Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
Asunto: שאלות ותשובות
matanb [del] para
ela18 [del]
בדרך כלל יש איזה נושא שכתוב עליו
בגדול וטורחים להקפיץ אותו כדי שיישאר בעמוד הראשי
בגדול וטורחים להקפיץ אותו כדי שיישאר בעמוד הראשי
guy fink para
ela18 [del]
תחפש נושא שנקרא : חוקים
או שתחפש נושא שאומר שזה פורום מקומי בלבד
אם אין אחד מהנושאים הללו,
אני חושב שזה תמיד יהיה פורםום חופשי
או שתחפש נושא שאומר שזה פורום מקומי בלבד
אם אין אחד מהנושאים הללו,
אני חושב שזה תמיד יהיה פורםום חופשי
למה לא טורחים לשים בפורום הזה נוהל הדבקות? ככה הוא בחיים לא ירד :)
מאותה סיבה שמשחקי ידידות עדיין נקראים טוורזסקי
חחחחחח מפגרים בחיי, אני אפתח להם נושא על זה :D
יש נושא גדול שם על שיפורים ששווה לאמץ
גרג ענה להם, בואי נגיד שפותח הנושא לא ממש אהב את התגובות שלו
הנה זה:
1. Visual Update of the Tactics Grid
Greg says - "resolution is same for all screen type, also don't understand how such simple thing as tactics editor could be graphically outdated"
Nin says - It's not the resolution, it's the size. It's graphically outdated because it's as ugly as sin.
2. Visual Update of the Stadium Creator
Greg says - "No comment"
Nin says - Thanks for that
3. Visual Update of the Loading screen
Greg says - "it is second-two loading, no need to care about"
Nin says - There is room for improvement, you should care
4. Stadiums appear in match engine
Greg says - "too much work (drawing all stand types for each sizes, drawing supporters and alghorithm to place them on each seat depending on attendance), so as we are unsure if 2D will be continued, won't be done currently"
Nin says - I'm not after different stand sizes or supporters. A simple 1-size fits all stand is fine. Maybe in 3 colours if necessary.
6. Friendlies arrangable in advance and mutually cancelable
Greg says - "no need"
Nin says - There was no need for Google maps, yet I still see them. If there's room for improvement it should be done. (חזק!!!)
7. NT Player Viewer button
Greg says - "no, scouts would be useless"
Nin says - Scouts should be useless, you're only making things more difficult for us.
8. Release of NT Bot Team players in Week 7 and end of season
Greg says - "there is no special treatment of NT players"
Nin says - There should be, they belong to 2 teams
11.Rebalancing liklihood of scoring from crosses and 1-on-1's
Greg says - "it is ok - there is more 1-on-1 in sokker than in reality so chance to score should be less, beside... I don't know why people think it should be 100% as it is probably below 50% even in reality, nonsence"
Nin says - Fair enough, it's still too easy to score from headers though.
14.Live score update during games
Greg says - "why not, but hard to code so little chance (not so interesting to spend few weeks coding it)"
Nin says - Your endless enthusiasm amazes me
15.More Conditional Orders
Greg says - "limit forces to start thinking"
Nin says - That's quite a difficult limit
16.Assign corners, goal kick positions and free-kick takers
Greg says - "free kicks are already, corners and goalkick easy to set with tactics (goalkick executor? so eg. you set your best winger and every goalkick he will be running whole field? we can't let that)"
Nin says - I don't think you understood the proposal. Strikers should take shots, mids should pass and never the twain shall meet.
19.National Team Friendly and Knockout competitions
Greg says - "No comment"
Nin says - Hurrah
20.Randomizing League Scheduel
Greg says - "can't be, not exists better schedule with games with minimum teams playing double home or away, and minumium double home-away matches (check with paper and pencil)"
Nin says - Yeah fair enough, it's a difficult situation to fix.
24.Fix for Goalkeeping movement
Greg says - "not true always runs back into the goal, anyway, should kick always from same point? dull..."
Nin says - I think you missed the point entirely. We're say they should not kick from the same place the ball was picked up. Yeah though, dull so don't trouble yourself to fix it.
