Últimos partidos:
2013-02-17 20:56
Titlul ramane in Craiova!
Titlul ramane in FP de asemeni.
Fair Play is a group of friends who have in common the love for Sokker, playing football at amateur level and drinking beer :D .. We don’t want to isolate ourselves here, but we want to be a group where someone listens our aberrations at any time.
Why Fair Play?
We’ve chosen this name because we all want to be winners, and not only in Sokker, but also in everyday life, and we want to achieve this without unlawful practices.
Honorary president: manole1
Founders: Sir Bobby & Artist
Administrators: Clau_Goool & Don Aknot
w1. *ady*
w2. ady
w3. Alex_AEK
w4. angytb
w5. Anonymus
w6. Arsene_Wenger
w7. batman
w8. bunicutza05
w9. cassy
10. Clau_Goool
11. cosminx
12. crisostos
13. dancopca
14. daniel07
15. dima_m
16. dolha
17. Don Aknot
18. greuceanu
19. gabrielcr
20. ghighil
21. Greerinho
22. grosu_marius
23. kreator
24. marcozea
25. makaay07
26. Metall
27. Nivu
28. petru
29. Răzvan G.
30. Timis Bogdan
31. Vacarul
32. Zoli
Istoric la conducerea echipelor nationale
2023-12-17 10:26
Drumul spre Cupă
2016-11-26 11:08
Să scriem istorie!
2016-11-16 19:14
Pauza de performante a clubului se apropie de final
2014-12-26 08:39
Al treilea sezon de Liga 1
2013-08-04 10:50
2013-02-17 20:56
2012-10-14 00:44
Liga 1 - prima victorie
2012-09-30 18:40
2012-09-17 23:14
2011-07-17 12:24

vacarul 2023-11-25
Good luck Schweiz U21
Krzysztof 2021-12-05
Vin si eu
Kreator [del] 2017-11-08Visitas: 370 | Siguiente
Número de usuarios invitados: 2 | |
Junior Doru Badea ha firmado un contrato
2025-03-06 21:01:51
Junior Aurel Gherase ha firmado un contrato
2025-03-06 21:01:48
Edgardo Raffaldo ha sido vendido
2025-02-18 17:10:01
Edgardo Raffaldo ha sido puesto en la lista de transferencias
2025-02-16 17:09:33
Edgardo Raffaldo ha sido puesto en la lista de transferencias
2025-02-09 16:15:15