Últimos partidos:
2014-07-09 13:32
Club History:
Total seasons: 32
Champions Cup: 1
Lithuania Cup:
A-League: (Seasons: 15)
II League: (Seasons: 11)
III League: (Seasons: 5)
IV League: (Seasons: 1)
Junior A-League: (Seasons: 2)
Junior II League: (Seasons: 3)
Club Records:
Best avg mark [official]: 70.4 2014-01-26 vs FC Marcinkonys
Best avg mark [arcade]: 71.7 2014-01-17 vs Спартак Вильнюс
Record stadium attendance: 71 108 2014-06-15 vs D`Oh
Record rank: 5128.33 2014-07-17
Record fanclub members: Growing every week
Record sponsors paid: Growing every week
Record income from tickets: 0.61M € 2014-06-15 vs D`Oh
Record income from friendly: 53k € 2014-07-16 vs Border Reivers
Record amount of € in account: 66M € 2012-07-23
TOP 5 most expensive juniors:
1) Muivydas Kuneckas 10.45M € 2012-03-21 at age 25
2) Unknown Player 5.65M € 2007-09-10
3) Rimgaudas Žaldauskis 4.40M € 2012-03-21 at age 20
4) Eidmanis Sinonovičius 4.35M € 2011-09-12 at age 18
5) Alverdas Kopcas 4.30M € 2009-09-20 at age 18

Hello from ITALY by Galletto FORZA INTER good luck
gianni70 2010-05-12
Linkėjimai iš Latvijos =)
janka021 [del] 2009-11-15
Good luck from Krakow
kobylts [del] 2009-11-14
Gratz with Plus, welcome to the big family :) and Greets from Moldova :)
Ice-T [del] 2009-09-20
greetings from Poland!!
Sączers [del] 2009-09-20
Gongrats with your plus! :)
Maqoma [del] 2005-12-19Página 2 | Visitas: 16 | Siguiente
Número de usuarios invitados: 8 | |
Rimantas Pašys has been placed on a transfer list
2025-03-06 18:16:25
Junior Rimantas Pašys has signed a contract
2025-03-06 18:16:16
Veton Čučkov has been bought
2025-03-06 08:53:57
Ancas Pleris has been sold
2025-02-12 09:17:05
Edoardo Arioldo has been bought
2025-02-11 20:41:08