders tackling strikers, I made a public promise. I said to my league mates: next match I will play the 4 guys with highest technique in defense, no matter what the other skills are. I will play the 3 guys with highest defending as forwards, no matter what tthe other skills. And I will place 3 of the remaining players in between, but closer to my defense, to launch long balls, and I don't really care who they are because it's not going to make a difference. And I'll win, even if my opponent is reading this, because this is how the new ME works.
You can take my word for it: I did exactly that (2 players were suspended, they were replaced by poorer players in terms of skills you're supposed to have in each position). One of my best mids still played as mid, then an acceptable young guy (6th best mid in my team) also played there, and the remaining mid was my worst mid trainee, because he had divine form :P
Dear devs: I should have lost at least 5-0. This is not a lucky match, an isolated, possible case. I did wrong almost everything that can be done wrong, except excluding my best players altogether. I basically took my 11 starters and shuffled them around the pitch, against the same opponent that proved to be a decent match last week when playing "normal". Things like this cannot happen in any ME with any hope of being fun.
I'm really sorry to say this, because I had great expectations for the ME changes, and I've always support the development of this game and how devs tried to improve it, even if they took their time to do so. Even now I still support their resolution to make the best online football manager possible. Maybe because I trust their ability to make a better game I feel inclined to say this.
The new ME makes no sense. Despite some nice features that promised a lot in the first matches after the announcement, what we have now is a serious step back with respect the previous ME. The old ME was plagued by some irrealistic and/or disfunctional characteristics, but it has an internal logic of its own. Sure, it was right to end the superman headers, and defenders 'AI' opens the door to some new tactical developments. But the overall behaviour of the engine has been reduced to lottery where nothing makes a difference. Skills in general seem to be much less relevant and, what is worse, all players seem low-level rather than high-level. Or I should say: they all are "unpredictable-level". The opportunities to choose from a wide arrange of tactics (no, for the nth time: there was no need to play 5-2-3 in the old engine), even manipulate your tactic to obtain more long ball or more short passing (our ability to have a "constructive middlefield" was higher than ever), it all has disappeard now, and all matches have the same pinball-rugby flavour.
What convinced me of this, after several tests and a lot of discussion in the forum, is the proof that I got today. This match was the ultimate proof that we need a serious rework on the ME.
As you can see, this is no whining: I won this match. The problem is: I predicted this victory.
The problem is not the result (actually, it also is the result), but what is inside the match. Devs can quickly see what I mean by checking my lineup. The rest of you can't see my players' skills, so you need an explanation.
Las week, after watching a terrible match against the same team (it ended 1-1: I scored the equalizer at the very end, playing in 9 men), in which everything was about long balls and charging strikers, where strikers tackling defenders was much more important than defenders tackling strikers, I made a public promise. I said to my league mates: next match I will play the 4 guys with highest technique in defense, no matter what the other skills are. I will play the 3 guys with highest defending as forwards, no matter what tthe other skills. And I will place 3 of the remaining players in between, but closer to my defense, to launch long balls, and I don't really care who they are because it's not going to make a difference. And I'll win, even if my opponent is reading this, because this is how the new ME works.
You can take my word for it: I did exactly that (2 players were suspended, they were replaced by poorer players in terms of skills you're supposed to have in each position). One of my best mids still played as mid, then an acceptable young guy (6th best mid in my team) also played there, and the remaining mid was my worst mid trainee, because he had divine form :P
Dear devs: I should have lost at least 5-0. This is not a lucky match, an isolated, possible case. I did wrong almost everything that can be done wrong, except excluding my best players altogether. I basically took my 11 starters and shuffled them around the pitch, against the same opponent that proved to be a decent match last week when playing "normal". Things like this cannot happen in any ME with any hope of being fun.
Kan man ikke udfordre venskabskampe på selve dagen???