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11 wins No Losses,better throw some games again(real truth insid
2020-07-05 08:50
it started of with the slightest hint of the manager making a wrong choice or 2. Maybe the wrong formation, maybe injuries ? Then it became obvious that the run in wasnt very successful for 1 , 2 hold on.....EVERY YEAR !!!!! Yet when questioned the manager just winks and smiles and says ....."theres always next year". Translated for the hard of thinking......i think ill take it easy again.....its good fun and i give chances to others, its the opposite of cheating, yes sir its a fine month to take it easy...
I want to say honestly i have a degenerative back disease which has rotted away all my disks and at the moment i have 4 decompressions on my spine,so currently i have hardly any feeling down my lower left half and my right arm has partial use. its hard to even use a mouse or type some days ,im really peed off that i cant use an xbox controller some days !!!. i love this game and wouldnt be without it but i cant take it seriously enough to put time and effort in the prem....i look forward to every sunday still....with all the live frooty then this sundays r probably the bewst days...except for ancient crappy religious closing hours for stores.....its always sunday at 5 u remember what u needed to buy !!!!....cya all...
No Promotion PLEASE !
2022-08-12 04:34
Shock !
2021-11-07 22:29
2 Quick Ops
2021-07-04 23:34
Skin Cancer
2021-05-10 15:34
TRUTH why I LOSE Please read if it concerns you thanks
2021-03-31 16:35
Another Last Day Loss ?????
2020-12-14 02:42
Scadenfreude 1 nil against Premership Leaders !!!!!!
2020-10-07 22:19
Schadenfreude Manager beds Miss World ....AGAIN !!!!!
2020-09-11 22:03
Manager beds Miss World ....AGAIN !!!!!
2020-09-11 22:02
11 wins No Losses,better throw some games again(real truth insid
2020-07-05 08:50

Hope you’re recovering well from your ops.
Forestman 2021-08-07
Good luck to you and lots of health friend !
K@zuya Mishima 2021-04-25
Good luck with your operations mate!
JensenElla 2021-04-02Visitas: 4 | Siguiente
Número de usuarios invitados: 0 | |
Tauno Pärni ha sido vendido
2025-03-05 22:27:10
Camillo Peluchi ha sido vendido
2025-03-05 22:14:22
Tauno Pärni ha sido puesto en la lista de transferencias
2025-03-03 22:23:32
Peker Kayışçı ha sido puesto en la lista de transferencias
2025-03-03 22:06:24
Camillo Peluchi ha sido puesto en la lista de transferencias
2025-03-03 22:00:12