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Asunto: [info] Training issue - solutions
(Bug?) I do not know where to put this, so:
My player Adonis Pizarro played INT match 8.7.2023. He has no minutes played in training screen and also "!" in Eff. He is in formation training.
My player Adonis Pizarro played INT match 8.7.2023. He has no minutes played in training screen and also "!" in Eff. He is in formation training.
I had the same problem, I lost around 1.5 seasons because I didn't understand only Advanced training was worth it :(
Will there ever be a change in training spots that how many players can be trained per week? Currently it's capped at 10 however if i would like to play friendly league i would need to have at least 22 players in my squad and trainable as otherwise it just does not make sense to own 22 players as 12 of them will not get any training..+ fatigue factor, injuries etc.. i think if that was enabled then injury question would be resolved as well as there would be no excuse for people to whine about injuries as they just need to have wider squad (which they can have now as well) but the issue is about players who receive decent training.
Just my ideas why it could be good:
1) Friendly leagues could be played
2) More competitive teams
3) More strategies can be involved
4) Gives the freedom to choose to have wider squad or not, older/younger or combined etc..
5) Financial system wouldn't be messed up as everybody would train maximum number of players. Market will regulate itself on long term.
Just my ideas why it could be good:
1) Friendly leagues could be played
2) More competitive teams
3) More strategies can be involved
4) Gives the freedom to choose to have wider squad or not, older/younger or combined etc..
5) Financial system wouldn't be messed up as everybody would train maximum number of players. Market will regulate itself on long term.
There are lots of teams that could easily afford to train even 30 or 40 high level youths. If you allow that, then the prices of youths will go up and weak/poor teams will have to pay much more/wont be able to afford decent youths for training.
10 is a bit small, 11-12 would be better imo, but 20+ is too much and would mess up the game for smaller teams.
10 is a bit small, 11-12 would be better imo, but 20+ is too much and would mess up the game for smaller teams.
one challenge i am having is training speed for formation x - that requires all players in that formation to be younger than 21.
I don't really get the issue to be honest? You can train older players in speed, you can train speed in different formations [for example DEF + MID] etc. Maybe I don't understand something, can you elaborate?
I see only one challenge - training defence for midfielders / playmaker for defenders / defender or pm or passing for strikers
Well maybe training striker to more than 4 players for 96% is tricky because I use 1 main older/non-trainable striker in league games, my model is:
2x 90 in friendly + 30 in league
2x 45 in friendly + 60 in league
So for 4 trainees it works fine, but due to max 3 strikers limit it won't work for more than 4 strikers unless I start using 3 ATT in league games
I see only one challenge - training defence for midfielders / playmaker for defenders / defender or pm or passing for strikers
Well maybe training striker to more than 4 players for 96% is tricky because I use 1 main older/non-trainable striker in league games, my model is:
2x 90 in friendly + 30 in league
2x 45 in friendly + 60 in league
So for 4 trainees it works fine, but due to max 3 strikers limit it won't work for more than 4 strikers unless I start using 3 ATT in league games
I think that idea will make it change a little bit but in the wrong direction, it is not gonna change much and will still increase the price of youngs as you said but less. The problem I see is that if u can train more youngs, then the +26 players will cost even less.
I see nowdays that taking in account the inflation experienced in the last seasons due to double stadium income (well but not perfectly managed rising salaries), the youngs are now more expensive than olders, I mean, the prices of older players didnt increase in the same ratio as young players.
Also before the raining slots were less per match (1gk, 5 def, 5mids, 3 atts, 10 pace), not many people trying to get youths as now, before you could only use max 5 youths in a match, of course if not training pace. Nowdays some teams can focus only on training youths and use all of them in a single match, no need to get good and experienced players. So what I think and it is only my opinion, the more you increase slots, the more you just want to make cash on training and sokker will become even more a training/trading/business game and less a sport game that tries to simulate the real escense of futbol, yes futbol
I see nowdays that taking in account the inflation experienced in the last seasons due to double stadium income (well but not perfectly managed rising salaries), the youngs are now more expensive than olders, I mean, the prices of older players didnt increase in the same ratio as young players.
Also before the raining slots were less per match (1gk, 5 def, 5mids, 3 atts, 10 pace), not many people trying to get youths as now, before you could only use max 5 youths in a match, of course if not training pace. Nowdays some teams can focus only on training youths and use all of them in a single match, no need to get good and experienced players. So what I think and it is only my opinion, the more you increase slots, the more you just want to make cash on training and sokker will become even more a training/trading/business game and less a sport game that tries to simulate the real escense of futbol, yes futbol
Hmmm it all depends still, we don't know who and how many managers will opt the 30 player farming option.
It would push teams in higher tiers to also open youth system.
