Últimos partidos:
Champions of Bulgaria - Third Title in a Row
2010-04-11 10:34
In the hardest seasons of all in Outbreakers history the team managed to triple the titles from the past two seasons thus becoming the first team in Bulgaria with such accomplishment - three titles in a row. There will be no goals for the coming season as the main one will be training of young players, some of which are going to replace experienced A squad mid players which would obviously be vital for the team.
Season facts:
- Champions of Bulgaria for the third consecutive time.
- The team qualified for Champions League 1/8 finals (round 4) which is a record for a Bulgarian team.
- Semi final - Bulgaria Cup.
- Reached average mark 66.3, 4% more than last season.
- The team value reached 36 mln, 7.5 mln more than last season.
Goals for the coming season:
1. Training of players with great future and replacing some of the currently trained players.
2. A division - no goals, if the season goes as planned the team will be among the bottom three.
Bulgaria Cup winners for a second time
2011-05-04 23:08
4th Consequtive Title of Bulgaria
2010-07-31 00:33
New Bulgarian Record - Average Mark 70% For The First Time
2010-07-10 22:38
Bulgaria Cup Winners
2010-06-19 11:54
Champions League - 1/8 Final
2010-04-24 11:33
Champions of Bulgaria - Third Title in a Row
2010-04-11 10:34
NT Players
2010-04-11 10:19
Champions of Bulgaria... again
2009-12-15 11:15
Outbreakers - Шампион на България
2009-08-17 13:05
Достигнат среден рейтинг 60% - нов рекорд!
2009-07-06 01:26
Número de usuarios invitados: 0 | |
Luca Florin Secară has been bought
2025-03-01 20:27:35
Junior Malin Todorinski has signed a contract
2025-02-27 06:37:23
Kürşat Kanar has been bought
2025-02-17 15:46:06
Asım Can Battalgazioğlu has been bought
2025-02-17 15:45:58
Levent İlke has been bought
2025-02-17 15:45:51