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Press anouncements
Astazi, 8 martie, incep meciurile oficiale din acest sezon. Un sezon in care, la final, se decid echipele calificate la Turneul Final.
Incepem astfel un nou sezon, unul greu, la capatul caruia nutrim speranta ca vom obtine a 6-a calificare din istorie. Grupa nu este una usoara (België, Argentina, Andorra, Tūnis, al-Jazā’ir), avand doi favoriti certi (België & Argentina) si restul echipelor ce vor incerca sa obtina maxim din fiecare meci sau mai bine spus, ce vor incerca sa "incurce" favoritele. Tot ce imi doresc este sa obtinem calificarea si asigur pe toata lumea ca voi face tot ce depinde de mine ca obiectivul sa fie atins. (daca se baga arbitraj VAR voi fura filmarea) :D
Revenind la meciul de astazi ("La multi ani!" tuturor femeilor din lume!), vom infrunta Andorra. Un meci in care suntem favoriti (conform caselor de pariuri) dar unul extrem de greu dupa calculul meu.
Inainte de meci am incercat sa cunosc Andorra (atat ca tara cat mai ales ca oameni) pentru a nu fi surprins cumva.
Wikipedia scrie: "Andorra este o țară prosperă, în special datorită turismului, care deservește circa 10,2 milioane de vizitatori anuali dar și datorită statutului său de paradis fiscal. Nu este membru al Uniunii Europene, dar euro este moneda utilizată."
Am citit si re-citit acest pasaj. Pfff. Am gasit ... PARADISUL?
Am cautat apoi despre sport, lucru ce ma interesa ...
Citez din nou: " Andorra este cunoscută pentru practicarea sporturilor de iarnă și a hocheiului pe role. În fotbal, echipa s-a bucurat de un succes internațional limitat, din cauza bazei mici de selecție și a lipsei cluburilor profesioniste"
La ora meciului o sa fie "burniţă". Sper doar ca "motorul" sa nu aprecieze hocheiul pe o asemenea vreme :D
Lasand gluma la o parte, ne astepta un meci greu pe care dorim sa il castigam cu orice pret. Ideea este ca nu putem emite pretentii la calificare daca nu castigam meciurile in care suntem favoriti (pe hartie)
In istoria sokker, Moldova si Andorra s-au mai intalnit de doua ori. In ambele meciuri (amicale), Moldova a castigat cu 3-1. Nu ar fi pacat sa nu respectam acest parcurs?
Hai Moldova!
Today, March 8, the official matches begin this season. A season in which, at the end, qualified teams are selected at the Final Tournament.
We start a new season, a hard one, at the end of which we hope we will get the 6th qualification in history. The group is not an easy one (België, Argentina, Andorra, Tūnis, al-Jazā`ir) with two België & Argentina favors and the rest of the teams that will try to get the most out of each match or better say what they will try to "mess up" your favorites. All I want is to get the qualification and assure everyone that I will do everything that matters for me to achieve the goal. (if VAR arbitrage is going to steal the filming): D
Returning to today`s game ("Many years!" "To all the women in the world!), We will face Andorra [/b]. A match we are favorites (according to betting sites) but one extremely difficult after my calculation.
Before the game I tried to know Andorra (both as a country as much as people) so as not to be surprised.
Wikipedia writes: Andorra is a thriving country, especially due to tourism, which serves about 10.2 million annual visitors, but also because of its tax haven status. It is not a member of the European Union, but the euro is the currency used. "
I read and read this passage. Pfff. I found ... PARADISE?
I then looked for sports, which I was interested in ...
"Andorra is known for practicing winter sports and hockey on rollers. In football, the team enjoyed limited international success, due to the small selection base and the lack of professional clubs"
At the time of the match it will be "drizzle". I just hope the "engine" does not appreciate hockey in such a time: D
Leaving the joke aside, we were expecting a hard game that we want to win at any price. The point is that we can not qualify if we do not win the matches we are favorites (on paper)
In sokker history, Moldova and Andorra have met twice. In both matches (friendly), Moldova won 3-1. Would not it be a shame not to respect this path?
Hai Moldova!
Season (63)
felipequest / 2022-12-11 13:04
Season (62)
felipequest / 2022-12-11 12:56
Season (61)
LowPing / 2022-05-01 10:28
Season (60)
LowPing / 2022-03-31 13:06
Calendarul amicalelor
LowPing / 2021-08-23 09:29
Jucam finala :)
like / 2021-04-21 10:29
Jucam finala :)
like / 2021-04-20 15:57
like / 2021-01-15 15:24
gexge / 2019-03-08 16:01
gexge / 2018-07-15 10:49
felipequest / 2022-12-11 13:04
Season (62)
felipequest / 2022-12-11 12:56
Season (61)
LowPing / 2022-05-01 10:28
Season (60)
LowPing / 2022-03-31 13:06
Calendarul amicalelor
LowPing / 2021-08-23 09:29
Jucam finala :)
like / 2021-04-21 10:29
Jucam finala :)
like / 2021-04-20 15:57
like / 2021-01-15 15:24
gexge / 2019-03-08 16:01
gexge / 2018-07-15 10:49
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