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Chuck Norris press release...the facts!
2020-11-25 20:54
Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris.
If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
Chuck Norris breathes air … five times a day.
In the Beginning there was nothing … then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked nothing and told it to get a job.
When God said, “Let there be light!” Chuck said, “Say Please.”
Chuck Norris has a mug of nails instead of coffee in the morning.
If Chuck Norris were to travel to an alternate dimension in which there was another Chuck Norris and they both fought, they would both win.
The dinosaurs looked at Chuck Norris the wrong way once. You know what happened to them.
Chuck Norris’ tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light
If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, ‘Two seconds till.’ After you ask, ‘Two seconds to what?’ he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
Chuck Norris appeared in the ‘Street Fighter II’ video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this “glitch,” Chuck Norris replied, “That’s no glitch.”
Since 1940, the year Chuck Norris was born, roundhouse kick related deaths have increased 13,000 percent.
Chuck Norris does not own a stove, oven, or microwave , because revenge is a dish best served cold.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.
The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.
Chuck Norris recently had the idea to sell his pee as a canned beverage. It’s now called Red Bull.
If paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, what beats all 3 at the same time? Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris press release...the facts!
2020-11-25 20:54
Congratulations Leicester City FC
2016-05-13 16:49
Mart Kapp breaks the 400 goal barrier
2010-02-24 12:03
Buddha`s Boots
2010-02-03 16:43
Chuck is seriously tough!
2009-12-24 18:12
2008-09-12 23:10
Chuck news flash
2008-06-11 20:54
Even `Google` know the score!
2008-03-28 17:06
More facts about the Mighty Chuck
2008-01-10 22:04
Chuck Norris Facts are hard to swallow
2006-12-21 18:53

Forestman 2023-03-08
Happy New Year 2022 and especially health for you and your loved ones
Krzysztof 2022-01-02
Thanks chuck ^^
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