Baltimore Arsenal Season 65 Progress
2023-04-24 17:45
The Baltimore Arsenal went undefeated most of their first season, but mysteriously struggled at the very end of season 64, and finished third as a result. They made a controversial decision to decline promotion to A league at the end of our first season.
Baltimore Arsenal's gaffer Tim has been working relentlessly to improve the roster on a perpetually shoestring budget. When asked why the team chose not to honestly attempt to win promotion he said: "I don't want to be in a situation where we yoyo back and forth between B and A league. With the quality of the roster at the end of season 64, I thought our chances were remote at going to A league and surviving. I saw a possible season 3 back in B league as a larger waste of time. Additionally, I was concerned our fan base support may not be high enough to take the hit a subpar season in A would inflict on us"
When asked about season 65 aspirations, the gaffer said "First place and automatic promotion. Anything else is abject failure. Additionally, my goal is to improve the team enough to be able to compete in A league in season 66."
It appears that this objective is in the process of being met. After week 5 of Season 65, here are the comparative values of the team (versus the end of season 64):
Total Team Value: 3.48 million (versus 2.34 million) - same amount of players: 21
Avg Player Value: $166,095 (versus $113,131)
Average Team Rating: 37 (versus 30)
The club has seen numerous players come and go - both young and slightly older, but according to the gaffer future transactions this season will be limited : "We're broke now, we had been using old player sales to help finance new improvements, but our last two sales were unexpectedly busts financially, so we're out of money right now." It appears that this current roster will have to be what it is to promote to A league. Odds look very good that it is in the cards.
Until next time...
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