Definitely borkos007 idea of messing up the current game could be the case, but every change actually will, the question is for how long and how fucked up will it be in the end, nobody knows. However if trainable players amount was increased to 15, it could realistically give the possibility of playing at least 3 games per week without any issues taking into consideration the 5 subs system. I mean something in between could be the solution imo. Again i might be wrong here but 10 is definitely too few atm and fewer number of trainable players allows us to train fewer players so that could be the cause of problem too. If we were able to train 15 of them, then we could more easily see the market with more decent players in every ''age category''
It would push teams in higher tiers to also open youth system.
Definitely borkos007 idea of messing up the current game could be the case, but every change actually will, the question is for how long and how fucked up will it be in the end, nobody knows. However if trainable players amount was increased to 15, it could realistically give the possibility of playing at least 3 games per week without any issues taking into consideration the 5 subs system. I mean something in between could be the solution imo. Again i might be wrong here but 10 is definitely too few atm and fewer number of trainable players allows us to train fewer players so that could be the cause of problem too. If we were able to train 15 of them, then we could more easily see the market with more decent players in every ''age category''
"You can train older players in speed, you can train speed in different formations [for example DEF + MID] etc. Maybe I don't understand something, can you elaborate?"
Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Pace already is the most difficult skill to train, above and beyond age factors. I've been helping Tad learn the game and I'm really driving home the concept of getting your pacer training done early. You can train skills like passing, tech, and PM much easier at age 23 then pace or striking.
As far as training midfielders in defense, that's incredibly easy to do. 85% friendly, 20 minutes with a def order in a league game. Put him in the middle of a 5 man backline. You know this though.
Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Pace already is the most difficult skill to train, above and beyond age factors. I've been helping Tad learn the game and I'm really driving home the concept of getting your pacer training done early. You can train skills like passing, tech, and PM much easier at age 23 then pace or striking.
As far as training midfielders in defense, that's incredibly easy to do. 85% friendly, 20 minutes with a def order in a league game. Put him in the middle of a 5 man backline. You know this though.
That’s actually more challenging than training pace to older players. Pace to older players doesn’t stuff around with your matches like defender to mids does. What if your mids you want to train defender are all your first choice mids? Not easy to simply play them 20min as subs in league games ( unless you don’t care about your league results or are in a very weak league) . So instead you play them in midfield with def and your defs play as mid orders. That messes the gameplay up and if you didn’t know that you clearly haven’t experienced it.
On top of this larger nations the cup lasts more than 3-4 weeks so if you’re trying to compete there playing a “friendly” also isn’t that simple
The only drawback of pace is its slower. Still viable as I just did for a 26yo.
Pace has always been an easy skill to train. Easy in the sense you don’t have to juggle anything around, don’t need to use extreme formations to maximise it. It only takes time. Makes it annoying and a grind sure but that’s not difficulty
On top of this larger nations the cup lasts more than 3-4 weeks so if you’re trying to compete there playing a “friendly” also isn’t that simple
The only drawback of pace is its slower. Still viable as I just did for a 26yo.
Pace has always been an easy skill to train. Easy in the sense you don’t have to juggle anything around, don’t need to use extreme formations to maximise it. It only takes time. Makes it annoying and a grind sure but that’s not difficulty
Well, if you truly care about results you aren't going to play kids in league games. Not every league opponent requires your best XI, and your squad has 26 players at first glance.
Surely you have adequate backups or other formation options you can use from time to time. This season alone, I've run a 433, 3232, 442 diamond, 442 conventional, and 532 and I was brand new into my league - just 6 months into the game's existence and I finished 4th.
Additionally, a team like yours is going to buy talented kids with a good enough foundation in a skill like defense that - along with 3xbrilliant (or better) general trainings will get them where you need them by 26 with little more than spot training.
Training pace on older players is an inefficient use of a training program.
Surely you have adequate backups or other formation options you can use from time to time. This season alone, I've run a 433, 3232, 442 diamond, 442 conventional, and 532 and I was brand new into my league - just 6 months into the game's existence and I finished 4th.
Additionally, a team like yours is going to buy talented kids with a good enough foundation in a skill like defense that - along with 3xbrilliant (or better) general trainings will get them where you need them by 26 with little more than spot training.
Training pace on older players is an inefficient use of a training program.
As for the 30 players, everybody who wasn’t competing immediately for the league and who was trying to maximise training to build either strength or wealth to challenge in the future would do so if you could. You’d be silly not to. All the current farmers would continue to farm with as many as they could get away with.
To prove that, how many people are training 2 or 6 players now instead of 10? Before this system gks or strikers could only have a max of 2 or 6 when training primary skills. Are any training only 6 a week now?
30 is way too many. 10 is about right (maybe an extra 1 or 2) but no more. You need to still have to make choices about what you do.
To prove that, how many people are training 2 or 6 players now instead of 10? Before this system gks or strikers could only have a max of 2 or 6 when training primary skills. Are any training only 6 a week now?
30 is way too many. 10 is about right (maybe an extra 1 or 2) but no more. You need to still have to make choices about what you do.