גרג ענה להם, בואי נגיד שפותח הנושא לא ממש אהב את התגובות שלו
הנה זה:
1. Visual Update of the Tactics Grid
Greg says - "resolution is same for all screen type, also don't understand how such simple thing as tactics editor could be graphically outdated"
Nin says - It's not the resolution, it's the size. It's graphically outdated because it's as ugly as sin.
2. Visual Update of the Stadium Creator
Greg says - "No comment"
Nin says - Thanks for that
3. Visual Update of the Loading screen
Greg says - "it is second-two loading, no need to care about"
Nin says - There is room for improvement, you should care
4. Stadiums appear in match engine
Greg says - "too much work (drawing all stand types for each sizes, drawing supporters and alghorithm to place them on each seat depending on attendance), so as we are unsure if 2D will be continued, won't be done currently"
Nin says - I'm not after different stand sizes or supporters. A simple 1-size fits all stand is fine. Maybe in 3 colours if necessary.
6. Friendlies arrangable in advance and mutually cancelable
Greg says - "no need"
Nin says - There was no need for Google maps, yet I still see them. If there's room for improvement it should be done. (חזק!!!)
7. NT Player Viewer button
Greg says - "no, scouts would be useless"
Nin says - Scouts should be useless, you're only making things more difficult for us.
8. Release of NT Bot Team players in Week 7 and end of season
Greg says - "there is no special treatment of NT players"
Nin says - There should be, they belong to 2 teams
11.Rebalancing liklihood of scoring from crosses and 1-on-1's
Greg says - "it is ok - there is more 1-on-1 in sokker than in reality so chance to score should be less, beside... I don't know why people think it should be 100% as it is probably below 50% even in reality, nonsence"
Nin says - Fair enough, it's still too easy to score from headers though.
14.Live score update during games
Greg says - "why not, but hard to code so little chance (not so interesting to spend few weeks coding it)"
Nin says - Your endless enthusiasm amazes me
15.More Conditional Orders
Greg says - "limit forces to start thinking"
Nin says - That's quite a difficult limit
16.Assign corners, goal kick positions and free-kick takers
Greg says - "free kicks are already, corners and goalkick easy to set with tactics (goalkick executor? so eg. you set your best winger and every goalkick he will be running whole field? we can't let that)"
Nin says - I don't think you understood the proposal. Strikers should take shots, mids should pass and never the twain shall meet.
19.National Team Friendly and Knockout competitions
Greg says - "No comment"
Nin says - Hurrah
20.Randomizing League Scheduel
Greg says - "can't be, not exists better schedule with games with minimum teams playing double home or away, and minumium double home-away matches (check with paper and pencil)"
Nin says - Yeah fair enough, it's a difficult situation to fix.
24.Fix for Goalkeeping movement
Greg says - "not true always runs back into the goal, anyway, should kick always from same point? dull..."
Nin says - I think you missed the point entirely. We're say they should not kick from the same place the ball was picked up. Yeah though, dull so don't trouble yourself to fix it.
niv131 [del] para
matanb [del]
איזה מפגר אני הצעתי על שחקן אבל בגלל שאני רגיל שקוראים לי ניב131 וראתי שלא ניב131 עם ביד אז עוד פעם העלתי:))))
איזה מפגר אני הצעתי על שחקן אבל בגלל שאני רגיל שקוראים לי ניב131 וראתי שלא ניב131 עם ביד אז עוד פעם העלתי:))))
jango para
niv131 [del]
זו הטראומה הכי גדולה שלי ששנייה לסיום אני צופה בסיום ביד חסר תקדים, שדידה ענקית, ומחזיק את עצמי לא ללחוץ בטעות על ביד ולדפוק את עצמי (טוב, כבר סיכמנו הרי שיש לי פיצול ואני מתלבט תמיד בין הכדורים הכתומים לירוקים :-)
זו הטראומה הכי גדולה שלי ששנייה לסיום אני צופה בסיום ביד חסר תקדים, שדידה ענקית, ומחזיק את עצמי לא ללחוץ בטעות על ביד ולדפוק את עצמי (טוב, כבר סיכמנו הרי שיש לי פיצול ואני מתלבט תמיד בין הכדורים הכתומים לירוקים :-)