Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
Asunto: [NT]Crna Gora
ja sam reko da cu ja voditi ali oko nekih nejasnioca bi mi ljudi pomogli,a sto se tice mog prelaska ,nesto sam sjebo u pocetku ali cu veoma brzo preci , nebi ni ti preso veruj mi da ti nisu svi u ligi botovi.
Uopste me to nije interesovalo vec sa tim pitajem razotkrio da tvoj drug Borcha slabo igra poker(slabo blefira). Mislio sam za tebe da glasam ali tvoj klupski rezultati nisu zadovoljavjuci.
I established the cooperation with them in order to get the better work output:
Scout DEF - dymion
Scout MID - Pokahontaz
Scout ATT - Dwórek
Scout DEF - dymion
Scout MID - Pokahontaz
Scout ATT - Dwórek
Tomic [del] para
pepik [del]
Do you need an assistant. My team is FK Zelenika and I am very successfuly for now. My school will finished these days so I would have a time to help you in NT crna gora
Tomic [del] para
Tomic [del]
I think that ultra_roso_nero would be very usefull because he knows all players and their possibilities
tomicu aj sledece nedelje prijateljsku pa cemo videti ko ima bolji klub , pls.
ako od tebe izgubim odma prestajem da igram sokker, evo pred svima to kazem.
Ultimate timetable of friendly matches:
4 weeks - Jamaica
8 weeks - U-20 Singapore [We with full squad] - here a change happened.
12 weeks - Tunis
15 weeks - U-21 Zhōngguó [We with full squad]
0 weeks - U-20 Bolivia [We with full squad]
1 weeks - U-20 Nippon [We with full squad]
4 weeks - Jamaica
8 weeks - U-20 Singapore [We with full squad] - here a change happened.
12 weeks - Tunis
15 weeks - U-21 Zhōngguó [We with full squad]
0 weeks - U-20 Bolivia [We with full squad]
1 weeks - U-20 Nippon [We with full squad]
Cim ispadnem iz Kupa, odmah zakazujem mec. Sada ne mogu zbog Kup takmicenja.
the manager of singapore is an italian user, it's not a so weak national team. They have some good players
Yes but I will be playing with full complement he U-20...